Corpse Clouds moving slowly
Across the sky
It's a full moon tonight,
Something tells me
Someone's gonna die
Takes just one bite
So don't stray
Depths of DeathHow far can you go
Reach the bottom, Then you'll know
The Depths are calling you
Out of breath, you're turning blue
And what will you do
In the Depths of Death
Dogs of WarHunt down the enemy
Got to take control
This war's a game
And your life's in a hole
Fighting, we're going to win
So kill 'em all
Evil is the Night I’m coming up behind you
Can you feel me
Up beside you
Can you kill me
Take your sword
Raise it to the sky
With all your breath
MourirI walk through the alley
Making my way through the night
A dark shattered figure
Cries from the loss of the fight
He's screaming for mercy
But I just pretend to be deaf
His blood flows on past me
Revenge I’m feeling fear as I walk
These streets all alone
Their staring eyes upon me
I’m a dog without a bone
But they’ll never know
Just what it’s like on the inside
Sentinel BeastGuards of the gates of Hell
Three-headed dog called Cerberus
Do not seek the underworld
You're sure to face a sudden death
Oh, times running out
The sands grow short
The Keeper He's the keeper
Of the underworld
His name well known
And everyone's heard
Oh his mystical powers
His love to kill
Don't take that last step