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  • Текст песни Sugababes- Stronger - Становлюсь сильнее

    Исполнитель: Sugababes- Stronger
    Название песни: Становлюсь сильнее
    Дата добавления: 25.08.2014 | 05:06:52
    Просмотров: 40
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Sugababes- Stronger - Становлюсь сильнее, перевод и видео.

    I'll make it through the rainy days
    I'll be the one who stands here longer than the rest
    When my landscape changes, rearranges
    I'll be stronger than I've ever been
    No more stillness, more sunlight,
    Everything's gonna be alright

    I know that there's gonna be a change
    Better find your way out of your fear
    If you wanna come with me
    Then that's the way it's gotta be
    I'm all alone and finally
    I'm getting stronger
    You'll come to see
    Just what I can be
    I'm getting stronger

    Sometimes I feel so down and out
    Like emotion that's been captured in a maze
    I had my ups and downs
    Trials and tribulations,
    I overcome it day by day,
    Feeling good and almost powerful
    A new me, that's what I'm looking for


    I didn't know what I had to do
    I just knew I was alone
    People around me
    But they didn't care
    So I searched into my soul
    I'm not the type of girl that will let them see her cry
    It's not my style
    I get by
    See I'm gonna do this for me

    (repeat chorus til end fade out)

    Становлюсь сильнее

    Я выстою, несмотря на непогоду.
    Я продержусь дольше, чем остальные.
    Когда мир вокруг меня изменится,
    Я буду сильнее, чем когда-либо.
    Больше жизни, больше света…
    Всё будет хорошо.

    Я уверена, что всё изменится.
    Главное для тебя сейчас – справиться со своим страхом.
    Если ты будешь со мной,
    Значит этому суждено быть.
    Я совсем одна и постепенно
    Становлюсь всё сильнее.
    Ты узнаешь,
    Какой я могу быть.
    Я становлюсь всё сильнее.

    Иногда я чувствую себя совсем беспомощной,
    Как чувства, блуждающие по лабиринту.
    В моей жизни было всё: взлёты и падения,
    Тягости и печали,
    Преодоление которых лишь закаляет.
    Теперь мне лучше день ото дня, ко мне возвращаются силы.
    И теперь я нахожусь в поисках новой себя.


    Я не знала, что делать,
    Я была совсем одна.
    И никому
    Не было до меня дела.
    Поэтому я заглянула внутрь себя.
    Я не из тех, кто плачет у всех на виду,
    Я не такая,
    Я сдержу слёзы.
    Вот увидишь, я сделаю это ради самой себя.

    (припев повторяется до конца)

    I'll make it through the rainy days
    I'll be the one who stands here longer than the rest
    When my landscape changes, rearranges
    I'll be stronger than I've ever been
    No more stillness, more sunlight,
    Everything's gonna be alright

    I know that there's gonna be a change
    Better find your way out of your fear
    If you wanna come with me
    Then that's the way it's gotta be
    I'm all alone and finally
    I'm getting stronger
    You'll come to see
    Just what I can be
    I'm getting stronger

    Sometimes I feel so down and out
    Like emotion that's been captured in a maze
    I had my ups and downs
    Trials and tribulations,
    I overcome it day by day,
    Feeling good and almost powerful
    A new me, that's what I'm looking for


    I did not know what I had to do
    I just knew I was alone
    People around me
    But they did not care
    So I searched into my soul
    I'm not the type of girl that will let them see her cry
    It's not my style
    I get by
    See I'm gonna do this for me

    (repeat chorus til end fade out)

    getting stronger

    I will overcome , despite the bad weather .
    I hold out longer than the others.
    When the world around me changes,
    I will be stronger than ever.
    More life , more light ...
    Everything will be fine .

    I'm sure things will change .
    The main thing for you right now - to cope with their fears .
    If you will be with me ,
    So this is destined to be .
    I'm all alone and gradually
    Get all the stronger.
    You will learn
    What I can be.
    I am getting stronger.

    Sometimes I feel quite helpless ,
    As feelings , wandering through the maze.
    My life was all : the ups and downs ,
    Hardships and sorrows,
    Overcoming which only hardens .
    Now I better day by day , I was returned to power.
    And now I am in search of a new self.

    [ chorus ]

    I do not know what to do ,
    I was all alone .
    And no one
    It was not until I was doing .
    So I looked inside myself.
    I'm not one of those who weep for all to see ,
    I'm not like
    I 'll keep my tears .
    You'll see, I'll do it for its own sake .

    ( chorus repeat to end)


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