Sacratus все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Sentenced to DeathI did no! Think it would be finished so
And that another trial would be
The flock would strike; the ray would Hash the sky
I hear she comes to me
She rapidly steps and smiles
It seems that she flows just! touching the ground
She's coming up to me. she’s standing near
The Last HopeThe splendor of your moist lips
Makes me cling to your lips.
The features of your wonderful eyes
Charm me, entail the sufferings.
I wished to stay there,
In the old castle with you...
You are dead, but I’m alive.
Tristeza MiaA veces jo estoy un poco triste
Tristeza en mis versos la asiste
Ahora vive en mi corazón y alma mía
Y en los ojos tristes mfos también la vive.
Tristeza mía caye, como lágrima de los péstafias
La vive preocupando alma mía
Y mucho tiempo estoy enamorado yo
Upon The Highest MountainI wish, I dream, a dream of mountains high
Where I can sit and look down hills, and say
" This is I"
I wish, I dream,a dream of mountains high
Where I can stand and raise my hands, and touch the sky
A streak of light, opened in the darkness
"Little child, welcome to the outer realms