A Lack Of Things To Talk AboutA lack of things to talk about
I called you today
I must have called you a hundred times
The sea of noise is a ringing in my
Ear as my lips conceal secrets
Things i could never tell, god
I can't die these little deaths
Not again, as the moths eat
Bad TimingBad timing
Pictures clutter this room
I have these spaces
Waiting to fill, waiting for you
This isn't what was sold to me
My dreams in glossy rectangles
This isn't what was suppose to be
But i know, yeah i know
Kill Or CureShe's so strong, but not quite
If you look beyond that wrinkled brow
To those trembling eyes
She's shaking and nothing will steady her out
You've forgotten she screams
But has she ever really remembered anything
Anything outside the pain
The broken doll she holds onto
Lack of Things to Talk Abouti called you today,
i must have called you a hundred times.
the sea of noise is a ringing in my
ear as my lips conceal secrets
things i could never tell. god,
i can't die these little deaths,
not again. as the moths eat
away the fabric of my stomach,
To Kill or Cureshe's so strong, but not quite.
if you look beyond that wrinkled brow
to those trembling eyes,
she's shaking and nothing will steady her out.
you've forgotten she screams,
but has she ever really remembered anything,
anything outside the pain.
the broken doll she holds onto.