23. A Chinese LessonChris: A little Chinese lesson, for you. Manman chi means "enjoy your meal".
Everyone (except Courtney and Sierra): Manman chi. It's no raw deal.
Cody: Is it roasted eel?
Chris: Manman chi means "bon appetite".
Alejandro, Blaineley, Duncan and Heather: Manman chi. What do we have to eat?
Heather: It's still moving its feet!
Before We DieCourtney: We're singing as we're falling!
Heather: While some are cannon-balling!
Izzy: Yeah!
Alejandro: Our lives begin to flash before our eyes!
Noah and Owen: We might just go ka-blooey!
Harold and Tyler: Get smushed and become chewy!
Everyone: Cept there's tons we wanna do before we die!
Leshawna: Billionairess!
Boyfriend KisserCourtney: Boyfriend kisser!
I thought she was my friend,
But now it's time to diss her!
Sure we had some fun times,
But I'm not gonna miss her now!
Heather: Boyfriend kisser!
Courtney: You're gonna get
What's coming to you
Shear the SheepHeather: Shearing sheep, don't be a creep,
It's the only way we'll fly first, peeps.
Win the game, don't be so lame,
Try to lose this and your face I'll maim!
Courtney: Shear the sheep, then, with a smile,
Make yourself a giant woolly, woolly, woolly pi-ile!
You had your chance and you turned him down,
So don't be giving me no cranky frowns!
Stuck to a PoleBridgette: The strings of my heart are a tangled mess!
Courtney, Gwen, and Heather: Oooh, mess!
Bridgette: It's beating so hard, it's jumping outta my chest!
Courtney, Gwen, and Heather: Oooh, chest!
Bridgette: I tried to fit two men in my soul!
Courtney, Gwen, and Heather: Oooh, soul!
Bridgette: I ended up stuck to a pole!
Courtney, Gwen, and Heather: She got stuck! Should've ducked! Worst of luck! Stuck, stuck to a pole!
VersusAlejandro: My ladies,
Please head straight,
That's it,
You're doing great!
Search through that wood,
Tout de suite,
Find me some giant feet!
Heather: Come on guys,