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  • Текст песни Sweet Home Trailer 8 Mile - Eminem

    Исполнитель: Sweet Home Trailer 8 Mile
    Название песни: Eminem
    Дата добавления: 23.10.2017 | 10:15:03
    Просмотров: 16
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Sweet Home Trailer 8 Mile - Eminem, перевод и видео.
    Вот Джимми переехал к своей маме.
    Ведь больше ему некуда идти.
    И снова очутился я в канаве.
    С пожитками, что смог я наскрести.

    Ведь дом где ты живешь- это трейлер.
    Как же жить да быть тебе?


    Ведь дом, где я живу - это трейлер.
    Мама, возвращаюсь я к тебе.


    Меня зовут Джимми,
    его Грэг Бьюл окрестили.
    Мы с ним и с тобой в одну школу ходили.
    Это очень плохо. Я в ярости! Отстой!
    Он спит с моей мамой,
    а ведь он ровесник мой.
    В микрофон я исполняю, и это не реклама!
    Вы тачку зацените, спасибо тебе, мама!
    Кролик, это твой подарок, с днем рожденья!
    Вот новая машина,
    мечты воплощенье.
    Рыдван двадцать-лохматого года не покатит.
    Он даже до "Убежища" меня не докатит.
    Не могу даже сказать, что с "Мотауна" я,
    ведь снова на выселках живет моя семья.

    Ведь дом, где я живу - это трейлер.
    Мама, возвращаюсь я к тебе.

    Well my name is Jimmy
    His name's Greg Buel
    Me, him and you
    We went to the same school
    This ain't cool
    Im in a rage
    He's tappin' my mom and
    We're almost the same age
    On the microphone I drop bombs
    Look at this car
    Thanks a lot mom
    Here, happy birthday Rabbit
    Here's a brand new car
    You can have it
    A 1928 DELTA
    This shit won't even get me to the shelta
    And I can't even stand for MOTOWN
    Cuz im back in the 8-1-0 now

    Well Jimmy moved in with his mother
    Cuz he ain't got no place to go
    And now Im right back in the gutter
    With a garbage bag that's full of clothes
    Cuz you live at home in a trailer
    What the hell you gonna do?

    Cuz I live at home in a trailer
    Mom Im comin' home to you
    Here's Jimmy moved to his mom.
    After all, he has nowhere else to go.
    And again I found myself in a ditch.
    With possessions that I could scrape together.

    After all, the house where you live is a trailer.
    How to live so be to you?


    After all, the house where I live is a trailer.
    Mom, I'm coming back to you.

    Do it!

    My name is Jimmy,
    his Greg Beulle was christened.
    We went with him to school together with you.
    This is very bad. I am angry! Sucks!
    He sleeps with my mom,
    and yet he is my age.
    I'm playing the microphone, and it's not advertising!
    You check out the wheelbarrow, thank you, Mom!
    Rabbit, this is your gift, happy birthday!
    Here's a new machine,
    dreams of incarnation.
    Rydvan of the twenty-shaggy year will not roll.
    He will not even bring me to "Vault".
    I can not even say that with Motown I,
    because again on the settlement my family lives.

    After all, the house where I live is a trailer.
    Mom, I'm coming back to you.

    Well my name is Jimmy
    His name's Greg Buel
    Me, him and you
    We went to the same school
    This is not cool
    Im in a rage
    He's tappin 'my mom and
    We're almost the same age
    On the microphone I drop bombs
    Look at this car
    Thanks a lot mom
    Here, happy birthday Rabbit
    Here's a brand new car
    You can have it
    A 1928 DELTA
    This shit will not even get me to the shelta
    And I can not stand for MOTOWN
    Cuz im back in the 8-1-0 now

    Well Jimmy moved in with his mother
    Cuz he is not got no place to go
    And now Im right back in the gutter
    With a garbage bag that's full of clothes
    Cuz you live at home in a trailer
    What the hell you gonna do?

    Cuz I live at home in a trailer
    Mom Im comin 'home to you


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