A Lady and A Trampot, you weave your stolen yarns with bitter, borrowed tongues.
As it knots up, you sit and wonder, "Am I knitting this or am I just tongue-tied?"
She sees the tangled strands and understands she's wrong.
But there's something, something stopping her from shutting her fucking mouth.
You turned an artificial ego into housing for a heart officially condemned,
But who'd blame you?
You're not the first and you're sure not the only one,
Bleeding A StoneWatch what you say!
'Cause I swear to god I'll burn this whole thing to the ground
The luckiest vultures will choke on the ash while the rest lay down to starve without a scrap
It was an electrical fire
And I can keep a story straight
If you're gonna come for us
I'm Still Amazed
"Save it" she stopped and soberly said
"That sort of sexless exclamation simply doesn't sit
too well with me so If you're gonna sell it better
give it some melody, baby,
give it some melody, baby, OH!"
And so I straightened my posture.
It's Unbelievable To MeYou're telling yourself to take nothing
'cause everything taken will break in your hands
you're telling yourself it gets better
but "better" is getting fed up with "she said"s
So you're telling yourself that it's nothing
but "nothing" has never gone straight to your head
You're telling yourself it was better
but you drive yourself crazy alone in your bed
Pride Alone Won't Put This Fire OutI should have screamed at her. She might've woken up
It'd make a much better story than the one I've got
Because the world heard all it cared to hear about dying
She's a saint and I'm a predator. We never pra(e)y alone
The lord built me from dirt to build her out of my bones
That's how the world heard all it ever could about lying
And every song's about the young while we're decaying
Puking PlatitudesI was brought to my knees by our last conversation
I was calling your bluff like you'd loaded that gun with a flag
I could not stop puking platitudes
'Cause I couldn't give you up or keep yours down
I wreaked of desperation how did you stand the smell?
And I could feel the shame I buried under all my anger
Some Sort of SirenOh well, hello there.
Aren't you a sexy little thing,
miss, it's just that straying leads to death on the rocks.
I'll risk the weathering and let 'em tether me against the mast
to hear your songs and I'll stay strong.
Are you some sort of siren
or just the siren on the ambulance to steal my skin
since I've never really taken care of myself
The Clowns And The EscapeMove in time . Alone we’re all afraid,
So we’ll leave the well enough alone .
Now a slight confession:
We’re not really sure where you’ve been or where we’ll go
but where you are is fine for now .
Breathe in each and every word from painted lips .
So listen close, it’s gonna be harder than you think to leave this place;
let me explain
The Day I Set Them FreeIt’s in his brain
A clot that travelled through his veins and settled in
“And what a simple stroke of genius” he thought
To kill the part of him that’s good
And feed his ego the remains
Dressed up at all the masquerades he throws himself
He wears the youth he stole from us,
But he’s just another crooked suit beneath tattoos
The Sky Came DownCall off the seasons
I wouldn't even notice the sky come down
I'm jaded and bitter, aged and regretful
Stop me, I'm sure I'm boring you
But life might just be shit that happens while you wait
Call off the rapture
This Is All A Forced MetaphorYou catch hail storms on your tongue
"it's an acquired taste" you claim
To taste disaster but the venom kills you faster
And you've lost all sense of reason
"a million to one" you seem to say
The sun comes up to destroy another day.
Don't think (don't think) it's not beating at all,
Too Late To DreamTake on the consequence
Make up the rules and play
I was dealt a perfect hand and
Now I'm pissing it all away
Wake up it's morning
You're still nothing!
Can't you see you're too late to dream?
You're A Mean One, Mr. GrinchYou’re a mean one Mr. Grinch
You really are a heel.
You're as cuddly as a cactus,
And as charming as an eel,
Mr. Grinch!
You're a bad banana,
With a greasy black peel!