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  • Текст песни The Killers - Forget About What I Said

    Исполнитель: The Killers
    Название песни: Forget About What I Said
    Дата добавления: 04.02.2015 | 02:58:23
    Просмотров: 19
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    Здесь расположен текст песни The Killers - Forget About What I Said, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    We used to tear it down
    But now we just exist.
    The things that I did wrong,
    I bet you got a list.
    Now I know how you remember
    And those moments that you choose
    Will define me as a traitor
    Stealing everything you lose.

    Forget about what I said
    The lights are gone and the party's over.
    Forget about what I said
    Forget about what I said, I'm older now and I know you hear me.
    Forget about what I said

    Stay up late tonight
    And turn off your phone.
    Well you were selfish too
    But you were never all alone.
    In those ugly pink apartments with the hustlers and the kids
    Mapping out some retribution
    Do we have to go through this?

    Forget about what I said
    The lights are gone and the party's over.
    Forget about what I said
    Forget about what I said, I'm older now and I know you hear me.
    Forget about what I said

    All of the stars are wandering round tonight
    We used to try them on (sometimes I hear you)
    And sometimes I hear you
    The galaxy sings your song
    And tonight I sing along

    Forget about what I said
    The lights are gone and the party's over.
    Forget about what I said
    Forget about what I said, I'm older now and I know you hear me.
    Forget about what I said
    Forget about what I said

    Раньше мы разбирались с этим,
    Но теперь мы живём, как есть.
    Я уверен, ты составила список
    Тех неправильных поступков, которые я совершил.
    Теперь я знаю, как ты злопамятна,
    А те моменты, которые ты вспоминаешь,
    Будут характеризовать меня как предателя,
    Крадущего всё, что ты имеешь.

    Забудь о том, что я говорил,
    Свет погас, и вечеринка закончилась.
    Забудь о том, что я говорил,
    Забудь о том, что я говорил, я стал старше, и, я знаю, ты меня понимаешь.
    Забудь о том, что я говорил...

    Поздно ляжешь спать сегодня
    и выключишь телефон.
    Что ж, ты тоже была эгоисткой,
    Но ты никогда не была совсем одинока.
    В тех мерзких розовых комнатах с сутенёрами и проститутками,
    Ожидая какого-то возмездия,
    Должны ли мы пройти через это?

    Забудь о том, что я говорил,
    Свет погас, и вечеринка закончилась.
    Забудь о том, что я говорил,
    Забудь о том, что я говорил, я стал старше, и, я знаю, ты меня понимаешь.
    Забудь о том, что я говорил...

    Все звёзды сегодня бесцельно блуждают...
    Раньше мы пытались обмануть их (иногда я понимаю тебя)
    И иногда я понимаю тебя...
    Галактика поёт твою песню,
    И сегодня я подпеваю.

    Забудь о том, что я говорил,
    Свет погас, и вечеринка закончилась.
    Забудь о том, что я говорил,
    Забудь о том, что я говорил, я стал старше, и, я знаю, ты меня понимаешь.
    Забудь о том, что я говорил,
    Забудь о том, что я говорил...
    We used to tear it down
    But now we just exist.
    The things that I did wrong,
    I bet you got a list.
    Now I know how you remember
    And those moments that you choose
    Will define me as a traitor
    Stealing everything you lose.

    Forget about what I said
    The lights are gone and the party's over.
    Forget about what I said
    Forget about what I said, I'm older now and I know you hear me.
    Forget about what I said

    Stay up late tonight
    And turn off your phone.
    Well you were selfish too
    But you were never all alone.
    In those ugly pink apartments with the hustlers and the kids
    Mapping out some retribution
    Do we have to go through this?

    Forget about what I said
    The lights are gone and the party's over.
    Forget about what I said
    Forget about what I said, I'm older now and I know you hear me.
    Forget about what I said

    All of the stars are wandering round tonight
    We used to try them on (sometimes I hear you)
    And sometimes I hear you
    The galaxy sings your song
    And tonight I sing along

    Forget about what I said
    The lights are gone and the party's over.
    Forget about what I said
    Forget about what I said, I'm older now and I know you hear me.
    Forget about what I said
    Forget about what I said

    We used to deal with this ,
    But now we live in as it is.
    I'm sure you made ​​a list
    Those wrong things that I've done.
    Now I know how you feel vindictive ,
    And those moments that you remember ,
    Would characterize me as a traitor ,
    Stealing everything that you have.

    Forget about what I said ,
    The lights went out and the party is over .
    Forget about what I said ,
    Forget about what I said, I'm older and I know you understand me .
    Forget about what I said ...

    You sleep late today
    and turn off the phone.
    Well, you, too, was selfish ,
    But you were never really alone.
    In those nasty pink room with pimps and prostitutes ,
    Waiting for some retribution ,
    Should we go through this?

    Forget about what I said ,
    The lights went out and the party is over .
    Forget about what I said ,
    Forget about what I said, I'm older and I know you understand me .
    Forget about what I said ...

    All the stars today aimlessly wander ...
    Previously, we tried to deceive them (sometimes I see you)
    And sometimes I see you ...
    Galaxy sings your song ,
    And today I sing along.

    Forget about what I said ,
    The lights went out and the party is over .
    Forget about what I said ,
    Forget about what I said, I'm older and I know you understand me .
    Forget about what I said ,
    Forget about what I said ...


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