-Я половина веса фена, и я чистый порошок,
Я поднимаю твое тело над землей, чтоб ты пошел.
Я нажимаю на твои самые слабые места,
Ты не осилишь никогда, эл оу сиди, о джи
Я тот, кто знает даты месячных у твоей дамы,
Только никогда не будет помнить, как её зовут.
Я заставляю твои глазки намокать, как (ааа),
The drums will bring you home
Then our hands will do the talking
And we will be united!
Diamonds for a kiss
And if there's a god? Say it isn't your turn
Beat your heartbeatIf you could change your heart
If you could change your ways
If you could change it
You're never like they say
You're just pleasured in the sun
If you could change it
New LipstickGlasses full of fermented juice of grapes.
To winnow the truth from conflicting things.
The city lights were winking, lights were winking, tonight.
Yeah tonight.
Wine on your jumper of pure virgin yarn.
And our city torn by the young in grief.
Yeah, the young one's did it, the young one's did it, tonight.