Back To ZeroThe four wall disappeared
And now there's nothing left to hide
The visions and the feelings
Buried way down deep inside.
You thought we'd never find you-
We were always close behind.
We found the key and opened up
The back doors of your mind.
BardoTwo roads before me that I run between-
Wish I could tell you exactly what I mean.
I've flown through valleys-maybe in my mind-
But I saw the lifeless body that I'd left behind.
Two voices screaming and one will never die.
Did I cross the line too soon when I learned to fly?
Can't forget the meaning-God only knows I've tried.
Blind Lightning
Dreamer, warped by time
You’re a martyr of your mind
Visions, ideas unheard, future’s
Just another word
Your road turns to a path of
Darkness stride on unafraid
Searching for lost moments you’ve
Brother Blue SteelIt tamed the land-86'ed good man;
Wholesale slaughter like disease
Power's tools in the hands of fools
Bringing mankind to it's knees.
I won't run away-
Gonna look you in the eyes...
Like life's living, make it sweet.
Forever MidnightBreathe in
Breathe in the life we bleed
A sure sin
But then that's your living creed
Hold on
Nothing matters to you anyway
So long...
FreedomThinkin' about it, I'm confused
Can't do without it, I've been used
Judge man baby he's makin' it clear
Mother freedom are you there
Rollin', lookin' for the answer it's not there
Keep rollin'
Keep lookin' for the answer
Lookin' ahead now, I can't run
Hiding MaskWaiting, watching. Spinning thoughts they torture me.
The words I spoke, mask I wore is no living part of me.
If you're gone now, you're leaving my heart just a shadow.
I've known a feeling like this feeling for others
but you're like no other woman.
Pure heart, clean soul, maybe in some way I guided you.
Summer's torn away, Winter's doorway,
to the winds I spat and lies I threw.
Neatz BrigadeAll the strongholds have been vanquished
Warriors have turned to servants
What was once an inspiration
Now is more so out of anger
Icy skull, rusty claw
I leave you and yours
The picture that I wanted to see
Were paintings in the wrong museum
Red DisasterBugles beckon to red disaster
Deadmen gnaw
At coffined sod
Those who rode
With the one black master
Are now in league
With the knights of God
In courts of kings
River Of SoulElusive dreamland
Behind the velvet curtain
Lysergic vision
Of just a mortal man
Utopic pastures
The edge of paradise
Blue sparkling falls laugh
With steaming jungle rains
StreetsideFrom the corner is where it starts
Torn in half like a dollar bill
Happy mourners' window heart is
Bitter still
Truth's fictions stranger than any lie
Smooth convictions danger plan of
Twisted night
Does the pope shit in the wood?
To Protect And To ServeAnguished eyes of the city of suffering
Seeking guidance, believing in love
Some fools who want something
For nothing
Wear the badge of the cowards above
By the power Big Brother has vested
Your decisions must be honest and true
Your courage and your faith will be