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  • Текст песни the jeff healey band - While My Guitar Gently Wheeps

    Исполнитель: the jeff healey band
    Название песни: While My Guitar Gently Wheeps
    Дата добавления: 30.06.2014 | 00:12:04
    Просмотров: 29
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    Здесь расположен текст песни the jeff healey band - While My Guitar Gently Wheeps, перевод и видео.
    I look at you all, see the love there that’s sleeping
    While my guitar gently weeps.
    I look at the floor and I see it needs sweeping
    Still my guitar gently weeps.
    I don’t know why nobody told you, how to unfold your love
    I don’t know how someone controlled you.
    They bought and sold you.

    I look at the world, and I notice it’s turning
    While my guitar gently weeps.
    From every mistake we must surely be learning
    And still my guitar gently weeps.
    I don’t know how you were diverted
    You were perverted too.
    I don’t know how you were inverted
    No one alerted you.

    I look at you all, see the love there that’s sleeping
    While my guitar gently weeps.
    Look at you all...
    Still my guitar gently weeps.

    Гляжу, в вас любовь, как во сне, затихает
    Под плач гитары моей.
    Я вижу, что пол подмести не мешает,
    Под плач гитары моей.
    Ну, кто же знал, что вы хотите
    Открыть свою любовь.
    Не помешал ваш покровитель
    Перепродать вас вновь.

    Гляжу я на мир, вижу, как он кружИтся
    Под плач гитары моей.
    На каждой ошибке должны мы учиться
    Под плач гитары моей.
    Не знаю, как вас отвлекали,
    Как развращали вас.
    И как местами вас поменяли
    И все тайком от вас.

    Я вижу, что вы словно ставите пьесу
    Под плач гитары моей.
    Дел нет давно, дни идут бесполезно
    Под плач гитары моей.

    Смотрю на всех вас – спит любовь, очень грустно…
    И слышится плач гитары моей.
    Смотрю я на пол, а вокруг только мусор…
    И слышится плач гитары моей.

    Почему вам не объяснили, не понимаю,
    Что можно любовь разбудить.
    И кто же здесь вами так управляет –
    Все можно продать, все можно купить.

    Смотрю я на мир – непрочно все, зыбко…
    И слышится плач гитары моей.
    Наш каждый урок идет сквозь ошибку…
    И слышится плач гитары моей.

    Я не знаю, кто это подстроил,
    Что ты хорошо так усвоил порок.
    Не знаю, зачем он все это устроил,
    А позже тебе не помог.

    Смотрю на всех вас – спит любовь, очень грустно…
    И слышится плач гитары моей.
    Смотрю на всех вас ….
    И слышится плач гитары моей
    I look at you all, see the love there that's sleeping
    While my guitar gently weeps.
    I look at the floor and I see it needs sweeping
    Still my guitar gently weeps.
    I don't know why nobody told you, how to unfold your love
    I don't know how someone controlled you.
    They bought and sold you.

    I look at the world, and I notice it's turning
    While my guitar gently weeps.
    From every mistake we must surely be learning
    And still my guitar gently weeps.
    I don't know how you were diverted
    You were perverted too.
    I don't know how you were inverted
    No one alerted you.

    I look at you all, see the love there that's sleeping
    While my guitar gently weeps.
    Look at you all ...
    Still my guitar gently weeps.

    I look to you to love, as in a dream fades
    Under my wailing guitar .
    I see that sweep the floor does not interfere,
    Under my wailing guitar .
    Well, who knew that you want
    Open your love .
    Not prevent your patron
    You resell again .

    I look at the world , I see how he circled
    Under my wailing guitar .
    At each error we must learn
    Under my wailing guitar .
    I do not know how you are distracted
    How corrupt you .
    And sometimes you have changed
    And unbeknownst to you.

    I see that you seem to put a piece
    Under my wailing guitar .
    Cases not long , the days are useless
    Under my wailing guitar .

    Look at all of you - love sleeping , very sad ...
    And hear my wailing guitar .
    I look at the floor, and just around the litter ...
    And hear my wailing guitar .

    Why do not you explain , do not understand
    What can awaken love .
    And who are you here so run -
    Everything can be sold , everything can be bought .

    I look at the world - all fragile , shaky ...
    And hear my wailing guitar .
    Our lesson goes through each mistake ...
    And hear my wailing guitar .

    I do not know who set this up ,
    What have you learned so well vice.
    I do not know why he gave it all ,
    And then you did not help.

    Look at all of you - love sleeping , very sad ...
    And hear my wailing guitar .
    Look at all of you ....
    And hear my wailing guitar


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