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  • Текст песни Bumble Beezy - Average

    Исполнитель: Bumble Beezy
    Название песни: Average
    Дата добавления: 11.07.2024 | 09:12:23
    Просмотров: 4
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Bumble Beezy - Average, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    И вроде она вообще не в твоем вкусе.
    Даже не нравится тебе. Preevo Beats.
    Только какого-то х*я ты проснулся с ней утром.
    Как так вышло, а?

    Bro, я восемь раз
    Выстрелил в себя из Jager-пушки
    (Поу! Поу! Поу!)
    Она тоже поу, поу, поу! Я на мушке.

    Я даже не стал с тобой говорить,
    Я хочу домой, а ты не веришь.
    You don't give a f*ck if I don't like her.
    I don't give a f*ck if she average.

    She average, but I'm too drunk to figure it out.
    She average, but I'm too drunk to figure it out.
    She average, but I'm too drunk to figure it out.
    Figure it out, I'm too drunk to figure it out.

    Bro, я восемь раз
    Выстрелил в себя из Jager-пушки
    (Поу! Поу! Поу!)
    Она тоже поу, поу, поу, я на мушке.

    Я даже не стал с тобой говорить,
    Я хочу домой, а ты не веришь.
    You don't give a f*ck if I don't like her.
    I don't give a f*ck if she average.

    She average, but I'm too drunk to figure it out.
    She average, but I'm too drunk to figure it out.
    She average, but I'm too drunk to figure it out.
    Figure it out, I'm too drunk to figure it out.

    Ты хотела фактов обо мне?
    — Привет, я Иван, я домашний, (хватит)
    Я уйду через десять минут
    Тут достаточно тех, кто спокойно дадут тебе в башню!
    (если у тебя жажда)

    Я не презираю, -
    Мне жаль тебя искренне, правда
    Но ты выбрала путь, по которому я
    Не пойду с тобой сегодня и завтра!

    Факт один: "Я хочу семью.
    На**й сплетни, я открыт полностью!"
    Факт второй: "Мне хватило е**и
    И с средними тёлками в юном возрасте!"

    Фак-факт третий: "Я трепетно отношусь
    К ощущениям, что сублимирую в музыку".
    Мне пора! Я уверен, ты не поняла ни слова, что я сказал,
    Бог с ним, меня ждет кузов! (детка, пока)

    Я еду спокойно, удовлетворённо,
    В такси на переднем (о, да).
    Размышляю, что думаю так,
    Как и думал намедни.

    Ты думаешь, как бы уехать
    Со мной в другой раз позаметнее -
    Но лучше подумай, чтоб никто другой
    Больше никогда тебя не посчитал средней


    Bro, я восемь раз
    Выстрелил в себя из Jager-пушки
    (Поу! Поу! Поу!)
    Она тоже поу, поу, поу, я на мушке.

    Я даже не стал с тобой говорить,
    Я хочу домой, а ты не веришь.
    You don't give a f*ck if I don't like her.
    I don't give a f*ck if she average.

    С*ка, мне сейчас же так жестко от**сали,
    Что я о**ел вообще, пи**ец, б**ть.
    Кончились презервативы. Шесть утра. Зима.
    Ваня хуярит в аптеку, на**й, за новой пачкой.
    Ну, в принципе, хочу семью...


    She average, but I'm too drunk to figure it out.
    She average, but I'm too drunk to figure it out.
    She average, but I'm too drunk to figure it out.
    Figure it out, I'm too drunk to figure it out.
    And she doesn't seem to be your type at all.
    You don't even like it. Preevo Beats.
    Just why the fuck did you wake up with her in the morning.
    How did this happen, huh?

    Bro, I'm eight times
    Shot himself with a Jager gun
    (Pow! Pow! Pow!)
    She also poo, poo, poo! I'm at gunpoint.

    I didn't even bother talking to you
    I want to go home, but you don’t believe me.
    You don't give a f*ck if I don't like her.
    I don't give a f*ck if she average.

    She average, but I'm too drunk to figure it out.
    She average, but I'm too drunk to figure it out.
    She average, but I'm too drunk to figure it out.
    Figure it out, I'm too drunk to figure it out.

    Bro, I'm eight times
    Shot himself with a Jager gun
    (Pow! Pow! Pow!)
    She also poo, poo, poo, I'm at gunpoint.

    I didn't even bother talking to you
    I want to go home, but you don’t believe me.
    You don't give a f*ck if I don't like her.
    I don't give a f*ck if she average.

    She average, but I'm too drunk to figure it out.
    She average, but I'm too drunk to figure it out.
    She average, but I'm too drunk to figure it out.
    Figure it out, I'm too drunk to figure it out.

    Did you want facts about me?
    - Hello, I’m Ivan, I’m home, (that’s enough)
    I'll leave in ten minutes
    There are enough people here who will calmly let you into the tower!
    (if you're thirsty)

    I don't despise -
    I feel sorry for you sincerely, really
    But you chose the path that I took
    I won’t go with you today or tomorrow!

    One fact: “I want a family.
    Fuck gossip, I'm completely open!"
    Fact two: "I've had enough of fucking
    And with average chicks at a young age!"

    Fact fact three: "I am in awe of
    To the feeling that I am sublimating into music."
    I have to go! I'm sure you didn't understand a word I said
    God bless him, the body is waiting for me! (baby, bye)

    I'm driving calmly, contentedly,
    In a taxi in the front (oh yeah)
    I think that I think so
    Just as I thought the other day.

    Are you thinking about how to leave?
    More noticeable with me next time -
    But you better think so that no one else
    I'll never consider you average again


    Bro, I'm eight times
    Shot himself with a Jager gun
    (Pow! Pow! Pow!)
    She also poo, poo, poo, I'm at gunpoint.

    I didn't even bother talking to you
    I want to go home, but you don’t believe me.
    You don't give a f*ck if I don't like her.
    I don't give a f*ck if she average.

    Bitch, I got fucked so hard right now,
    What the fuck did I even eat, fucked up, fuck.
    We've run out of condoms. Six in the morning. Winter.
    Vanya fucking goes to the pharmacy to get a new pack.
    Well, basically, I want a family...

    Ha ha ha ha!

    She average, but I'm too drunk to figure it out.
    She average, but I'm too drunk to figure it out.
    She average, but I'm too drunk to figure it out.
    Figure it out, I'm too drunk to figure it out.


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