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  • Текст песни The Clash666 - Rock The Casbah

    Исполнитель: The Clash666
    Название песни: Rock The Casbah
    Дата добавления: 22.08.2019 | 15:10:22
    Просмотров: 10
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    Здесь расположен текст песни The Clash666 - Rock The Casbah, перевод и видео.
    Now the king told the boogie men
    You have to let that raga drop
    The oil down the desert way
    Has been shaken to the top
    The sheik, he drove his Cadillac
    He went a-cruising down the ville
    The muezzin was a-standing
    On the radiator grille

    The sharif don't like it
    Rocking the Casbah, rock the Casbah
    The sharif don't like it
    Rocking the Casbah, rock the Casbah

    By order of the prophet
    We ban that boogie sound
    Degenerate the faithful
    With that crazy Casbah sound
    But the Bedouin they brought out the electric camel drum
    The local guitar picker got his guitar picking thumb
    As soon as the sharif had cleared the square
    They began to wail

    The sharif don't like it
    Rocking the Casbah, rock the Casbah
    The sharif don't like it
    Rocking the Casbah, rock the Casbah

    Now over at the temple
    Oh they really pack them in
    The in crowd say it's cool
    To dig this chanting thing
    But as the wind changed direction
    And the temple band took five
    The crowd caught a whiff
    Of that crazy Casbah jive

    The sharif don't like it
    Rocking the Casbah, rock the Casbah
    The sharif don't like it
    Rocking the Casbah, rock the Casbah

    The king called out his jet fighters
    He said you'd better earn your pay
    Drop your bombs between the minarets
    Down the Casbah way
    As soon as the sharif was chauffeured out of there
    The jet pilots tuned to the cockpit radio blare
    As soon as the sharif was out of their hair
    The jet pilots wailed

    The sharif don't like it
    Rocking the Casbah, rock the Casbah
    The sharif don't like it (he thinks it's not kosher)
    Rocking the Casbah, rock the Casbah
    The sharif don't like it (fundamentally he can't take it)
    Rocking the Casbah, rock the Casbah
    The sharif don't like it (you know he really hates it)
    Rocking the Casbah, rock the Casbah

    Сегодня король сказал музыкантам, играющим буги:
    Придется вам прекратить играть свою рагу.
    Нефть вдоль дороги в пустыне
    Встряхнуло в самую высь.
    Шейх, который водил кадиллак,
    Поехал искать приключений в долине,
    А муэдзин стоял
    На решетке радиатора.

    Шариф не любит,
    Когда Касбу раскачивают, так раскачай Касбу.
    Шариф не любит,
    Когда Касбу раскачивают, так раскачай Касбу.

    По приказу пророка
    Мы запрещаем играть буги,
    Из-за того, что эта безумная музыка из Касбы
    Плохо влияет на правоверных.
    Бедуины притащили электрический барабан из верблюда,
    Местный гитарист взял в руки медиатор,
    И как только шариф очистил площадь,
    Они начали вопить.

    Шариф не любит,
    Когда Касбу раскачивают, так раскачай Касбу.
    Шариф не любит,
    Когда Касбу раскачивают, так раскачай Касбу.

    И вот прямо у храма
    Они собрали много народа.
    Люди в толпе сказали: - Как круто
    Вставляет от этого пения.
    Но когда ветер поменял направление,
    И группа у храма сделала перерыв,
    Толпа почувствовала дуновение
    Того безумного джайва из Касбы.

    Шариф не любит,
    Когда Касбу раскачивают, так раскачай Касбу.
    Шариф не любит,
    Когда Касбу раскачивают, так раскачай Касбу.

    Король созвал своих пилотов истребителей
    И сказал: - Пора вам поработать,
    Бросьте бомб у минаретов
    По всей Касбе.
    Как только шарифа увезли на машине,
    Пилоты истребителей включили радио в кабинах,
    Как только шариф перестал их доставать,
    Пилоты истребителей завопили.

    Шариф не любит,
    Когда Касбу раскачивают, так раскачай Касбу.
    Шариф не любит (он думает, что это не кошерно),
    Когда Касбу раскачивают, так раскачай Касбу.
    Шариф не любит (он вообще терпеть этого не может),
    Когда Касбу раскачивают, так раскачай Касбу.
    Шариф не любит (знаешь, он это просто ненавидит),
    Когда Касбу раскачивают, так раскачай Касбу.
    Now the king told the boogie men
    You have to let that raga drop
    The oil down the desert way
    Has been shaken to the top
    The sheik, he drove his cadillac
    He went a-cruising down the ville
    The muezzin was a-standing
    On the radiator grille

    The sharif don & # 39; t like it
    Rocking the Casbah, rock the Casbah
    The sharif don & # 39; t like it
    Rocking the Casbah, rock the Casbah

    By order of the prophet
    We ban that boogie sound
    Degenerate the faithful
    With that crazy Casbah sound
    But the Bedouin they brought out the electric camel drum
    The local guitar picker got his guitar picking thumb
    As soon as the sharif had cleared the square
    They began to wail

    The sharif don & # 39; t like it
    Rocking the Casbah, rock the Casbah
    The sharif don & # 39; t like it
    Rocking the Casbah, rock the Casbah

    Now over at the temple
    Oh they really pack them in
    The in crowd say it & # 39; s cool
    To dig this chanting thing
    But as the wind changed direction
    And the temple band took five
    The crowd caught a whiff
    Of that crazy Casbah jive

    The sharif don & # 39; t like it
    Rocking the Casbah, rock the Casbah
    The sharif don & # 39; t like it
    Rocking the Casbah, rock the Casbah

    The king called out his jet fighters
    He said you & # 39; d better earn your pay
    Drop your bombs between the minarets
    Down the casbah way
    As soon as the sharif was chauffeured out of there
    The jet pilots tuned to the cockpit radio blare
    As soon as the sharif was out of their hair
    The jet pilots wailed

    The sharif don & # 39; t like it
    Rocking the Casbah, rock the Casbah
    The sharif don & # 39; t like it (he thinks it & # 39; s not kosher)
    Rocking the Casbah, rock the Casbah
    The sharif don & # 39; t like it (fundamentally he can & # 39; t take it)
    Rocking the Casbah, rock the Casbah
    The sharif don & # 39; t like it (you know he really hates it)
    Rocking the Casbah, rock the Casbah

    Today, the king told boogie musicians:
    You have to stop playing your stew.
    Oil along a desert road
    Shook in the heights.
    The sheikh who drove the Cadillac
    Went to seek adventure in the valley
    And the muezzin stood
    On the grille.

    Sharif doesn't like
    When the Kasbah is rocking, so swing the Kasbah.
    Sharif doesn't like
    When the Kasbah is rocking, so swing the Kasbah.

    By order of the prophet
    We forbid playing boogie
    Because this crazy music from Kasbah
    Bad effect on the faithful.
    The Bedouins brought an electric drum from a camel,
    The local guitarist picked up a pick
    And as soon as the scarf cleared the area,
    They started yelling.

    Sharif doesn't like
    When the Kasbah is rocking, so swing the Kasbah.
    Sharif doesn't like
    When the Kasbah is rocking, so swing the Kasbah.

    And right at the temple
    They gathered a lot of people.
    People in the crowd said: - How cool
    Inserts from this singing.
    But when the wind changed direction,
    And the group at the temple took a break,
    The crowd felt a breath
    That crazy jive from Kasbah.

    Sharif doesn't like
    When the Kasbah is rocking, so swing the Kasbah.
    Sharif doesn't like
    When the Kasbah is rocking, so swing the Kasbah.

    The king called his fighter pilots
    And he said: - It's time for you to work,
    Drop bombs at minarets
    All over Kasbah.
    As soon as the scarf was taken away by car,
    Fighter pilots turned on the radio in the cockpits,
    As soon as the scarf stopped getting them,
    Fighter pilots screamed.

    Sharif doesn't like
    When the Kasbah is rocking, so swing the Kasbah.
    Sharif does not like (he thinks it is not kosher)
    When the Kasbah is rocking, so swing the Kasbah.
    Sharif doesn’t like (he hates it at all)
    When the Kasbah is rocking, so swing the Kasbah.
    Sharif doesn't like (you know, he just hates it)
    When the Kasbah is rocking, so swing the Kasbah.


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