Back from the DeadSlowly injecting the fluid of pain
Bringing the corpse back to life
Nerves now awake violently
The serum now has worked
Inject to the brain, going insane
Body pulsatin, back from the dead
Death's awakening, stage by stage
Including the pain, back from the dead
Blood BathI am possessed by death, perverted to unbelief
Showing no remorse, killing all those pigs
Slicing to your throat, hacking at your face
Ungodly thoughts arise, women I despise
Cadavers domain where I once stood
None remain apart from the blood
C.F.C.He stalks the night for his prey
He'll maim and kill while you pray
Legacy of his tragedy
Born to kill for his mother's sins
Twisted mind living to kill
Now you'll die, blood will spill
Gruesome TasksMercenary men, knock you dead
Killing for a living, is what is said
Disposing of people, blood money pays
Gruesome executions, are used this waty
Gruesome tasks
Slaughters made
They create
Screams of pain
Hung, Drawn And QuarteredCries of laughter beneath me
As I hang by my neck
Choking on a rope
Till I'm near death
Suffocating rapidly
It's my last breath
Cut to the ground
And stabbed in the chest
Internal DecayLying on a bed, tragically
Ridden with a plague, inside of me
My stomach is decaying rapidly
Slowly I will die, not up to me
My body's rotting internally
Doomed to die abnormally
Tasting blood in my mouth,br Blood-curdling death without a doubt
Manifestation, decaying flesh
Into the AcidAcid spilling all around
Flesh decaying falling down
(Your) criminal friends have left you now
Death greets you with gory hands
Into the acid
Into the acid
Tasteless IncestOld man, sick in the head
Daughter's children on his bed
Twisted ways, rules his life
Forging deceit, bred to lie
From the decades, he has lived
He's never stopped, where it begins
rapes his family, when they
Are young, hoping they would
To the Gory EndHooks cutting through your flesh
No comparison of pleasure and pain
Black box, it's (a) gory treat
Mutilation from hell
To the gory end, as they make you ride the blade
To the gory end, as your life will now fade
Witch HuntBranded with a reward on his head
Ash flees through the night
Scattering words of unholy sin
Down trodden in mankind
Punished through humiliation
Against the religious type
Now it's time to pay the price
As you wait to die
Учителямучителя , если не вы ,
то я на печи Емеля ,
если не вы , то я потерян ,
если не вы , то мой мозг замедлен.
в нас так много лени ,
спасибо , что тратите на нас своё время.
нам по 16 , но все ещё дети мы ,
спасите нас , мы все забыли за лето ,