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  • Текст песни Шакира - Whenever,wherever

    Исполнитель: Шакира
    Название песни: Whenever,wherever
    Дата добавления: 30.04.2016 | 23:15:10
    Просмотров: 32
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Шакира - Whenever,wherever, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    Whenever, Wherever (оригинал Shakira)
    Не важно, когда, не важно, где (перевод )
    Lucky you were born that far away so
    Я счастлива тем, что ты родился далеко от меня –
    So we could both make fun of distance
    Так мы оба можем смеяться над расстоянием.
    Lucky that I love a foreign land for
    Я счастлива тем, что люблю чужеземную страну
    The lucky fact of your existence
    За один чудесный факт: ты живёшь там.
    Baby I would climb the Andes solely
    Малыш, я бы забралась на Анды лишь для того,
    To count the freckles on your body
    Чтобы в деталях рассмотреть твоё тело.
    Never could imagine there were only
    Я никогда не представляла себе,
    Too many ways to love somebody
    Что может быть так много способов любить кого-либо.

    Lo ro lo le lo le
    Lo ro lo le lo le
    Can't you see...I’m at your feet
    Неужели ты не видишь, что… я у твоих ног?!

    Whenever, wherever
    Не важно, когда, не важно, где,
    We'll learn to be together
    Но мы будем вместе,
    I'll be there and you'll be near
    И ты будешь рядом со мной.
    And that's the deal my dear
    Вот и все дела, мой дорогой.
    They're over, you're under
    Они одержали победу, ты проиграл,
    You'll never have to wonder
    И тебе не придётся гадать,
    We can always play by ear
    Мы всегда можем действовать по обстоятельствам,
    But that's the deal my dear
    Вот и все дела, мой дорогой.

    Lucky that my lips not only mumble
    Я счастлива тем, что мои губы могут не только говорить,
    They spill kisses like a fountain
    Но и дарить миллионы поцелуев.
    Lucky that my breasts are small and humble
    Я счастлива тем, что у меня небольшие девичьи груди,
    So you don't confuse them with mountains
    И ты не спутаешь их с горами.
    Lucky I have strong legs like my mother
    Я счастлива тем, что мои ноги сильные, как у мамы,
    To run for cover when I need it
    Чтобы, когда нужно, я могла убежать от опасности.
    And these two eyes are for no other
    А эти глаза созданы для того,
    The day you leave will cry a river
    Чтобы пролить море слёз в тот день, когда ты уйдёшь.

    Lo ro lo le lo le
    Lo ro lo le lo le
    At your feet...I’m at your feet
    У твоих ног… я у твоих ног!

    Whenever, Wherever
    Не важно, когда, не важно, где,
    We're meant to be together
    Но мы будем вместе,
    I'll be there and you'll be near
    И ты будешь рядом со мной.
    And that's the deal my dear
    Вот и все дела, мой дорогой.
    They're over, you're under
    Они одержали победу, ты проиграл,
    You'll never have to wonder
    И тебе не придётся гадать,
    We can always play by ear
    Мы всегда можем действовать по обстоятельствам,
    But that's the deal my dear
    Вот и все дела, мой дорогой.

    Lo ro lo le lo le
    Lo ro lo le lo le

    sink or fly, say it again
    Взлети или упади, но скажи это ещё раз.

    Lo ro lo le lo le lo le

    Tell me one more time
    Скажи ещё раз,
    That you'll live
    Что ты будешь жить,
    Lost in my eyes
    Утонув в моих глазах.

    Whenever, wherever
    Не важно, когда, не важно, где,
    We'll learn to be together
    Но мы будем вместе,
    I'll be there and you'll be near
    И ты будешь рядом со мной.
    And that's the deal my dear
    Вот и все дела, мой дорогой.
    They're over, you're under
    Они одержали победу, ты проиграл,
    You've got me head over heels
    Я влюблена в тебя по уши,
    There's nothing left to fear
    И нечего бояться,
    If you really feel the way I feel
    Если ты чувствуешь то же, что и я.

    Whenever, wherever
    Не важно, когда, не важно, где,
    We're meant to be together
    Но мы будем вместе,
    I'll be there and you'll be near
    И ты будешь рядом со мной.
    And that's the deal my dear
    Вот и все дела, мой дорогой.
    They're over, you're under
    Они одерж
    Whenever, Wherever (Original Shakira)
    No matter when, no matter where (translation)
    Lucky you were born that far away so
    I am happy that you were born far away from me -
    So we could both make fun of distance
    So we can both laugh at the distance.
    Lucky that I love a foreign land for
    I am happy that I love foreign lands
    The lucky fact of your existence
    For one wonderful fact is that you live there.
    Baby I would climb the Andes solely
    Baby, I'd just climbed on the Andes in order
    To count the freckles on your body
    To see your body in detail.
    Never could imagine there were only
    I never imagined
    Too many ways to love somebody
    What could be so many ways to love someone.

    Lo ro lo le lo le
    Lo ro lo le lo le
    Lo ro lo le lo le
    Lo ro lo le lo le
    Can not you see ... I'm at your feet
    Can not you see that ... I'm at your feet ?!

    Whenever, wherever
    No matter when, no matter where,
    We'll learn to be together
    But we'll be together,
    I'll be there and you'll be near
    And you will be next to me.
    And that's the deal my dear
    That's all the case, my dear.
    They're over, you're under
    They won, you lost,
    You'll never have to wonder
    And you do not have to guess,
    We can always play by ear
    We always act according to circumstances,
    But that's the deal my dear
    That's all the case, my dear.

    Lucky that my lips not only mumble
    I am happy that my lips can not only speak,
    They spill kisses like a fountain
    But also give millions of kisses.
    Lucky that my breasts are small and humble
    I am happy that I have a little girl's chest,
    So you do not confuse them with mountains
    And you will not confuse them with mountains.
    Lucky I have strong legs like my mother
    I am happy that my legs are strong as my mother,
    To run for cover when I need it
    For when you need to, I could get away from danger.
    And these two eyes are for no other
    And those eyes are designed to ensure
    The day you leave will cry a river
    To shed tears sea in the day when you leave.

    Lo ro lo le lo le
    Lo ro lo le lo le
    Lo ro lo le lo le
    Lo ro lo le lo le
    At your feet ... I'm at your feet
    At your feet ... I'm at your feet!

    Whenever, Wherever
    No matter when, no matter where,
    We're meant to be together
    But we'll be together,
    I'll be there and you'll be near
    And you will be next to me.
    And that's the deal my dear
    That's all the case, my dear.
    They're over, you're under
    They won, you lost,
    You'll never have to wonder
    And you do not have to guess,
    We can always play by ear
    We always act according to circumstances,
    But that's the deal my dear
    That's all the case, my dear.

    Lo ro lo le lo le
    Lo ro lo le lo le
    Lo ro lo le lo le
    Lo ro lo le lo le

    sink or fly, say it again
    Off or fall, but say it again.

    Lo ro lo le lo le lo le
    Lo ro lo le lo le lo le

    Tell me one more time
    Say it again,
    That you'll live
    What are you going to live,
    Lost in my eyes
    I am drowning in my eyes.

    Whenever, wherever
    No matter when, no matter where,
    We'll learn to be together
    But we'll be together,
    I'll be there and you'll be near
    And you will be next to me.
    And that's the deal my dear
    That's all the case, my dear.
    They're over, you're under
    They won, you lost,
    You've got me head over heels
    I'm in love with you by the ears,
    There's nothing left to fear
    And there is nothing to fear,
    If you really feel the way I feel
    If you feel the same as me.

    Whenever, wherever
    No matter when, no matter where,
    We're meant to be together
    But we'll be together,
    I'll be there and you'll be near
    And you will be next to me.
    And that's the deal my dear
    That's all the case, my dear.
    They're over, you're under
    They possessed


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