Black CowIn the corner
Of my eye
I saw you in Rudy's
You were very high
You were high
It was a cryin' disgrace
They saw your face
Close To MeI'm slipping
Everything so quickly
I lose control
Start to close my eyes
And I can't get back
My body calm
As the cold washed over me
Home At LastI know this super highway
This bright familiar sun
I guess that I'm the lucky one
Who wrote that tired sea song
Set on this peaceful shore
You think you've heard this one before
Well the danger on the rocks is surely past
House Built Around Your VoiceWell, this is the plan.
Are you in? Are you out?
Well, I lean on my smile.
I pack up all of our doubt.
On the back of a storm,
right out from your mouth,
drunk as I ride
right up into your house.
MiracleI'm at the edge of a sunset, I'm looking in
I'm not one for indecision
I can hear my intuition
It feels like time is in our hands
But it's slipping through our fingers
We don't need to be forgiven
I'm not one for superstition
I'm not one
Shaking Down The Old BonesShouldn't have full victory
And I'll take morning down
Shaking down the old bones
Cause we peer through the Kensington
Expectations through my veins
Because if we must, we must
Know which of us takes a breath
the riverThe trees stood like knives
And claimed us for their own.
I’m sold down the river
Before I knew I had enough.
Before I knew I sink deeper
Than where you’ll stop.
But I look up until I lose