The Consolation Project все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
All Crooked And Chainedi could be sitting on a shelf
cornered by fear
i could be sunk in the seas of despair
i could be locked all in
but i am open wide my heart is vulnerable
to all the attacks sent before me
i will face these things
that have tried to destroy me
All I Neededthe water ghosts have called themselves king and like a dream they pull at my heartstrings
it all started in the late summer
and i was a fool at the time
my heart was scattered and shattered
i should have realized
i could have realized
all of the things i needed
Protectiontwo steps inside me i taste you
in comfort and peace my love
holy and sacred
autumn leaves all over
come down and reign
ivy climbing your neck
calm down and stay
You Know It's Timeyou know it's time
to step in faith
there is no ground
there is your trust in yourself
that is the only thing you can hold on to
that there is some good in this world
that is meant for you