1937Sea breeze. Waves and trees sway. Clouds surround the City by the Bay.
Two men. New friends.
Fight the fog and wind to take a walk on this golden bridge.
The last talk. The last laugh. You stood still after the first half.
Now came the last glance to see that beautiful city.
Then you said, "This is where I get off."
Above sea, man stands boldly at the edge of life and death.
A Fool's ParadiseA warm summer sunrise
Her eyes met his
Love at first sight
Not what it seems
Love blossomed but ends suicide
His charm was like a spell
Disarmed, she follows to a cell
Oh burning love, oh loving hate
At SeaPointSwept from home to a place that doesn't call me one of its own.
Time, just like the river, never flows the other way.
Life is just a breath, it'll take everything it gave.
Finding out this isn't you, I went 10,000 miles in another's shoes.
This current has me scared wide-eyed, wasting in the tide.
I'm a healing scar. I have a heart,
But it's beating inside a chest I keep locked.
EvergreenCarry On Kid.
Early spring. 1990. I'll never change. I'm an evergreen tree.
A brother and a son. Nothing I did to be called a loved one.
In my Sunday's best, I tried to sing with my soul.
Desperately trying to fill this hole in my chest.
A puddle of sweat where I can see myself.
HomebuilderOut in the back, looking up at stars
Talking about stuff much bigger than ourselves.
Thanks for being Dad whose bags aren't packed, waiting by the door,
Looking for the perfect time to go, like I've seen in so many other homes.
I've come to believe you breed more like yourself. As you put me to bed
I wouldn't just sleep, I'd dream to be half the man I saw you to be.
I'm proud to be your boy. I love I bring you joy.
And I'm honored one day, I get to do the same and pass on our last name.
Live For What LastsAfter 5 years of fighting this. One autumn took on more meaning for us.
Psalm 23 below the stairs. Around old photos, but your face will disappear.
Earnest prayers and heartfelt tears on the field that night. They graced our ears.
Your waves through the passenger window meant more than a simple goodbye.
Winter comes, winter goes. We hold composure like weeping willows.
Your empty lungs and quiet heart finally bring you peace but tear our hearts apart.
"What I'd give to live our last 10 years again.
Melody, Save MeGround is always there to catch my fall. I get up.
Try to hold my own, but feeling all alone.
I sank at such a quiet and young age. Innocence was stripped away.
As a kid, I was forced to grow up in a single day.
Hoping. Praying. Wishing. Dreaming of something to save me.
I lose my fear in the sound of the melody. How sweet the sound.
Messy MasterpieceSon, you are my song. Let's hear something beautiful.
As you look upon your messy masterpiece,
my heart beats one step ahead of my feet.
"No guilt in life, no fear in death from life's first cry to final breath.
No power of hell, no scheme of man can ever pluck me from my Father's hand."*
Love of the Father is the only hope for a wayward son.
Blood and water paved the painful road home done.
RecoverLook up at the starry night sky
And down to the dirty ground.
This world would be so beautiful
If it weren’t for right now.
The small of my back is sore.
My arms they burn galore.
My legs that are glued to
My feet so blistered and bruised
To My Little One, SomedayFading candlelight. A little ink in the pen. A page remains.
After all this time, I'm still amazed. We fall for the same things over and over again.
The past has a way of clawing back into our day.
Rips and tears into our hearts and we keep repeating history.
I got my mother's eyes. And my father's work.
I wonder what our sons and daughters will have of ours.
I hope it's not my pride, lies, or lack of remorse.
UnlovableTrying to survive in a lonely world.
The peaks are cold, and the valleys low.
Steady rate to dissipate. It all gave way.
City streets and parking lots,
It's the same old scene in the same old spot.
But when the stars come out, I think right back to home.
That's me. Well I'm that long lost son.
VagrantThose who cry out sink to the floor.
The silent stand tall, but usually hurt more.
"'Tis true my form is something odd,
But blaming me is blaming God;
Could I create myself anew
I would not fail in pleasing you.
If I could reach from pole to pole
Or grasp the ocean with a span,