All In PiecesDid you ever taste the dust
Down on the streets where
We inconstants meet?
That was where I watched you
And your sisters
Hide your eyes
Watched you shield them
With an effortless disdain
Allegedly, Dancefloor TragedyI have witness my hearts addiction
Given gun to bear on child
And my Jesus calls for reparation
I have lived that firstborn failed
When the kiss tastes less than it is
Where once the heartfelt becomes:
"Why this burden?, why this trial?"
Now she is, allegedly, a dance floor tragedy
Assassin SoulDressed to kill
How can I tread upon these virgins
Leave their flowers town wide open
Am I to be your Death, my love?
I am to be your Death, my love...
Such violence love you to the floor
Along the ground it rips your spine
Your clothes and limbs
Awfully SinisterSeeming, hoping that some wickedness
Might catch my eye
It's almost wilfully pushing at these
Fragile sympathies of mine
But in honesty, no matter how -
Oh, all those waking hours
Wasted in that fight
The time to care for you
Night TimeWhat fool amongst the blind asks for substance Significance, Deliverance of Avatars Their magistrates asleep with serpents? Deliverance of Avatars This is the stuff of wrapped-up-tight with serpents What is this that might seek to pierce your breast As you sit with prayer silent by your side? A sinister smile might play upon insipid lips Whilst sorry, splendid faiths beg leave to desert you Steal away, for a while This is your Night Time It sees you cradling its knife This is your Night Time It sees you drinking of its waters That you might fall beneath those waves Of, oh so, anxious sympathy It is that Night Time for which such anxious hearts Must surely breed To us these Jesus-Things are cruel And rarely saviours for those for whom salvation Is surely too far long overdue Despite your steady, fatal resolution Their heavens can hardly turn their ears to one Such as you This is your Night Time It sees you cradling its knife This is your Night Time It sees you drinking of its waters That you might fall beneath those waves Of, oh so, anxious sympathy It is that Night Time for which such anxious hearts Must surely breed While I might seek my vaults Of long-discarded pity My laughter - it can only last for hours Might I, with a listless argument and reason chance To deliver you, Like some late-come avenger? What is this that might seek to pierce your breast As you sit with prayer silent by your side? A sinister smile might play upon insipid lips Whilst sorry, splendid faiths beg leave to desert you Steal away, for a while This is your Night Time It sees you cradling its knife This is your Night Time It sees you drinking of its waters That you might fall beneath those waves Of, oh so, anxious sympathy It is that night Time for which such anxious hearts Must surely breed
Olympian In IvoryCan you ever imagine the hurt that beats Both inside and out As I, alone with just my hand And tongue of kings Might stir to uncurl All those age-old labyrinth type things It's not so hard From within my high leather chair As I look down upon the city And her victims and my victims Just take a look at me Olympian in ivory Despair at will at what you see I'm oh so terrible Just take a look at me Whilst I revel in your jealousy Despair at will at what you see I'm still Olympian Within my ivory..... Can you ever picture my agonies Both within, without As I alone with just my hand And tongue of kings Bring about mankind's deliverance And one that's only just barely deserved But, it's not so hard From within my high leather chair As I look down upon the city Just take a look at me Olympian in ivory Despair at will at what you see I'm oh so terrible Just take a look at me Whilst I revel in your jealousy Despair at will at what you see I'm still Olympian Within my ivory..... Alas, my talk is rarely of those selfless acts A gun against my head, perhaps? But you must hear instead As I recount once more The throes Of living and dying Much as I choose to do And I will always hold my dear beliefs By rationale untouched Oh, they may talk, but it is talk alone And rarely they dare conspiracy Whilst I, behind my smile Slip downers into the bloodstreams Of their darling offspring.....
You Bleed MeIn those lips-don't-kiss
And apathetic "Was it good?"
And you can saturate me with more of your particular strain of
Bright and shining night
Such are those acid in-roads
You fashion for my leave-taking of any living
Adorned with a host of stars that ever failed to light
When we can while away the hours, our lives