Blaudzun все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
CLOSERThey're fogging up your car window
These sad songs on the radio
Oh are you even listening?
if not tonight then let me know
Another heartache on the go
But all you do is whispering
JUNECut through the wire
It's love we rely on
Lean on me
Through all the harm
Cannon your light
It's love that we fly on
I suck it in
MAYWhen will you be that girl again
Beyond the point of honor
There's no return to la la land
Je résiste amore
Now she's off her face
She's taught this way
Twirling off the pain
Quiet German Girls
Raise me from the dead
Put away my shame
The demon’s in my head
Whispering her name
The Choking GameLast night
I died
In a choking game
Last night
I died
In a choking game
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