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  • Текст песни Селин Дион и Барбара Стрейзанд - Tell Him

    Исполнитель: Селин Дион и Барбара Стрейзанд
    Название песни: Tell Him
    Дата добавления: 29.07.2014 | 04:12:45
    Просмотров: 125
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Селин Дион и Барбара Стрейзанд - Tell Him, перевод и видео.
    Скажи ему (перевод Юрий Паньков из Екатеринбурга) i

    I'm scared
    So afraid to show I care
    Will he think me weak
    If I tremble when I speak
    Ooh…what if
    There's another one he's thinking of
    Maybe he's in love
    I'd feel like a fool
    Life can be so cruel
    I don't know what to do…

    I've been there
    With my heart out in my hand
    But what you must understand
    You can't let the chance
    To love him pass you by…

    Tell him
    Tell him that the sun and moon rise in his eyes
    Reach out to him
    And whisper
    Tender words so soft and sweet
    I'd hold him close to feel his heart beat
    Love will be the gift you give yourself

    Touch him (ooh)
    With the gentleness you feel inside (I feel it)
    Your love can't be denied
    The truth will set you free
    You'll have what's meant to be
    All in time you'll see

    Ooh, I love him
    Of that much I can be sure (hold him close to you)
    I don't think I could endure
    If I let him walk away
    When I have so much to say…

    Tell him
    Tell him that the sun and moon rise in his eyes
    Reach out to him
    And whisper
    Tender words so soft and sweet
    Hold him close to feel his heart beat
    Love will be the gift you give yourself…

    Love is light that surely glows
    In the hearts of those who know
    It's a steady flame that grows…
    Feed the fire with all the passion you can show
    Tonight love will assume its place
    This memory time cannot erase
    Your faith will lead love where it has to go

    Tell him
    Tell him that the sun and moon rise in his eyes
    Reach out to him
    And whisper
    Whisper words so soft and sweet
    Hold him close to feel his heart beat
    Love will be the gift you give yourself

    Never let him go
    Я испугана.
    Я так боюсь показать, как забочусь о нём!
    Вдруг он подумает, что я слаба,
    Если голос мой дрожит, когда я говорю.
    Ох! - что, если…
    Что если я - всего - лишь ещё одна девушка, о которой он просто подумал….
    Возможно, он уже влюблен….
    Ведь тогда я буду выглядеть глупо….
    Жизнь может быть настолько жестокой….
    Я не знаю, что делать…

    Я была там,
    Без моего сердца в руке….
    Но что Ты должна понять:
    Ты не можешь допустить того,
    Чтобы тайно любить его!

    Скажи ему!
    Скажи ему, что солнце и луна восходят в его глазах
    Обратись к нему,
    И шепни
    Чуткие слова, столь мягкие и сладкие.
    Держи его так близко, чтобы чувствовать, как бьется его сердце.
    Любовь будет подарком, который Ты отдашь ему сама.

    Дотронься до него!
    С мягкостью, которую Ты чувствуешь внутри.
    Твоя любовь не может быть отвергнута!
    Правда освободит Тебя!
    Ты поймешь, в чём смысл бытия.
    Все во времени Ты увидишь!

    Я люблю его
    Я полностью могу быть уверена.
    Не думаю, что смогу вынести,
    Если позволю ему уйти.
    Когда я столько хочу сказать ему

    Скажи ему!
    Скажи ему, что солнце и луна восходят в его глазах
    Обратись к нему,
    И шепни
    Чуткие слова, столь мягкие и сладкие.
    Держи его так близко, чтобы чувствовать, как бьется его сердце.
    Любовь будет подарком, который Ты отдашь ему сама.

    Любовь – огонь, который всегда горит
    В сердцах тех, кто знает, что
    Это - устойчивое пламя, которое растет
    Поддерживайте этот пожар страстью, на которую только способны!
    Сегодня вечером любовь займёт своё место.
    Это время никогда не сотрётся из памяти,
    Слепая вера будет вести любовь туда, где она нужна

    Скажи ему!
    Скажи ему, что солнце и луна восходят в его глазах
    Обратись к нему,
    И шепни
    Чуткие слова, столь мягкие и сладкие.
    Держи его так близко, чтобы чу
    Tell him (translated from Yekaterinburg Yuri Pankov ) i

    I'm scared
    So afraid to show I care
    Will he think me weak
    If I tremble when I speak
    Ooh ... what if
    There's another one he's thinking of
    Maybe he's in love
    I'd feel like a fool
    Life can be so cruel
    I don't know what to do ...

    I've been there
    With my heart out in my hand
    But what you must understand
    You can't let the chance
    To love him pass you by ...

    Tell him
    Tell him that the sun and moon rise in his eyes
    Reach out to him
    And whisper
    Tender words so soft and sweet
    I'd hold him close to feel his heart beat
    Love will be the gift you give yourself

    Touch him (ooh)
    With the gentleness you feel inside (I feel it)
    Your love can't be denied
    The truth will set you free
    You'll have what's meant to be
    All in time you'll see

    Ooh, I love him
    Of that much I can be sure (hold him close to you)
    I don't think I could endure
    If I let him walk away
    When I have so much to say ...

    Tell him
    Tell him that the sun and moon rise in his eyes
    Reach out to him
    And whisper
    Tender words so soft and sweet
    Hold him close to feel his heart beat
    Love will be the gift you give yourself ...

    Love is light that surely glows
    In the hearts of those who know
    It's a steady flame that grows ...
    Feed the fire with all the passion you can show
    Tonight love will assume its place
    This memory time cannot erase
    Your faith will lead love where it has to go

    Tell him
    Tell him that the sun and moon rise in his eyes
    Reach out to him
    And whisper
    Whisper words so soft and sweet
    Hold him close to feel his heart beat
    Love will be the gift you give yourself

    Never let him go
    I'm scared.
    I'm so afraid to show how care about him !
    Suddenly, he will think that I am weak ,
    If my voice trembles when I say .
    Oh ! - If ...
    What if I - just - just another girl , which he just thought ....
    Maybe it was already in love ....
    Because then I'll look stupid ....
    Life can be so cruel ....
    I do not know what to do ...

    I was there
    Without my heart in hand ....
    But what you must understand :
    You can not let that
    To secretly love it!

    [ Together : ]
    Tell him!
    Tell him that the sun and the moon back in his eyes
    Speak to him,
    And whisper
    Sensitive words so soft and sweet .
    Hold it so close to feel his heart beating .
    Love is a gift that you give him herself.

    Reach for it!
    With the softness that you feel inside.
    Your love can not be rejected !
    The truth will free you!
    You will understand the meaning of life.
    All the time you will see!

    I love it
    I totally can not be sure .
    Do not think I can bear
    If you let him go .
    When I want to tell him so much

    [ Together : ]
    Tell him!
    Tell him that the sun and the moon back in his eyes
    Speak to him,
    And whisper
    Sensitive words so soft and sweet .
    Hold it so close to feel his heart beating .
    Love is a gift that you give him herself.

    [ Together : ]
    Love - a fire that always burns
    In the hearts of those who know that
    This - steady flame that grows
    Keep this fire passion , which are only capable of !
    Tonight love will take its place .
    This time will never be erased from memory,
    Blind faith will lead love where it is needed

    [ Together : ]
    Tell him!
    Tell him that the sun and the moon back in his eyes
    Speak to him,
    And whisper
    Sensitive words so soft and sweet .
    Hold it so close to choo


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