The Unfathomable Mr.HydeI'll wake up and adjust the rest of the ceram night, next to naked breasts taking a rest on my halfpipe, damn, what a great way to start the day how I feel is hard to say, I tried to recall part of the way but she starts to sway, so I got my rocks off, put my clothes back on and I bounced, look back this ain't even my house, why do I taste blood in my mouth?, oh s*** my spouse is going to be pissed, but that just depend on her knowing this yet, so I'm just going to roll the flowing until it overflows out of my cup and hits the ground, and spill some on my shoe as I get another cup and mix it down, spit them rounds cuz I'm out of my head like a pile of dreads in a sickened scalp, I'm monsterest,