Haven't I seen you somewhere before?
Hanging out on the stage on or on the dance floor
Trying to be a part of what you see
Crazy But Not InsaneI've always been crazy
So much trouble it's put me through
Been busted for things
I didn't do it
I didn't do it
I can't say that I'm proud of all the things that I've done
But I know it's gonna get me - get me - get me in the long run
In your mind, in your heart, in your spirit you will find
Deceive Us - No Moresatan we challenge your deceiving ways
your illusions are taking - the youth by their hearts
your hatred is grabbing their souls
it's taking them - part by part
he'll take your soul with - all of his lies
now we know who you are you're the deceiver - deciever - deciever
you've lost your power - and i've gained control
now i'm wiser - in my mind and soul
Face up to ItAll my life - in my dreams - i feel the pain
all my life - in my dreams - i feel the pain
it's in your schools - in your system - in your society
and it's something that i can't forget
think you're slick - but that's O.K.
you'll never brainwash me anyway
but still you try every day
i know what i wat - it's not what you need
Judgement DayThe day will come, maybe you'll see
All your ignorance, it will destroy you
Everything you do, everything you say
Step on everyone just to get your way
I've seen this, it's happened before
Now I'm too strong, you're gonna fall
All your lies, all my pain
Will come back to you on the Judgement Day
Racism - World History Part IThroughout this world
Something's gone wrong
It makes me sick
It's gone on too long
It's everywhere i look
I hear it all day
I've seen the hatred
It's in front of my face
Rebels Til We DieOi! Oi! Oi!
Oi! Oi! Oi!
Rebels till we die
Can you hear our battle cry?
From the streets coming at you
And the warrior's fight is true
Rebels Till We DieOi! Oi! Oi!
Oi! Oi! Oi!
Rebels till we die
can you hear our battle cry?
from the streets coming at you
and the warrior's fight is true
Skinhead YouthWe're going to stand proud
Won't let your rules get us down
Talking shit about that way we act
You say we're Nazi's on the attack
Skinhead youth - fighting in the street
Skinhead youth - all as one
Skinhead youth - filled with pride
Skinhead youth - will never die
Striving Higher For A Better LifeСтремимся выше для лучшей жизни
Подними голову
Посмотри внутрь себя
Оставь всё плохое позади
Поторопись и запри дверь
Мы можем почувствовать это
The Real EnemyReality punk is all together
Fighting each other just ain't clever
You've got the wrong enemy picking on a friend
If we don't stand together then this is the end
Today's youth stand together
In your combat and leather
There's a cause a cause to fight
Not each other we must unite
The Sound Of RevolutionThe sound of
It's coming again from the streets
A lion's roar, a tribal beat
It's time for you to give a hand
And fight the battle to the promised land
The sound of
United WorldwideTogether we stand true and strong.
Young and old we all belong.
A way of life in our hearts.
Held together can't be pulled apart.
United Worldwide (x7)
In every country we don't believe.
Ain't no movement what it means.
We're the CrewThought it was cool to hang out
Way back when
You've changed your ways since then
You got new friends
Don't need me anymore
Your new friends won't take your back
When your head's to the floor