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  • Текст песни Таня Мамаева - The Unforgiven

    Исполнитель: Таня Мамаева
    Название песни: The Unforgiven
    Дата добавления: 16.09.2014 | 11:09:19
    Просмотров: 11
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Таня Мамаева - The Unforgiven, перевод и видео.
    New blood joins this earth
    And quickly he's subdued
    Through constant pained disgrace
    The young boy learns their rules

    With time the child draws in
    This whipping boy done wrong
    Deprived of all his thoughts
    The young man struggles on and on he's known
    A vow unto his own
    That never from this day
    His will they'll take away

    What I've felt
    What I've known
    Never shined through what I've shown
    Never be
    Never see
    Won't see what might have been

    What I've felt
    What I've known
    Never shined through what I've shown
    Never free
    Never me
    So I dub thee unforgiven

    They dedicate their lives
    To running all of his
    He tries to please them all
    This bitter man he is
    Throughout his life the same
    He's battled constantly
    This fight he cannot win
    A tired man they see no longer cares
    The old man then prepares
    To die regretfully
    That old man here is me

    What I've felt
    What I've known
    Never shined through what I've shown
    Never be
    Never see
    Won't see what might have been

    What I've felt
    What I've known
    Never shined through what I've shown
    Never free
    Never me
    So I dub thee unforgiven

    You labeled me
    I labeled you
    So I dub thee unforgiven

    Непрощённая (перевод Фёдора Холодкова из Электрогорска)

    Ляг со мною, все мне расскажи
    Повторяй за мной слова, чтобы демоны ушли.
    Дверь открою, если ты мне не солжешь,
    Ведь я смогу тебя понять, лишь если ты меня поймешь.

    Ляг со мною, небес почувствуй боль.
    Все тени дня, всю тьму ночей я разделю с тобой…
    Дверь открыта, но сквозь щель не виден свет,
    Лишь на сердце черный шрам, но сквозь щель не виден свет,
    Но сквозь щель не виден свет,
    Там совсем нет солнца…

    Что я чувствовал, что знал
    Из страниц, что я листал?
    За мною дверь, пропустить в нее тебя??
    Что я чувствовал, что знал?
    Я один, я так устал…
    Ты будешь здесь? Ведь я один, кто ждет тебя…
    Или ты непрощенная???

    Ляг со мною, верь мне, боль ушла…
    Не важно, любит или нет, любовь в ней умерла.
    Она здесь будет, даже если я уйду,
    Лишь на сердце новый шрам, даже если я уйду,
    Даже если я уйду,
    Даже если сгину…

    Что я чувствовал, что знал
    Из страниц, что я листал?
    За мною дверь, пропустить в нее тебя??
    Ляг со мною… Что я натворил??
    Закрыта дверь – твои глаза,
    Но солнце даст мне сил… Солнце даст мне сил…
    Да, мне даст сил солнце…

    Что я чувствовал, что знал
    Из страниц, что я листал?
    За мною дверь, пропустить в нее тебя??

    Что я чувствовал, что знал?

    От двери ключ
    Укрываю я в тебя,
    Ведь ты же непрощенная.

    Навеки несвободная,
    Другая, не как я,
    Ведь ты же непрощённая...
    New blood joins this earth
    And quickly he's subdued
    Through constant pained disgrace
    The young boy learns their rules

    With time the child draws in
    This whipping boy done wrong
    Deprived of all his thoughts
    The young man struggles on and on he's known
    A vow unto his own
    That never from this day
    His will they'll take away

    What I've felt
    What I've known
    Never shined through what I've shown
    Never be
    Never see
    Will not see what might have been

    What I've felt
    What I've known
    Never shined through what I've shown
    Never free
    Never me
    So I dub thee unforgiven

    They dedicate their lives
    To running all of his
    He tries to please them all
    This bitter man he is
    Throughout his life the same
    He's battled constantly
    This fight he can not win
    A tired man they see no longer cares
    The old man then prepares
    To die regretfully
    That old man here is me

    What I've felt
    What I've known
    Never shined through what I've shown
    Never be
    Never see
    Will not see what might have been

    What I've felt
    What I've known
    Never shined through what I've shown
    Never free
    Never me
    So I dub thee unforgiven

    You labeled me
    I labeled you
    So I dub thee unforgiven

    Unforgiven ( translation of Fyodor Kholodkova Electrogorsk )

    Lie down with me, tell me everything
    Repeat after me the words to the demons were gone.
    The door will open , if you do not lie to me ,
    After all, I can understand you , but if you understand me .

    Lie down with me, feel the pain of the heavens .
    All the shadow of the day , all the darkness of night, I will share with you ...
    The door is open , but can not be seen through the slit light
    Only in the heart of the black scar, but through the crack is not visible light,
    But through the crack is not visible light,
    There's absolutely no sun ...

    I felt that I knew
    Of the pages that I was flipping through ?
    For me the door , skip it you ??
    I felt that I knew ?
    I am alone, I'm so tired ...
    You'll be here ? After all, I'm the one who waits for you ...
    Or are you unforgiven ???

    Lie down with me , believe me , the pain is gone ...
    It does not matter , love or not love, it died.
    She will be here , even if I'm gone ,
    Only in the heart of a new scar , even if I'm gone ,
    Even if I'm gone ,
    Even if Sgin ...

    I felt that I knew
    Of the pages that I was flipping through ?
    For me the door , skip it you ??
    Lie down with me ... What have I done ??
    The door is closed - your eyes,
    But the sun will give me strength ... The sun will give me the strength to ...
    Yes, I will give way to the sun ...

    I felt that I knew
    Of the pages that I was flipping through ?
    For me the door , skip it you ??

    I felt that I knew ?

    Door key
    I have sheltered you,
    After all, you're unforgiven .

    Forever is not free ,
    Another , not as I do,
    You're a Unforgiven ...


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