Пьянство Бритва все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Жил-был итальянецЯ про пьянство Буратины
Нарисую Вам картины
Не бери с него пример
Карапуз и пионер
Вышел родом из полена я
Здравствуй милая вселенная
Буратино как родился
Не пиздите меняNow his intentions unfold, they're not what they seem,
He only wants to take control.
Boy is he selling you loads, all you do is believe,
Grant him his black-eyed fantasy.
He claims that he knows you, says it's written in the stars,
Do you believe this bullshit?
Tell me you don't want to face this situation any more than I do
Oh you think you're so great, keep it up at this rate,