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  • Текст песни Umetora ft. Luka Miku Gumi IA Rin - The Divine Divas - Gishinanki

    Исполнитель: Umetora ft. Luka Miku Gumi IA Rin
    Название песни: The Divine Divas - Gishinanki
    Дата добавления: 17.03.2018 | 21:15:05
    Просмотров: 9
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Umetora ft. Luka Miku Gumi IA Rin - The Divine Divas - Gishinanki, перевод и видео.
    That idle gaze of yours, like your head's just stuck in the clouds
    Этот пустой взгляд твой, как твоя голова застрявшая в облаках
    Sensing a menacing bloodthirstiness all around you
    Чувствуя угрожающую кровожадность всюду вокруг тебя
    This place is suffocating us, so let's make a run for it right now
    Это место душит нас, поэтому давайте сбежим отсюда прямо сейчас
    Try and guess the color of the feelings I'm about to lay bare for you
    Попробуй угадать цвет чувств, что я собираюсь обнажить для тебя
    Barely able to keep your heart from bursting out of your chest,
    Едва в состоянии держать свое сердце от разрыва в груди,
    That body of yours that's overwhelmed by the heat of the moment,
    Это тело, которое перегружено горячкой на данный момент,
    You just can't deal with not knowing what comes next, can ya?
    Ты просто не можешь иметь дело не зная, что будет дальше, ведь так?
    Does holding me close terrify or tantalize?
    Должно ли владение меня слишком устрашать или мучить?
    How are you looking at this whole situation?
    Как ты смотришь на всю эту ситуацию?
    Do you have anything you still want to believe in?
    Ты все еще по-прежнему хочешь верить?
    A world full of fakes and forgeries
    Мир, полный подделок и фальшивок
    We could make something everlasting together
    Мы могли бы сделать что-то вечное вместе
    You're tapped out already? Keep fighting, cause this is our wonderland
    Тебя достало уже? Продолжай бороться, ведь это наша страна чудес
    A life spent deceiving yourself with petty fantasies... Open your eyes! Snap out of it!
    Жизнь провел обманывая себя мелкими фантазиями ?... Открой уже глаза! Избавься от этого!
    Are you seriously gonna throw in the towel? This is an amazing world we live in!
    Ты серьезно собираешься сбросить полотенце? Это удивительный мир в котором мы живем!
    Suddenly ready to start sputtering a bunch of weak-willed (vagarities) vagaries
    Внезапно уже готов начать распылять кучу безвольных капризов
    Are you just trying to fill the space between us with a bunch of pointless fluff?
    Ты просто пытаешься заполнить пространство между нами кучей бессмысленной чепухи? (чем не пух))
    Just remembering that anxiety and unease?
    You really believe you can't do anything, don't you?
    Просто помнить, что это беспокойство и тревога?
    Ты действительно веришь, что ты не можешь ничего сделать, не так ли?
    Can you really keep living without committing to something?
    Можете ли ты продолжать жить без привязки к чему-то?
    Bewitching you with a new world for the two of us
    Очаровывая тебя новым миром для нас двоих
    Let's get rid of the old one, come on, what should we break first?
    Давай избавимся от старого, ну-же, что мы должны сломать в первую очередь
    Are you really at your limit? Cry out, this really is our own wonderland
    Ты уже на своем пределе? Веселись, это действительно наш собственный мир чудес!
    Suspicious of anyone and everyone, eyes trying to read way too deep into your fate
    Подозрительно любой и каждый, глазами пытается прочитать как можно глубже твою судьбу
    You can't quit now, this world is an amazing place to be
    Ты не можешь уйти сейчас, этот мир удивительное место, чтобы жить
    Skin ice-cold to the touch, a frightened gaze,
    Кожа ледяная на ощупь, испуганным взглядом,
    A body gone dry, they're all waiting for your lifeblood to start flowing again
    Тело пересохло, все они ждут вашего жизненной крови (силы) начать течь снова
    A world full of fakes and forgeries
    Мир, полный подделок и фальшивок
    We could make something everlasting together
    Мы могли бы сделать что-то вечное вместе
    You're tapped out already? Keep fighting, cause this is our wonderland
    Тебя достало уже? Продолжай бороться, ведь это наша страна чудес
    A life spent deceiving yourself with petty fantasies... Open your eyes! Snap out of it!
    Жизнь провел обманывая себя мелкими фантазиями ?... Открой уже глаза! Избавься от этого!
    That idle your mind, like your head's just stuck in the clouds
    This empty look of yours, like your head stuck in the clouds
    Sensing a menacing bloodthirstiness all around you
    Feeling threatening bloodthirst everywhere around you
    This is a place for us right now.
    This place is choking us, so let's get out of here right now.
    I’m not afraid of you.
    Try to guess the color of the feelings that I'm going to bare for you.
    Barely able to keep your heart out
    Barely able to keep my heart from breaking in the chest,
    That body of yours that's overwhelmed by the heat of the moment,
    This body, which is overwhelmed with fever at the moment,
    Can ya?
    You just can't deal without knowing what will happen next, right?
    Does holding me close terrify or tantalize?
    Should possession frighten me too much or torment me?
    How are you looking at this whole situation?
    How do you look at this whole situation?
    Do you still want to believe?
    Do you still want to believe?
    A world full of fakes and forgeries
    A world full of fakes and fakes
    We could make something everlasting together
    We could do something eternal together
    You're tapped out already? Keep fighting, cause this is our wonderland
    Are you sick already? Keep fighting, because this is our wonderland
    A life spent deceiving yourself with petty fantasies ... Open your eyes! Snap out of it!
    Life spent fooling yourself with petty fantasies? ... Open your eyes already! Get rid of it!
    Are you seriously gonna throw in the towel? This is an amazing world we live in!
    Are you seriously going to throw off the towel? This is an amazing world in which we live!
    Spudtering a bunch of weak-willed vagaries
    Suddenly, already ready to start spraying a bunch of limp whims
    A bunch of pointless fluff?
    Are you just trying to fill the space between us with a bunch of senseless nonsense? (what is not fluff))
    Just remembering that anxiety and unease?
    You really don't
    Just remember that it is anxiety and anxiety?
    You really believe that you can't do anything, can you?
    Can you really keep living without committing to something?
    Can you continue to live without being tied to something?
    Bewitching you for a couple of us
    Charming you with a new world for us two
    What should we break first?
    Let's get rid of the old, well, well, that we have to break in the first place
    Are you really at your limit? Cry out, this really is our own wonderland
    Are you at your limit? Have fun, this is really our own world of wonders!
    Trying to read the way too deep into your fate
    Suspiciously anyone and everyone, with his eyes trying to read as deeply as possible your fate
    You can’t quit now.
    You can't leave now, this world is an amazing place to live
    Skin ice cold to the touch, a frightened gaze,
    Skin is icy to the touch, with a frightened look,
    Your body is gone dry
    The body is dry, they are all waiting for your vital blood (strength) to start flowing again
    A world full of fakes and forgeries
    A world full of fakes and fakes
    We could make something everlasting together
    We could do something eternal together
    You're tapped out already? Keep fighting, cause this is our wonderland
    Are you sick already? Keep fighting, because this is our wonderland
    A life spent deceiving yourself with petty fantasies ... Open your eyes! Snap out of it!
    Life spent fooling yourself with petty fantasies? ... Open your eyes already! Get rid of it!


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