Qnline все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Don't Leave Me Here So SadRemember every mile of the road to heaven
Take your zero gravity
Don't leave me here so sad
We are almost something new
Tell them the truth
Empty glasses never show your eyes
Self-Destruction SyndromeBe careful what you ask for
Sometimes your desires are
Worse than than the strongest poison
With frozen smile on your face
You realize you are losing race
But you don't jam on the brakes on purpose
Unholy BabyI've cut myself to watch it bleed
To punish myself for my deeds
All I want is to escape myself
To put my mind back on its shelf
(Go back to what once was so pure)
В Твоей ДушеЦелый мир в глазах твоих
И так прекрасна тишина
Мы в ней внутри
Здесь безопасно
Осмотрись вокруг
Всё реально
Я прошу тебя объясни мне