After The Last SunsetAfter the last sunset
I walk over the dead flowers.
Subsided thunder peals,
Last breath issued Earth.
In the sky was falling asleep,
Faded stars and gray haze.
Became forgotten past dreams
Black WindsWay to drop, before reaching the end
You came out of the past and a long sleep.
Forgetting who you are and every word,
Although you anything in life is not new.
Black winds raise the dawn.
And the shadows flee away, you are no more!
Sunset does not bring the cold, is approaching night,
Buried WinterRumor do me last speech
When some of the dark nights
Hiding from the sun, like a dark eyes,
Snow everywhere will die for good?
First breath of spring I dislike,
Birth of life through the cold and ice.
I would not say that we fly away into the distance,
Dead MoonThe moon shines, lonely in the sky,
Silver surface of the water...
Branches swaying a light wind.
And here forever you stay.
I want to embrace all of the heavens,
And melt in the endless stars.
Forget who you are and who he was.come as dead and cold,
As dead moon.
Into My DreamsBoring you sick tunes,
The run of poor words.
And a prison for you - this is the wall,
That littered with ligature of the shackles.
Ignorance does not seem terrible,
When its time has not felt.
All that you think it is important
Nature Song Of DevastationИщите лики матерей,
Среди деревьев.
В грязи сплетения корней,
Последних поколений.
Природа споет вам свою песню,
Без нот и слов.
Шум ветвей, вой ветра, гром потрясений.
Sepulchral CurseBlack spots in the gloomy sky
Crucified shadow over the sleeping earth.
Carry the plague of destruction
Grief and pain, oblivion and death.
Winds die down this evil night,
Sepulchral cold pierces through.
Rain of rot and decay fall,
Through Deathless MoorsПо выжженым безумием полям,
Волоча перебитые ноги.
Там, где до неба вздымалась земля,
Дремлют в башне Бездны Боги.
Первый грешник задыхается в пыли,
Веры и ее отсутствия.
По глазам белым скользят Твои Когти,
Where Icewind Casts A ShadowGet down just cold sky!
Silver spreading snow.
Negate all white
Earthly life, but gray.
Wind draws wave horizon
Vienna rivers freeze for ever.
A winter deployed its front,