The Subtle Way все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
MeleeSo when you know where my parts ache
My dear remove your blades
And tie my heartstrings back again
Until they unwind
How long will my gears turn?
How deep will my aim burn
SkiesWe walked across the sand
Two trails with tales to tell
Our foot prints kept our track
Until there were only two
One pair of prints pronounced one presence
Did you watch me from the heavens?
The Coldest Of NotionsHere are your options
Take this and run
Or retrace your footsteps
(But) What’s done is done
Danger is quick here
Not to deter
Answers are found here
But not in words
Until We Have FacesWe hang our flesh on the products of our bones
Of hot steel to stone, for our frames until we can
Distinguish our breath from our words
The prayer from the verse
The lie from the curse
Oh and how can you hear?
If my words will not sound
But instead find ways to starve your ears