04 Stille Nacht Ночь тиха...***Stille Nacht / Тихая Ночь***
Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht!
Тихая ночь, волшебная ночь!
Alles schläft; einsam wacht
Дремлет всё.... В уединении бдят
Nur das traute hochheilige Paar.
Только двое - Святая Чета.
A Little At A TimeA little at a time
We made love grow
We had our feelings and we let 'em show
We never dreamed that anything
Could go wrong, but it did
A little at a time
And day by day
Took love's foundations and just chipped away
A Little Bit Of Lovin'Seven in the morning
Time to start a new day
I watch you gettin' ready to go
And the waitin' seems endless
Till i see you again
Should teach my heart to be patient, i know
Just give me one
Across The World TonightAcross the world tonight,
There are ships of light
Shining down on everyone
From the darkest shores to
Marble corridors
A new age has begun
I've got no explanation how
Those ships came to be there
All Around The WorldWe had a quarrel and I let myself go
I said so many things, things she didn't know
And I was oh so bad
And I dont think she's coming back, mm mm
She gave the reason, the reason she should go
And she said so many things she never said before
And she was oh so mad
Andy's SongI didn’t ask him his name,
I only asked for his destination.
For me it was just a game –
To use his desperation.
But then he fell asleep,
And I gazed into a deep world of tender love...
‘Cause love can stay,
Arthur's ThemeOnce in your life you?ll find her,
Someone who turns you heart around,
And next thing you know you're
closing down the town.
Wake up and it's still with you,
Even though you left her 'way across town,
Wondering to yourself, "Hey, what've I found?"
Barcos de CristalEn la oscuridad, barcos de cristal
Brillan a tu alrededor
Y de norte a sur, esa nueva luz
Te presta su calor
Nadie sabe que puertos esa luz visitara
Iluminando la tierra al pasar
Barcos de cristal adornando el mar
Be StrongI wanna leave
The fear behind
Run away
And don't stop to fight
I wanna know the truth
That we'll be always right
Brother Louie -2016-
Теги: Стихотворные и литературные переводы, Дискотека 80-х
Brother Louie
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Братец Луи
Dear, love is a burning fire
Stay, cause then the flames grow higher
Babe, don't let him steal your heart
Can You Hear The Snowflakes FallingWhen I was a little child
I wish that I could fly
High above to Santa Claus
Beyond the endless sky
And when it comes December I’m starting to remember
I just let my memories fly
Into the winter sky
Can't Give You AnythingFor you, girl, I would cross any ocean
I will give you devotion
For as long as I live
If I had money I’d go out
Buy you furs, dress you like a queen
And in a chauffeured limousine
We’d look so fine
Carry You With MeWords, whispered and true
Remain, when time fades away
Like an unspoken vow in the air
A silently powerful prayer
Passes between us to say
Your love is always there
I carry you with me
Cheri Cheri LadyOh
I cannot explain
everytime it's the same
I feel that it's real
take my heart.
I've been lonely too long
Clear SignI need a clear sign
I won't forget
I need the real time
Is my life set?
I need a clear sign
To make me whole
Oh no, no, no oooh!
Close Your Eyes To HeavenNow and then I love you wake
Watch you as you sleep
And morning light around your face
The rhythm as you breathe
Once forever held me down
Today forever sweet
Heaven somewhere far beyond
Beyond this so need
Could It Be MagicSpirits move me, every time I'm near you
Whirling like a cyclone in my mind
Sweet Melissa, angel of my lifetime
Never leave you till the day I’ll find
Baby I love you come, come, come into my arms
Let me feel the wonder of all of you
Cruising Down On SunsetLooking out at the Strip
With ragtop down
In my red hot car
Everybody’s so hip
Always party time
On this boulevard
I see the girls go walking
Sunshine in their hair
Cry For HelpShe's taken my time.
Convince me she's fine.
But when she leaves I'm not so sure.
It's always the same.
She's playing her game.
And when she goes I feel to blame.
Why won't she say she needs me?
I know she's not as strong as she seems.
Cry For YouI stand by myself, all alone
Life can be so cold, since you've gone
Haven't seen you for so long, I feel so wrong
And here it is, begging you, come home
I'm missing you, I'm wanting you, come home
I cry for you
Feeling lost and lonely now
Cryin' In The NightI still believe in love
Come what may
and even when you're gone
Feel sad and say...
Cryin' in the night!
I feel so lonely left alone… I fall apart
Cryin' in the night!
Dance In HeavenTears in my eyes,
The last goodbye
I hang the phone down one last time
And suddenly you're gone
The memories will stay,
They won't fade away
Even though you're no longer here
Dangerous LiesAin't looking for forever
When this moment will do
'Cause nothing could be better
Than a good time with you
But lately i'm afraid
Those times are few and far between
Give me dangerous lies
Das Leben ist jetztDas Leben ist jetzt
Das Leben ist jetzt
Das Leben ist jetzt
Das Leben ist jetzt
Denn das alles, das bist du
Ich folge dir
Wie eine Melodie, die mich berührt
DeeperThis love is going deep, deep, deep, deep, deeper
This love is going deep, deep, deep, deep, deeper
I looked in you eyes and knew, that you belong to me
And the way how you smile is true
The sweetest I have seen
Oh, my love is true, I want you
I have left the moon
Der beste Tag meines LebensIch zähle die Stunden, sie fallen von mir ab
Ich seh' in der Ferne die Lichter der Stadt
Aus Morgen wird Heute, aus Vorfreude Glück
Der Tag ist gekommen, es gibt kein Zurück
Ich bin bereit, fühl' mich befreit
Fast schwerelos, Leben pur
Der Weg war weit, es ist an der Zeit
Heut' ist der beste Tag meines Lebens
Don't Say You Love MeWhat you're gonna do when you get lonely
What you're gonna do when you remember
That's fading
And I don't need you
Living in this world is hard enough
But I remember when you made it easy
If you can't live without my love
Du Weinst Um IhnDu stehst im Regen und spürst ihn nicht
Und dein Haar weht im Wind
Tranen ziehen Spüren in dein Gesicht
Und dein Blick ist wie blind
Du weinst um ihn und fühlst dich so allein
Wo ist er hin und wo mag er sein
Jeden Abend hoffst du er kommt zurück
DynamiteStep up! Come on!
A girl gotta know what she wants!
So hold up, don’t be shy!
You don’t need a reason why.
So what’re you waiting for?
Come and feel, take the bait!
Nothing is impossible, girl, let’s have faith.
So let the silence go, turn it off, make it loud
Einer Von Uns BeidenDu dem ich einmal vertraute
Du, den ich mal Freund genannt
Hast etwas getan, dass ich nicht verzeihen kann
Du, mit deinen reichen Eltern
Du, der kriegt was ihm gefallt
Spielst mir Freundschaft vor
Und machst sich an mein Mädchen rann
Endstation SehnsuchtWo Licht und Finsternis sich scheiden,
Da bleibt ein' Traum von dir
Doch wie der Schatten eines Adlers
Steht er zwischen dir und mir
Im Tal der bitter-süßen Träume
Findet ein zu elden Herz in Stadt
Es ist eine verbotener Liebe
Wo ich will was er hat
Es geht mir gut heut NachtEs geht mir gut heut' Nacht
Мне хорошо сегодня ночью
Fremde Gesichter
Tanzende Lichter
Ich fühl' die Hitze
Fieber das mich unruhig macht
Nacht für Nacht
Es war die Nacht der ersten LiebeEs war die Nacht der ersten Liebe Это была ночь первой любви
Jung und unerfahren -
so stand ich vor dir
Die das Leben kannte, wie es wirklich war
Ich sah nur die Sonne und dein blondes Haar
Sah nicht deinen Ring,
Every Little ThingEvery little thing, Every ltittle thing
Makes me love you more
Every little thing, Every ltittle thing
Can't forget what you said to me
Stopped the rain - made me happy - gave me wings to fly
Can't forget when you looked at me
There were fireworks in the sky
Everybody Wants to Rule the WorldEVERYBODY WANTS TO RULE THE WORLD
Music & Lyrics: Robert Wässer
Prod.: Achim Brochhausen/Dominik de Léon/Thomas Anders
Publishing: Thomas Anders Music Publ.ATV Music Publ.
Fool If I Think It's OverA dying flame
You're free again
Who could love?
Do that to you?
All dressed in black
He won't be coming back
You save your tears
Got years and years
For All that We KnowSo close yet so far
It's the same dream
Side people's hearts
Wherever they are
I remember your face
I remember the words you said
How can we spend
The rest of our lives
For YouFor you -
It seems to be a miracle...
Everything I want, you're number one,
You're there and then I want to run,
I want you all the time.
GeborenDu wirst geboren - da ist das Licht
Dein erster Tag - versau das nicht
Dein letzter Tag - Du hast's versaut
und Du wirst geboren und das weisst Du auch
Und Du wirst geboren, was machste draus
pflanzt 'nen Baum, baust'n Haus
ziehst da rein, schaust da raus
Gigolo минусI got class, I got style,
You're in love, you want me to stay for a while
I will be the man by your side, "Mister Right".
Got no heart, got no soul,
It's so cold, I'll let you think that you're in control
It's a game you just can't win, you can't win, just remember:
I'm no Romeo, I'm no Romeo
Girl Out Of My DreamsDreams that money just can't buy
You give away no try and now you're gone, is it forever?
Love for me is not a game
Don't play a trick again, it's over now, is it forever
Don't hurt my heart
Oh I thought you are the girl out of my dreams
I'll be there for you, oh baby, now it seems
Good KarmaGood karma, everytime I see,
Good Karma, something that happens
I will know what is worse, the fact, that this won´t work
All that I can see, to explain this will work
Really try to ignore it, but I couldn´t keep it up for long
said I really wanted to go for it, wanted to thought it´s been right, not be wrong
Have I told you latelyVan Morrison
Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
Fill my heart with gladness
take away all my sadness
ease my troubles that's what you do
Hold My HandAs sure as i am standing here
And asking you to stay
I want you now more than ever
My love won't drift away
No promised land
State of perfection
Just my heart and
My true affection
How Deep Is Your LoveYou make the morning and you make the night
You can make darkness turn into light
How deep is your love, is it love
Whatever you needed, I gave you the best
But you left me bleedin', takin' the rest of me
Is your love, is it love, is it love
How deep is your love, is it deeper than the blue blue sea
Hungry HeartsLove is like a stream
For ever to continue
I try to read your mind
But I can't find the truth
I know I'm breaking down
I'm falling off a mountain
I want it to believe
In you
I Miss Yougoin’ to need your love
I like your dance
I belong to you
‘cause I see your eyes
inside my life, nothing I can do
‘cause I need your smile, my baby
sparkling in your eyes
if you really know
I wannaYou know
I'm at your window
Stand in the rain
Through night and day...
I see
The way his lips move
Is he in love with you?
I'll Love You ForeverI'll love you forever
Forever and ever more
I'll love you forever
Now i know what my heart beats for
It's been a time of endless change
Only one thing's remained the same
All i do know is i won't let go
I'll be with you
Ibiza Baba BayaYou don't have to be afraid
Tonight we gonna celebrate
You're really kind of beautiful
It's all I wanna let you know
First we'll dancing then we'll drink
Don't you mind baby do your thing
Keep on moving just don't stop
You make me feeling hot
Ich Hatte Mal FreundeIch hatte mal Freunde
Когда-то были у меня друзья
Die Lichter der Nacht
Die Schatten des Tags
Das war'n wir
Als Freunde vereint
Mein Bestes gab’ ich
Ich Will Nicht Dein LebenNur mit meinen Augen hab' ich dich berührt
Und tief in mir deine Schrecken gespürt
Es zieht dich zu mir und du möchst es fühl'
Du weißt wen Du suchst, doch nicht wer ich bin
Ein Traum ist geboren
Doch jeder von uns ist noch frei
Und es ist nicht mehr als ein Traum
If You Could Only See Me NowI heard it this morning, you were moving away
Somebody's taking you to a world of rainbows
Why should you stay
I hope that you find it, that dream butterfly
I used to hold it right here between my fingers
Then let it die
In Your EyesHere I stand alone
With my heart all in my hands
I know I was so wrong
Not believing that you will understand
Here we are standing face to face
Here I am loosing time and space
I am falling in your eyes
Independent GirlIndependent girl
Independent girl
A limousine in the night
Drives away out of side
The Girl inside stole my pride
Run away with my whole life
Don't expect she turn around
Is It My LoveEvery night he comes to you, stepping through your dreams
I long to be there in his place
In the dark i watch you smile as you lie asleep
I wish that i could see his face
Should i wake you now?
Call your name out loud
Tell me the name of love
Oh i've got to know, who's the one you're dreaming of
Is This LoveI should have known better
Than to let you go alone,
Its times like these
I cant make it on my own
Wasted days, and sleepless nights
And I cant wait to see you again
I find I spend my time
It Must Have Been The MistletoeIt must have been the mistletoe
The lazy fire, the falling snow
The magic in the frosty air
That feeling everywhere
It must have been the pretty lights
That glistened in the silent night
It may be just the stars so bright
It's ChristmastimeIt’s Christmas Time
It’s Christmas Time – the angels sing
Listen to the sleigh-bells’ ring
It’s Christmas Time for you and me
Love and Peace and Harmony
Young or old, black or white
All the stars are shining bright
Just DreamThe eyes of our children
Can show us the wonders
Of things we have almost
Forgotten to see
Afraid of emotions
Building defences
Rational thinking
King Of LoveTook a plane straight away from Las Vegas to you.
Entertain and enchant, that's what I'm gonna do.
It's burning like fire, it's dancers delight
takes you higher and higher and higher tonight.
Cause when I look into your eyes
You will be captured and mesmerized
Kisses For ChristmasLook at all the people passing me by
All in a hurry, I wonder why
They miss the spirit they don’t look at the lights
Shopping like crazy for the big night
I laugh and take a walk in the snow
I take it easy just because I know
What I’m getting
Laughter In The RainStrolling along country roads with my baby.
It starts to rain, it begins to pour.
Without an umbrella we're soaked to the skin.
I feel a shiver run up my spine.
I feel the warmth of her hand in mine.
Oo, I hear laughter in the rain,
Live Your Dreamust live you dream, Don't dream your life!!
You can feel it in the air, you can see the vision getting so much closer
Makes you feel that you're getting there
You got to open your mind, makes you feel, you're one of a kind
A feeling so true, the hero in you
Just live your dream, dont dream your life
Living On The EdgeI have sailed a million oceans
I have flown a hundred skies
But I never saw a vision, come tonight
(Tonight, tonight, tonight)
I have dreamed a thousand moment
I have failed a hundred more
But I never heard a voice like this before
(Before, before, before)
Look At The TearsI know what i was doing was the wrong thing, Baby
Give in to my desire for a night
Thought when the morning comes
Nothing will tell of the fire
But my guilt didn't fade with the light
Look at the tears this grown man cries
Rivers of hope fall from my eyes
Love of my own(T. Anders/M. Cassandra/T. Touchton)
You, you can make a dream come true
You can help me find the magic inside
Mmm, girl, my lonely nights are through
And all I wanna be is here with you
Spent my life looking for you
LunaticOh, I need you tonight
Wanna hold you tight
Turn down lights and we’re together
You are weak you are wild
Oh just like a child
Stay with me now and forever
My reality is a place for you and me
Make YouTonight tonight you'll be
One of the best in the world for me
Baby, come closer stay by my side
Gimme your light which makes me so excited
You said you want me to
Spend all my time just in love with you
You say that I'm the one
Du sollst doch nicht um deinen Jungen weinen
Einst wird das Schicksal wieder uns vereinen
Ich wird es nie vergessen
Was ich an dir hab‘ besessen
Dass es auf Erden nur Eine gibt
Die mich so heiß hat geliebt.
Marathon Of LifeLonely distance on the road
Keep lookin' straight ahead
Only know i need to go
Where angels fear to tread
Some people cross my path awhile
Sometimes i stand alone
But in the end it's a one way street
And every choice is your own
MariaOh Maria, oh Maria, oh Marie, oh, ah
Oh when she speaks, this spanish words
It's like a fire in my soul, and it hurts
And when she moves, I cannot sleep
I think I'm strong, but I know I'm so weak
When she's next to me
Oh it's like extacy
Under the moonlight
You're sayin' with your eyes
What i've always known
Wherever you wander
The star that you follow
Is guiding you home
Miedo de TiTengo miedo de quererte
Tengo panico de ti
Pero cuento con mi suerte
Para sobrevivir
Y me dara valor
Saber que voy ganando
Tu corazon
Music DanceMy sweet soul, hello!
One day I’ll get too excited
My sweet song, hello!
Get too close, you’ll ignite me
Music, dance is the devil
As I siti n the shadow
Will be free tonight
music, danceMy sweet soul, hello!
One day I'll get too excited
My sweet soul, hello!
Get too close, you'll ignite me
Music, dance is the devil
As I sit in the shadow
Will be free tonight
My one and onlyMy one and only
Like the sunrise through the haze
When I saw your eyes, everything changed
Something was different, somehow
By the time that sun went down
My life turned around
Cause I found my one and only
Never Been Loved BeforeIntro: If you love me, never been loved before
I’ve been searching
Didn’t know what I was searching for
But I knew that it had to be more
I’ve been waiting for the day
You’d come knocking at my door
Girl, did you come knocking at my door?
Never Knew Love Like This BeforeAs we cuddle by the fire
And lying on the floor
I never realized
That i won't be lonely nevermore
Since you came in to my life
Oh, baby
I never knew love like this before
No More Tears On The DancefloorNo more tears
on the dancefloor
No more crying like
you wanna be heard
Come on dance away
the heartbreak
No more crazy, crazy love
On My WayHu-uuh
I can hear you on the telephone
Asking you, where did you go?
Down on the line, down on the line with me
Whisp'rin' words that can break my heart
It's hard to take that we're apart
One More ChanceGive me one more chance
And I'll prove I love you
Give me one more chance
'Cause you feel it too
I don't want to fly in the sky without you
You know it's true
When your silence turns to lies
One ThingMy hands at the wheel, my eyes of the seeing your fame
My heart is excited, I'm back with a someone got a nay
A star of the pilgrim, I swear, looks me right in the eye
It's talking to me now, I'm sure, as I'm passing by
I wanna be in America
Where the desert meets the sky
I wanna be in America
Para SoniaInvitacion
Al corazon
Para que salga por ahi
Y deje de sufrir
El tiempo se va Con ...a quizas
A donde nunca Llego yo
Me quedo con mi voz
ParadiseIt was a cold November day
Raindrops on the window
I was asking you to stay
Hoping you wouldn’t deny and then
you gave me that smile
It only took me a while
To see my heart was burning just for you
ShipwreckedI have never felt so alone
As helpless as this before
Cast away on a dark and hostile shore
You were temptation i could not resist
The promise of love ever after
High on the waves of joy
I never looked down to see the reefs of disaster
You left me shipwrecked
SilverbellsThrough the open window I hear the Christmas song,
I see the fireplace burning lone
The streets are filled with snow,
I'm leaving my footprints where I go,
And I'm coming home,
I'm coming home...
Silverbells in the air ringing in Christmas time.
Sleigh RideJust hear those sleigh bells jingling,
Ring ting tingling too
Come on, it's lovely weather
For a sleigh ride together with you
Outside the snow is falling
And friends are calling "yoo hoo",
Come on, it's lovely weather
For a sleigh ride together with you.
Soldier(Alan Tarney)
In these days of desteny
Be strong
And if you see the worldly wilds
In the skies
Some PeopleSome people they tease one another
Take pride in themselves
Keeping the other one down
Im not like that at all
Some people they hurt one another
They love to see
Hurt in the other ones eyes
Someone NewSometimes you find you're waiting
Your heart is waiting for someone new
Lately you say you're lonely
You're looking only for someone new
Well, I could be that someone
I'd like to be that someone
I was spent my hold of loving you
Songs That Live ForeverSongs that live on forever
Melodies don't stop haunting you
Turn up the volume
just a little bit more
the music sounds familiar
I've heard it all before
Yesterday's music
Sorry BabyEasy to dream
No one ever lies to you
Easy to fly
Never fall to Earth with you
Easy to love
Never feeling loneliness
And finding happiness
But you want no one else
Sorry, BabyEasy to dream
No one ever lies to you
Easy to fly
Never fall to Earth with you
Easy to love
Never feeling loneliness
And finding happiness
But you want no one else
South Of LoveWe took the road down to the water
Watched the big ships passing by
I took a deep breath, i bit my lip
So you wouldn't see me cry
It won't be long till i'm back, don't you worry
I said, and it wasn't true
Got no reason why i'd wanna leave you
Why do we do the things we do
Stay With MeDo you, do you, do you
Wanna be mine
My southern girl?
Do you, do you, do you
Wanna be mine illusion?
I don't wanna be another man for you
To be pretending
I'm the only man who needs to say
I don’t wanna lose you
Got too much confusion
Night, day , left, righ
Hey, I don’t want your silence
Feeling all this violence
Sweet soiree, night and day
SuddenlyI will never look for a simple way
And I have to bare every single wave
I have nothing to deplore
Even nothing to look for
I need something never felt before
Tell it to my heartSeth A. Swirsky / Ernie Gold
I feel the night explode when we're together.
Emotion overload in the heat of pleasure.
Take me, I'm yours, into your arms.
Never let me go.
Tonight I really need to know.
Thank God It's You [Live at the Fan-Club Party, 1998]
(David Brandes / John O'Flynn)
Just 10 years ago,
No one to lead me,
I followed my heart
To where it would lead me.
My feelings went wild,
I lost my direction.
The Christmas SongChestnuts roasting on an open fire,
Jack Frost nipping at your nose,
Yuletide carols being sung by a choir,
And folks dressed up like Eskimos
Everybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe,
Help to make the season bright,
Tiny tots with their eyes all a-glow,
The Echo of my HeartWhat do you think that your love means to me
Just illusion of reality
(Doing what you like)
What you like to do
(Doing what you like)
What you like to do
Love is changing everything
Love is changing everything
The Heat Between The Girls And The BoysShe wore jeans like a boy
We shared the same toys
Plays Cowboys and Indians
Were the best friends all those years
Until that day, i saw her walk my way
My heartbeat was racing
I felt it coming
The Love In MeBring out the love in me
Bring out the love in me
I'm what i want to be
Any time you're with me
I know the meaning of love
Our combination is sweet inspiration
And baby i can't get enough
You came along and you rescued me
The Sweet Hello The Sad GoodbyeRed like fire was the day I met you.
I tell you now, there are no regrets.
In this room there are many memories.
Some are good, some I try to forget.
I thought we were the chosen ones,
who were supposed to fly.
We're very much the same, you and I.
This TimeLooking back I try to understand
As I’m listening to the pouring rain
Had it all somehow it slipped away
It’s a story that I can’t explain
All the love we shared and all the moments we had
You and me are worth much more
I can’t let it go ‘cause I miss you
Thru With LoveIn my life, i never thought
That one day, i'd be alone
Now i find, the love i built
To last has fallen down
Please let me touch you one more time
I wanna keep this filling in my mind
Thru with love, i'm thru with love
I'm always left to cry, babe
Tonight is the nightTonight is the night
Take chance to make our dreams come true
Tonight is the night
Tonight is the night
Tonight, don’t know where you are
I know you’re my star
I feel it in the air
You’re my fantasy – yet so real for me
TrueGary James Kemp
Huh huh huh hu-uh huh
So true funny how it seems
Always in time, but never in line for dreams.
Head over heels when toe to toe.
This is the sound of my soul,
True LoveVelvet and rain surrounded all my dreams
Till your touch changed my blues to emerald greens
I know - like fire in the storm - that's real
There's a place I'm holding in my heart
For this true love, that's burning worlds apart
There's a place my heart is dreaming of
Of the true love, true love
Turn AroundSometimes we lose our way
And the world that we knew has gone
Isn't it strange how life can change
Nothing is real for long
So many thinks unsaid
And my logic left so confused
Am i naive when i believe
I'm still a part of you
Turn On The LightYou say you lost your feelings
But that's not true
Oh, you'd better take it easy
To what other lovers do
Turn on the light
Turn on the light for love
Turn on the light
Und Wenn Die Sonne Schlafen GehtUnd wenn die Sonne schlafen geht
Du sagst du liebst deine Freiheit
Doch du bist allein
Und ganz so stark wie du tust
Wirst du auch nicht sein
Jeder Blick aus deinen Augen
Zeigt dass du die Sehnsucht kennst
Was Macht Das SchonSekunden fallen wie Tropfen langsam und leis
Die Gedanken an dich dreh'n die Zeiger im Kreis
Was macht das schon
Hab' die Nacht
Am Telefon verbracht
Denn ich weiß du rufst an
Und brauchst mich irgendwann
When Will I See You AgainWhen will i see you again?
When will we share precious moments?
Will i have to wait forever?
Will i have to suffer
And cry the whole nights through?
When will see you again?
When will our hearts be together?
Are we in love or just friends?
Whispers of LoveWaking up at night and feeling alone
And I realize that you are gone
And reality is hard for me
Without you here
And I see your pillow, that's white and cold
There's no one to touch, no one to hold
The night just seems so long
Baby, since you're gone
Why Do You CryYou know, my girl,
Моя девочка, ты знаешь
I need you to write my story.
Мне нужно рассказать тебе свою историю
You love to fly
Ты любишь летать
But now you’re by my side.
Но теперь ты на моей стороне
Will You Let Me KnowGently i hold your hand
All i can think of is to take you in my arms
There's a full moon tonight
Girl, in your eyes the stars are shining twice as bright
This is for you
I'll wait if you show me how
Were it for me i'd kiss you now
Winter Wonderlandsleigh bells ring, are you list'nin?
in the lane snow is glist'nin
a beautiful sight
we're happy tonight
walkin' in a winter wonderland!
gone away is the bluebird
here to stay is the new bird
Wir tanzen bugaHier nun nochmals das Buga-Video, unterlegt mit dem offiziellen Karnevalshit "Wir tanzen BUGA"...
Blumen blühen rot und weiß – in diesem Jahr noch bunter.
Ein Tanz pulsiert durch Koblenz, macht müde Glieder munter.
Nicht Tango, Walzer, Cha-Cha-Cha lässt eure Füße schweben,
ein Rhythmus reißt uns alle mit, denn Buga ist ein Hit.
Wovon Traumst Du DennSag mir, wovon tr?umst du denn in seinen Armen,
ist es der Wahnsinn, wenn du bei ihm bist?
Sag mir, wovon tr?umst du denn,
sag? mir die Wahrheit,
kannst du ihn lieben, wenn du mich vergisst?
Wenn du nicht da bist, f?hl? ich die K?lte
in meinem Zimmer so ohne dich.
You Have Rescued MeI was alone, living a lie, losing my mind
Wondering why, i wasted my time on dreaming
Just when i thought i'd had enough, you came on by
Taking my hand, you lifted me higher
Give me the strength to survive
You, baby, you have rescued me
You bring out the best in me
You will be mineYou make me feel alive
Now you are in my life
I want you by my side
I know in time
Oh, I've died eight times and this is it
You're my last chance, babe, that I will get
I know in time
Youre My Heart, Youre My SoulDeep in my heart there is a fire a burning heart
Deep in my heart there is desire for a start
I am dying in emotion
It is my world in fantasy
I am living in my, living in my dreams
You are my heart, you are my soul
I keep it shining everywhere I go