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  • Текст песни Seduce Me - Uncertainty

    Исполнитель: Seduce Me
    Название песни: Uncertainty
    Дата добавления: 21.09.2016 | 09:05:42
    Просмотров: 28
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Seduce Me - Uncertainty, перевод и видео.

    (Проходишь мимо библиотеки, где слышишь Дэмиена... читающего?)

    “К-к... K...Клюка?.. Ключ. Ключ.
    The Key to big... bee­­bee ing.*Ключ к большому... к бэ--быы-ыть* The key to being *Ключ, чтобы быть* sss... suck­ess­fool...” *отстойн-ой-дурой* ...” Чего?? Это неправильно...


    ... как могу я быть человеком, если даже читать не могу?... Джеймс и Эрик могут читать... Почему я не могу?! Это бестолку...!!

    (Входишь и видишь книжку, ударяющуюся о стену рядышком с тобой)

    О!! О, нет, мне так жаль! Я не хотел кинуть её или испугать тебя­­ грр... дай возьму.

    (Ты идёшь поднять книжку и спрашиваешь, что происходит)

    ... Мне жаль. Я просто читал ­­ ну... я ПЫТАЛСЯ читать, по крайней мере.

    (Дэмиен не умеет читать?)

    Нет. Я не умею. Меня не учили читать. Я не... ну... Да мне и не выпадало шанса учиться. Джеймс пытался помочь, но он всегда был под надзором отца, он мне мог только читать про себя, зная, что я слушаю. Эрик тоже был слишком занят, следуя указаниям его матери, чтоб сидеть и учить меня. Сэм тоже не умеет читать, но его чтение никогда и не заботило. Как и Мэттью: никогда не видел его с книгой, так что, думаю, он тоже не был озабочен чтением. Так что, на самом деле, у меня и не было никого, кто научил бы меня как читать... На самом деле я никогда не держал книгу в руках и не пытался читать слова... Выгляжу тупо, да? Я даже не умею читать и ещё я...

    (Слушаешь, как он меняет тему)

    В любом случае. Что ты здесь делаешь? Тебе было здесь что-то нужно?

    (Говоришь, что просто бродила)

    Ты просто бродила? Хе, нашла чего-нибудь новенькое?

    (Ты смотришь на него, зная, что он сменил тему)

    ... Мне жаль. Наверно, я никогда в действительности и не думал, чего стоит быть человеком. Я так сильно хотел стать человеком, но не могу даже чего-то такого простого как читать. Ребёнок может читать лучше меня.

    (И почему это важно?)

    Почему это важно?? Чтение в Мире Демонов - это привилегия, нечто, что мне делать не позволялось из-за того, кем я был. Здесь, в человеческом мире, чтение - это то, что позволено всем, вне зависимости от того, кто ты. Но, даже здесь, я даже этого делать не могу. Хотя и пытаюсь учиться. Джеймс постоянно читает мне и пытается помочь... но я не хочу больше обременять его или других... Должен ли я действительно пытаться быть человеком? Я теперь и не знаю...

    (Ты берёшь и прижимаешь к себе Дэмиена)

    Оу! Что ты делаешь?­­ ... мм... Мне жаль что я такой... Я, правда, очень сильно хочу стать человеком, я просто... Наверное, учиться - это всё ещё то, что мне надо будет делать...

    (Ты говоришь ему, что он сможет, и что ты веришь в него)

    Благодарю тебя... Знаешь, ты так поддержала меня и моих братьев... мы уже чувствуем себя задолжавшими многое. Мы встречали много людей за наше пребывание в человеческом мире, но ты и тот, кто помог нам сюда попасть, были самыми добрыми... Мы это очень ценим... Наверное, вы оба нам помогли... По-крайней мере, мне... чувствовать себя более "человеком"...

    (Ты отдаляешься о него)

    Хехе, ладно. Я продолжу пытаться.

    (Ты спрашиваешь, хочет ли он твоей помощи)

    Правда? Ты поможешь мне?...

    (Предлагаешь вновь)




    (You pass by the library, where you hear Damien... reading?)

    “T­The... K... Kay?.. Key. Key. The Key to big... bee­­bee ing. The key to being sss... suck­ess­fool...” What?? That’s not right...

    (Get frustrated)

    ... how can I be human if I can’t even read?... James and Erik can read... Why can’t I?! It’s useless...!!

    (You walk in and see a book hit the wall by you)

    Oh!! Oh no I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to throw it or frighten you­­ gahh... let me get it.

    (You go to get the book and ask what’s going on)

    ... I’m sorry. I was just reading­­ well... I was TRYING to read, anyway.

    (Damien can’t read?)

    No. I can’t read. I wasn’t taught how to read. I didn’t... well... I didn’t exactly get the chance to learn. James tried to help, but since he was always under our father’s watch, he could only read to me from his mind, knowing I’d listen. Erik was too busy following his mother’s instructions to sit down and teach me as well. Sam can’t read either but he never really cared for reading. As for Matthew, I had never seen him with a book, so I assumed he didn’t care for reading either. So, I really didn’t have anyone to teach me how to read... I never actually held a book in my hands and tried to read the words... I must seem dumb, huh? I can’t even read and yet I...

    (You listen as he changes the subject)

    Anyway. What are you doing here? Did you have something you needed here?

    (You tell him you were wandering around)

    You were just wandering around? Heh, have you found anything new?

    (You look at him, knowing he changed the subject)

    ... I’m sorry. I guess I haven’t really thought about what it takes to be human. I wanted to be human so badly, but I can’t even do something as simple as reading. A child can read better than I can.

    (Why should it matter?) Why should it matter??

    Reading in the demon world is a privilege, something I wasn’t allowed to do because of who I was. Here, in the human world, reading is something anyone’s allowed to do, no matter who you are. But, even here, I can’t even do that. I’m trying to learn, though. James is constantly reading to me and trying to help... but I don’t want to be a burden to him or the others anymore... Should I really try to be human? I don’t know anymore...

    (You grab Damien and hug him to you)

    WHOA! What are you doing?­­ ... mm... I’m sorry I’m being like this... I really want to be human so bad, I just... I guess learning is still something I have to do...

    (You tell him he can do it and you believe in him)

    Thank you... You know, you’ve been so supportive of me and my brothers... we really feel like we owe you a lot already. We’ve met a lot of people during our time here in the human world, but you and the one who helped us get here have been the most kind... We really
    appreciate it... I guess both of you helped us... at least, me... feel a little more human...

    (You move away from him)

    Hehe, Alright. I have to keep trying.

    (You ask if he wants your help)

    Really? You would help me?...

    (Offer again)


    (Pass by the library, where you hear ... Read Damien?)

    "K ... K ... to Klyuka? .. Key. Key.
    . The Key to big ... beebee ing * The key to a great ... to BE - byy-yt * The key to being * The key is to be * sss ... suckessfool ... "* slop-oh-fool * ... "What ?? It is not right...

    (I am taken aback)

    ... How can I be a man, even if I can not read it? ... James and Eric can follow ... Why can not I ?! It bestolku ... !!

    (Entrance and see a book, hit the wall next to you)

    ABOUT!! Oh, no, I'm so sorry! I did not want to throw her or scare you ... let me take GRR.

    (You go pick up a book and ask what's going on)

    ... I'm sorry. I just read ... well, I try to read at least.

    (Damien can not read?)

    No. I can not. I was not taught to read. I do not ... well ... I did not really get a chance to learn. James tried to help, but he was always under the supervision of his father, he told me he could only read about myself, knowing that I listen to. Eric was also too busy following the instructions of his mother to sit and teach me. Sam, too, can not read, but reading it never cared. As Matthew: I have never seen him with a book, so I think he, too, was not concerned about reading. So, actually, I have not had anyone who could teach me how to read ... In fact, I have never held a book in his hands and did not try to read the words ... Appearance stupid, huh? I do not even know how to read and I also ...

    (Listen to how he changes the subject)

    Anyway. What are you doing here? You were here for something you need?

    (You say that just wandered)

    You just wandered? Xe, found something new?

    (You look at him, knowing that he changed the subject)

    ... I'm sorry. I guess I never really thought and what it takes to be a man. I so much wanted to be a man, but I can not even something so simple as a read. The child can read better than me.

    (And why is it important?)

    Why is it important?? Reading in the demon world - it is a privilege, something that I do not allowed to because of who I was. Here, in the human world, reading - is that allowed all, regardless of who you are. But, even here, even I can not do this. While I am trying to learn. James constantly reads to me and trying to help ... but I do not want to burden him more than the other, or ... Should I really try to be a man? Now I do not know ...

    (You take and cuddle Damien)

    OU! What are you doing ... uh ... I'm sorry I'm so ... I really badly want to become a man, I just ... I guess, to learn - it's still something I have to do .. .

    (You tell him that he can, and that you believe in him)

    Thank you ... You know, you're so supported me and my brothers ... we feel much indebted. We met a lot of people for our stay in the human world, but you're the one who helped us get here, were the good ... We really appreciate it ... I guess you both helped us ... At least, I ... feel more "human" ...

    (You postpones about it)

    Hehe, okay. I will continue to try.

    (You ask whether he wants your help)

    True? Will you help me?...

    (Available again)

    You are welcome.



    (You pass by the library, where you hear Damien ... reading?)

    "TThe ... K ... Kay? .. Key. Key. The Key to big ... beebee ing. The key to being sss ... suckessfool ... "What ?? That's not right ...

    (Get frustrated)

    ... How can I be human if I can not even read? ... James and Erik can read ... Why can not I ?! It's useless ... !!

    (You walk in and see a book hit the wall by you)

    Oh !! Oh no I am so sorry! I did not mean to throw it or frighten you gahh ... let me get it.

    (You go to get the book and ask what's going on)

    ... I'm sorry. I was just reading well ... I was TRYING to read, anyway.

    (Damien can not read?)

    No. I can not read. I was not taught how to read. I did not ... well ... I did not exactly get the chance to learn. James tried to help, but since he was always under our father's watch, he could only read to me from his mind, knowing I'd listen. Erik was too busy following his mother's instructions to sit down and teach me as well. Sam can not read either but he never really cared for reading. As for Matthew, I had never seen him with a book, so I assumed he did not care for reading either. So, I really did not have anyone to teach me how to read ... I never actually held a book in my hands and tried to read the words ... I must seem dumb, huh? I can not even read and yet I ...

    (You listen as he changes the subject)

    Anyway. What are you doing here? Did you have something you needed here?

    (You tell him you were wandering around)

    You were just wandering around? Heh, have you found anything new?

    (You look at him, knowing he changed the subject)

    ... I'm sorry. I guess I have not really thought about what it takes to be human. I wanted to be human so badly, but I can not even do something as simple as reading. A child can read better than I can.

    (Why should it matter?) Why should it matter ??

    Reading in the demon world is a privilege, something I was not allowed to do because of who I was. Here, in the human world, reading is something anyone's allowed to do, no matter who you are. But, even here, I can not even do that. I'm trying to learn, though. James is constantly reading to me and trying to help ... but I do not want to be a burden to him or the others anymore ... Should I really try to be human? I do not know anymore ...

    (You grab Damien and hug him to you)

    WHOA! What are you doing? ... Mm ... I'm sorry I'm being like this ... I really want to be human so bad, I just ... I guess learning is still something I have to do. ..

    (You tell him he can do it and you believe in him)

    Thank you ... You know, you've been so supportive of me and my brothers ... we really feel like we owe you a lot already. We've met a lot of people during our time here in the human world, but you and the one who helped us get here have been the most kind ... We really
    appreciate it ... I guess both of you helped us ... at least, me ... feel a little more human ...

    (You move away from him)

    Hehe, Alright. I have to keep trying.

    (You ask if he wants your help)

    Really? You would help me? ...

    (Offer again)



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