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  • Текст песни Within Temptation - Jane Doe

    Исполнитель: Within Temptation
    Название песни: Jane Doe
    Дата добавления: 04.06.2014 | 06:18:27
    Просмотров: 27
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Within Temptation - Jane Doe, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    Why, you just won’t leave my mind ?
    Was this the only way ?
    I couldn’t let you stay ?

    Run away, hide away
    the secrets in your mind.
    Sacrificed just her life,
    for a higher love

    No matter how many stones you put
    She’ll always keeps on floating in
    your mind.
    With every turn of your head you
    see her face again,
    until the end, over and over again.

    Why, you just won’t leave my mind ?
    Was this the only way ?
    I couldn’t let you stay ?

    Told the truth she laughed at you.
    Something snapped inside.
    She had to go or they would know,
    all you tried to hide

    The sins of your life are now
    catching up with you.
    You can’t stay ahead. There’s
    nothing you can do.
    With every turn of your head you
    see her face again,
    until the end, over and over again.

    Why, you just won’t leave my mind ?
    Was this the only way ?
    I couldn’t let you stay ?

    (repeat 2x)


    Джейн Доу*Убегай…
    СкрывайТайны в своём взгляде.
    Пожертвовал всей жизнью Ради высшей любви…
    И неважно, сколько камней ты скрываешь внутри,
    Её образ всегда перед твоими глазами,
    Куда бы ты ни повернулся,
    ты снова видишь еёДо самого конца, опять и опять…

    Почему ты не оставишь меня в покое?..
    Это был единственный выход,
    Я не могла позволить тебе остаться…
    По правде говоря,
    она смеялась над тобой.

    Что-то щелкнуло внутри,И ей пришлось уйти,
    иначе они бы узналиВсё,
    что ты пытался скрыть.
    Грехи всей жизни теперь преследуют тебя,
    Нет смысла убегать,
    и ты ничего не можешь сделать.

    Её лицо – везде, повсюду,
    и так будет всегда,
    До самого конца…
    Почему ты не оставишь меня в покое?..
    Это был единственный выход,
    Я не могла позволить тебе остаться…
    - нарицательное обозначение истца в судебном процессе
    Why, you just won't leave my mind?
    Was this the only way?
    I couldn't let you stay?

    Run away, hide away
    the secrets in your mind.
    Sacrificed just her life,
    for a higher love

    No matter how many stones you put
    She'll always keeps on floating in
    your mind.
    With every turn of your head you
    see her face again,
    until the end, over and over again.

    Why, you just won't leave my mind?
    Was this the only way?
    I couldn't let you stay?

    Told the truth she laughed at you.
    Something snapped inside.
    She had to go or they would know,
    all you tried to hide

    The sins of your life are now
    catching up with you.
    You can't stay ahead. There's
    nothing you can do.
    With every turn of your head you
    see her face again,
    until the end, over and over again.

    Why, you just won't leave my mind?
    Was this the only way?
    I couldn't let you stay?

    (repeat 2x)


    Jane Doe Run away ... *
    SkryvayTayny in his eyes.
    Donated whole life for a higher love ...
    And no matter how many stones you hide inside
    Her image is always before your eyes ,
    Wherever you turned ,
    see you again eeDo the end, again and again ...

    Why do not you leave me alone? ..
    It was the only way ,
    I could not let you stay ...
    In truth,
    she laughed at you.

    Something clicked inside , and she had to leave ,
    otherwise they would uznaliVse ,
    what are you trying to hide .
    Sins of a lifetime now haunt you ,
    It makes no sense to run away ,
    and you can not do anything .

    Her face - everywhere , everywhere,
    and always will be ,
    Until the very end ...
    Why do not you leave me alone? ..
    It was the only way ,
    I could not let you stay ...
    (x2) *
    - Generic designation of the plaintiff in the lawsuit


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