Bitter Water
Oh fair and flighty love
My aerolite above
The only dove I see
Could you love me more
If by the sun and moon I swore
That I would never flee?
Cold Is the NightCold is the night without you here
just your absence ringing in my ears.
Hard is the heart that feels no fear
cause without the bad, the good disappears.
Long is the road that leads me home
and longer still when I walk alone.
Bitter is the thought of all that time
Dear WormwoodWhen I was a child
I didn’t hear a single word you said
The things I was afraid of
They were all confined beneath my bed
The years have been long
And you have taught me well
To hide away
The things that I believed in
Eat You Alivehe said to me,
child, I'm afraid for your soul
these things that you're after, they can't be controlled
this beast that you're after will eat you alive
and spit out your bones
she'll string you along and she'll sell you a lie
but there's nothing but pain on the edge of a knife
Hello My Old Heart(Ba dum ba, ba dum ba, ba dum ba, ba dum ba
Ba dum ba, ba dum ba, ba dum ba, ba dum ba)
Hello, my old heart,
How have you been?
Are you still there inside my chest?
I've been so worried,
You've been so still,
I Was Wrong was born at the hands of the potter
and I was torn from the start
I was torn between my god and my Father
I was born at the dawn of our folly
and I was young, and stubborn to the bone
as I took from the tree that was rotting
Lay Me DownFire and brimstone fell upon my ears
As their throats of open graves recited fear
Like the bullets of a gun they drove my tears
And my feet to run the hell out of here
See, I was born a restless, wayward child
I could hear the whole world calling me outside
Of the masses I routinely sat behind
Like the DawnI was sleeping in the garden when I saw you first
he'd put me deep, deep under so that he could work
and like the dawn you broke the dark and my whole earth shook
I was sleeping in the garden when I saw you
at last, at last
bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh, at last
Pale White HorseDown they fell like the children of Eden
Down they fell like the tower
As the land relinquished her ghost
Heed the sirens, take shelter, my lover
Flee the fire that devours
But the sight held me fixed
Like a bayonet against my throat
Second Child, Restless Childsee, I was born the second child
with a spirit running wild, running free
and they saw trouble in my eyes
they were quick to recognize the devil in me
see, I was born a restless child
and I could hear the world outside calling me
and heaven knows how hard I tried
The Lament of Eustace Scrubbbrother, forgive me
we both know I'm the one to blame
when I saw my demons
I knew them well and welcomed them
but I'll come around
The Truth Is a CaveWell I was young
I was young and naive
As I was told
As I was told, so I believed
and I was told there's only one road that leads you home
and the truth was a cave on the mountainside
and I'd seek it out until the day I died
There BeneathThere beneath the willow tree
I learned a lot about the way of things
I learned that everything (the wind, the leaves) has breath inside
They were pointing ever east
To see the ever-turning aeon cease
Their wills were ever bent on waiting with all their might
I know (I know)
This Will EndNo, I am not afraid to die
It's every breath that comes before
Heartache, I've heard, is part of life
And I have broken more and more
But I can hope how this will end
With every line a comedy
That we could learn to love without demand
Thus Always To TyrantsLet me die, let me drown, lay my bones in the ground
I will still come around when the time for sleep is through
Over hill, over dale, through the valley and vale
Do not weep, do not wail, I am coming home to you
Every tomb, every sea, spit the bones from your teeth
Let the ransomed be free as the revel meets the day
Let the valleys awake, let them rattle and shake
In the wind that remakes all that time has worn away
where is your riderWas it you 'mid the fire and the ember?
Were you there to bedevil and beguile?
See, your face wasn't quite as I remember
But I know that wicked shape to your smile
Bury me as it pleases you, lover
At sea, or deep within the catacomb
But these bones never rested while living
Wishing WellI ran like a speeding train
cut my hair and changed my name
only had myself to blame
for the company I was keeping
curse my restless wandering feet
prone to wander endlessly
all the love you gave to me