I love to smoke and look out the window, people go there, and I drink wine. I smoke and I drink, and people are going - of the people in monkeys makes labor.
Ay-ay-ay-ay, he - raspizdyay! Ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay, he - raspizdyay!
many people say that I am a slacker - I beg you, leave me alone. if I would, how would you like to live, I would have done such things.
Ay-ay-ay-ay, he - raspizdyay! Ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay, he - raspizdyay!
Yes, it works, of course I do not like - to work harder than bleyu of vodka. someone will ask, well, how can you? -durakam all you can, because I'm a fool.
Ay-ay-ay-ay, he - raspizdyay! Ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay, he - raspizdyay!