1914Wait, wait, listen to that sound, the cannonballs have all fallen down. The
snow, it falls through the night, and blankets the frozen ground.
And just for one moment, just for one night, you can rest, you can rest and
not fear the sky.
Pre- Chorus:
Picture after picture of pain and of strife. I've seen my friends go before my
Breaking For YouHey, you didn't show up today
Maybe it's better this way
'Cause baby, it's your life you should live it
Ooh, if you only knew
Every single thought I thought of you
I've done all I can do
I swear it's the truth
CasualtiesI swear I cannot pick you up
I'm strong but not strong enough, for the both of us
For the both of us
The camel's back is broken in two
And every piece of straw was brought here by you
I'll never fit in your box
But I found me, maybe you should find you
City Without A HeartVerse:
The sky was blue yesterday, but today,
it's turned to the darkest shade of grey.
Oh,oh,oh I walk the streets of a
European ghost town.
Love IsLove Is
The essence of the song portrays Jesus communicating with a girl who’s been through mishandled relationships leaving her heart trampled and broken. The main theme is depicted as a contrast between “injecting” your life with emotional highs that fail at bringing true joy and peace versus “injecting” your life with the love of God where true fulfillment and joy is found. The bridge is based on Psalms 56:8-9 where the author shows God’s care and concern for us to the point that He pays attention to the tears we shed and saves them in a bottle. Consequently, the main purpose of this song portrays that true love is found in Christ and not in what the world has to offer.
She's Not YoursHow do you live,
how do you sleep with the ghosts inside your dreams?
The movie won't stop it just plays
Over and over one September day
The night was bright
you looked your best in a with all of your friends
Pretty flowers, pretty dress
Can't dry the soft tears off your face
TrainwreckI could never promise I won't let you down.
I won't give my word, you won't get hurt.
But, look at the stars, they don't always shine so bright.
They're above us now, they're above us night after night.
Look at my hands now. They look so empty without yours.
Emotions are footprints in the rain, but my heart pounds like a...