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ЗовуI picture you now, Right in front of me
Your beautiful eyes,Looking right at me
Remember the warmth you used to give me
Wish I could bring it back,
Wish I could take it back
There are things that I never knew
I'm standing out here and I'm calling you
качекFor so many years I've tried to complete
What I once started
But something was always there
Holding me back from it
Kept me from making it happen
It's so unreal
The clock is ticking, the time is passing me by
ПотерянныйAs I'm waking up at night
Right in front of my fall
So much regrets
So much failure
I'm passing through my mind, it feels like my own existence
Is about to end
Lost in time, feels like I'm fading
потерять тебяWhat I have in me, in my mind is you
I would die if we were through
What I'm feeling now what I'm heading into
I am lost in pain without you
So cold, so alone
All I have is you
It is all that I'm breating for
СноведениеIt's a new day
Something feels strange
I'm walking in the clouds
I'm almost touching the stars
Anything is possible, imaginable
Am I dreaming?
All normal things start to change