- 10. Were diu werlt alle min - Carmina Burana
10. Were diu werlt alle min
Were diu werlt alle min
von deme mere unze an den Rin
des wolt ih mih darben,
daz diu chunegin von Engellant
lege an minen armen.
- 11. Estuans interius - Carmina Burana
In Taberna
11. Estuans interius
Estuans interius
ira vehementi
in amaritudine
loquor mee menti:
- 13. Ego sum abbas - Carmina Burana
13. Ego sum abbas
Ego sum abbas Cucaniensis
et consilium meum est cum bibulis,
et in secta Decii voluntas mea est,
et qui mane me quesierit in taberna,
post vesperam nudus egredietur,
- 14. In taberna quando sumus - Carmina Burana
14. In taberna quando sumus
In taberna quando sumus
non curamus quid sit humus,
sed ad ludum properamus,
cui semper insudamus.
Quid agatur in taberna
ubi nummus est pincerna,
- 16. Dies, nox et omnia - Carmina Burana
16. Dies, nox et omnia
Dies, nox et omnia
michi sunt contraria;
virginum colloquia
me fay planszer,
oy suvenz suspirer,
plu me fay temer.
- 19. Si puer cum puellula - Carmina Burana
19. Si puer cum puellula
Si puer cum puellula
moraretur in cellula,
felix coniunctio.
Amore suscrescente
pariter e medio
avulso procul tedio,
- 2. Fortune plango vulnera - Carmina Burana
2. Fortune plango vulnera
Fortune plango vulnera
stillantibus ocellis
quod sua michi munera
subtrahit rebellis.
Verum est, quod legitur,
fronte capillata,
- 20. Veni, veni, venias - Carmina Burana
20. Veni, veni, venias
Veni, veni, venias,
ne me mori facias,
hyrca, hyrce, nazaza,
Pulchra tibi facies
oculorum acies,
- 24. Ave formosissima - Carmina Burana
Blanziflor Et Helena
24. Ave formosissima
Ave formosissima,
gemma pretiosa,
ave decus virginum,
virgo gloriosa,
- 3. Veris leta facies - Carmina Burana
Primo Vere
3. Veris leta facies
Veris leta facies
mundo propinatur,
hiemalis acies
victa iam fugatur,
- 4. Omnia sol temperat - Carmina Burana
4. Omnia sol temperat
Omnia sol temperat
purus et subtilis,
novo mundo reserat
faciem Aprilis,
ad amorem properat
- 5. Ecce gratum - Carmina Burana
5. Ecce gratum
Ecce gratum
et optatum
Ver reducit gaudia,
floret pratum,
- Carmina Burana - Omnia Sol temperat
Omnia sol temperat
purus et subtilis,
novo mundo reserat
faciem Aprilis,
ad amorem properat
animus herilis
et iocundis imperat
deus puerilis.
- Carmina Burana - Swaz hie gat umbe
Swaz hie gat umbe,
daz sint alles megede,
die wellent an man
allen disen sumer gan!
Те, кто ходят круг за кругом,
все они — старые девы,
они хотят провести без мужчин
- Carmina Burana -1.O Fortuna 2.Fortune plango vulnera
Кантата Carmina Burana (Кармина Бурана) — рукописный поэтический сборник, известный также как Кодекс Буранус (Codex Buranus), сейчас хранится в Мюнхене. Само название означает по-латыни «Песни Бойерна» (средневековый монастырь Beuern, ныне в Бенедиктбойерне, Бавария, где рукопись была найдена в 1803 г.). Это крупнейший известный сейчас сборник поэзии вагантов, или голиардов, — средневековых странствующих поэтов, в основном из среды духовенства или студенчества. Составлен в Южной Германии в XIII веке, насчитывает свыше 200 стихотворений.
1. O Fortuna
O Fortuna
velut luna
statu variabilis,
semper crescis
aut decrescis;
- Carmina Burana 10. Uf dem anger - Were diu werlt alle min
Were diu werlt alle min............ Were all the world mine
von deme mere unze an den Rin...... from the sea to the Rhine,
des wolt ih mih darben,............ I would starve myself of it
daz diu chunegin von Engellant......so that the queen of England
lege an minen armen.................might lie in my arms.
- Carmina Burana 11. In Taberna - Estuans interius
Estuans interius....................Burning inside
ira vehementi...................... with violent anger,
in amaritudine......................bitterly
loquor mee menti:.................. I speak to my heart:
factus de materia,..................created from matter,
cinis elementi......................of the ashes of the elements,
similis sum folio,..................I am like a leaf
de quo ludunt venti.................played with by the winds.
- Carmina Burana 12. In Taberna - Olim lacus colueram
Olim lacus colueram,................Once I lived on lakes,
olim pulcher extiteram,............ once I looked beautiful
dum cignus ego fueram...............when I was a swan.
(Male chorus)
Miser, miser!...................... Misery me!
modo niger..........................Now black
- Carmina Burana 13. In Taberna - Ego sum abbas
Ego sum abbas Cucaniensis.......... I am the abbot of Cockaigne
et consilium meum est cum bibulis,..and my assembly is one of drinkers,
et in secta Decii voluntas mea est, and I wish to be in the order of Decius,
et qui mane me quesierit in taberna,and whoever searches me out at the
................................ tavern in the morning,
- Carmina Burana 14. In Taberna - In taberna quando sumus
In taberna quando sumus............ When we are in the tavern,
non curamus quid sit humus,........ we do not think how we will go to dust,
sed ad ludum properamus,............but we hurry to gamble,
cui semper insudamus............... which always makes us sweat.
Quid agatur in taberna..............What happens in the tavern,
ubi nummus est pincerna,............where money is host,
hoc est opus ut queratur,.......... you may well ask,
si quid loquar, audiatur........... and hear what I say.
- Carmina Burana 15. Cour d'amours - Amor volat undique
Amor volat undique,................ Cupid flies everywhere
captus est libidine.................seized by desire.
Iuvenes, iuvencule..................Young men and women
coniunguntur merito.................are rightly coupled.
- Carmina Burana 16. Cour d'amours - Dies, nox et omnia
Dies, nox et omnia..................Day, night and everything
michi sunt contraria;.............. is against me,
virginum colloquia..................the chattering of maidens
me fay planszer,....................makes me weep,
oy suvenz suspirer,................ and often sigh,
plu me fay temer................... and, most of all, scares me.
- Carmina Burana 17. Cour d'amours - Stetit puella
Stetit puella...................... A girl stood
rufa tunica;........................in a red tunic;
si quis eam tetigit,................if anyone touched it,
tunica crepuit..................... the tunic rustled.
- Carmina Burana 18. Cour d'amours - Circa mea pectora
(Baritone and Chorus).............. In my heart
Circa mea pectora.................. In my heart
multa sunt suspiria................ there are many sighs
de tua pulchritudine,.............. for your beauty,
que me ledunt misere............... which wound me sorely. Ah!
- Carmina Burana 19. Cour d'amours - Si puer cum puellula
(Six solo men)
Si puer cum puellula................If a boy with a girl
moraretur in cellula,.............. tarries in a little room,
felix coniunctio................... happy is their coupling.
Amore suscrescente..................Love rises up,
pariter e medio.................... and between them
avulso procul tedio,................prudery is driven away,
- Carmina Burana 20. Cour d'amours - Veni, veni, venias
Veni, veni, venias..................Come, come, O come
Veni, veni, venias,................ Come, come, O come,
ne me mori facias,..................do not let me die,
hyrca, hyrce, nazaza,.............. hycra, hycre, nazaza,
- Carmina Burana 21. Cour d'amours - In trutina
In trutina mentis dubia............ In the wavering balance of my feelings
fluctuant contraria................ set against each other
lascivus amor et pudicitia......... lascivious love and modesty.
Sed eligo quod video,.............. But I choose what I see,
collum iugo prebeo:................ and submit my neck to the yoke;
ad iugum tamen suave transeo....... I yield to the sweet yoke.
- Carmina Burana 22. Cour d'amours - Tempus est iocundum
Tempus es iocundum,................ This is the joyful time,
o virgines,........................ O maidens,
modo congaudete.................... rejoice with them,
vos iuvenes.........................young men!
Oh, oh, oh,........................ Oh! Oh! Oh!
- Carmina Burana 24. Blanziflor et Helena - Ave formosissima
Ave formosissima,.................. Hail, most beautiful one,
gemma pretiosa,.................... precious jewel,
ave decus virginum,................ Hail, pride among virgins,
virgo gloriosa,.................... glorious virgin,
ave mundi luminar,..................Hail. light of the world,
ave mundi rosa,.................... Hail, rose of the world,
Blanziflor et Helena,.............. Blanchefleur and Helen,
Venus generosa!.................... noble Venus!
- Carmina Burana 3. Primo vere - Veris leta facies
Veris leta facies.................. The merry face of spring
mundo propinatur,.................. turns to the world,
hiemalis acies......................sharp winter
victa iam fugatur,..................now flees, vanquished;
in vestitu vario....................bedecked in various colours
Flora principatur,..................Flora reigns,
nemorum dulcisono.................. the harmony of the woods
que cantu celebratur............... praises her in song. Ah!
- Carmina Burana 4. Primo vere - Omnia sol temperat
Omnia sol temperat..................The sun warms everything,
purus et subtilis,..................pure and gentle,
novo mundo reserat..................once again it reveals to the world
faciem Aprilis,.................... April's face,
ad amorem properat..................the soul of man
animus herilis......................is urged towards love
et iocundis imperat................ and joys are governed
deus puerilis.......................by the boy-god.
- Carmina Burana 5. Primo vere - Ecce gratum
Ecce gratum........................ Behold, the pleasant
et optatum..........................and longed-for
Ver reducit gaudia,................ spring brings back joyfulness,
purpuratum..........................violet flowers
floret pratum,......................fill the meadows,
sol serenat omnia...................the sun brightens everything,
Iamiam cedant tristia!..............sadness is now at an end!
Estas redit,........................Summer returns,
- Carmina Burana 7. Uf dem anger - Floret silva nobilis
Floret silva nobilis................The noble woods are burgeoning
floribus et foliis................. with flowers and leaves.
(Small Chorus)
Ubi est antiquus....................Where is the lover
meus amicus?........................I knew? Ah!
- Carmina Burana 8. Uf dem anger - Chramer, gip die varwe mir
Chramer, gip die varwe mir,........ Shopkeeper, give me colour
die min wengel roete,.............. to make my cheeks red,
damit ich die jungen man............so that I can make the young men
an ir dank der minnenliebe noete... love me, against their will.
Seht mich an,...................... Look at me,
jungen man!........................ young men!
lat mich iu gevallen!.............. Let me please you!
- Carmina Burana 9. Uf dem anger - Reie
Swaz hie gat umbe,..................Those who go round and round
daz sint alles megede,..............are all maidens,
die wellent an man..................they want to do without a man
allen disen sumer gan!..............all summer long. Ah! Sla!
Chume, chum, geselle min,.......... Come, come, my love,
ih enbite harte din,................I long for you,
ih enbite harte din,................I long for you,
- Carmina Burana O Fortuna
O Fortuna, velut luna, statu variabilis
Semper crescis aut decrescis; vita detestabilis
Nunc, obdurat et tunc curat ludo mentis aciem
Egestatem, potestatem dissolvit ut glaciem.
Sors immanis et inanis, rota tu volubilis,
Status malus, vana salus semper dissolubilis
Obumbrata, et velata michi quoque niteris;
Nunc per ludum dorsum nudum fero tui sceleris.
- Carmina Burana, 1936
Часть I. “Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi”
1. O Fortuna
2. Fortune plango vulnera.
Часть II. “Primo vere”:
3. Veris leta facies
4. Omnia sol temperat
5. Ecce gratum. Сцена “Uf dem Anger”:
6. Tanz
- Carmina Burana, 2. Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi - Fortune plango vulnera
Carl Orff (1895-1982) • Carmina Burana • 2. Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi - Fortune plango vulnera • Wiener Philharmoniker, André Previn • Arnold Schoenberg Chor • Wiener Sängerknaben • Barbara Bonney, soprano • Frank Lopardo, tenor • Anthony Michaels-Moore, baritone • live recording 1994
- Cour D'Amours - Tempus est iocundum
Tempuss est iocundum.
O virgines,
Modo con guadote,
Vos iuvenes.
Baritino solo:
- Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi 1 - O FORTUNA
Coro: Хор:
O fortuna, O, Фортуна,
velut Luna Словно Луна
statu variabilis, Ты изменчива,
semper crescis, Всегда создавая,
- Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi 2 - Forune plango vulnera
2. Forune plango vulnera. 2. Оплакиваю раны нанесенные Судьбой.
Coro: Хор:
Fortune plango vulnera Я оплакиваю раны нанесенные Судьбой
Stillantibus ocellis, И глаза мои залиты слезами,
Quod sua mihi munera Она делает дары живущим,
Sub trahit rebellis. Но меня упрямо обходит.
- Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi 3- Veris leta facies
Coro: Хор:
Veris leta facies Счастливое лицо весны
Mundo propinatur, Повернуто к миру,
Hiemalis acies Суровая зима
Victa iam fugatur, Теперь бежит побежденная;
In vestitu vario Одетая цветами
- Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi 4 - Omnia Sol temperat
Baritono solo: Баритон соло:
Omnia Sol temperat Солнце согревает все,
Purus et subtilis, Чистое и любезное,
Novo mundo reserat Вновь оно обращает к миру
Faciem Aprilis, Свое лицо в апреле,
Amorem protepiat Обращена к любви
Animus herilis, Каждая душа,
- Fortune Plango Vulnera
Fortune plango vulnera
stillantibus ocellis
quod sua michi munera
subtrahit rebellis.
Verum est, quod legitur,
fronte capillata,
sed plerumque sequitur
Occasio calvata.
- Мол
Фортуне планго вульнера
стиллантибус очеллис
куодсуа мики мунера
субтраит ребеллис.
Ин Фортуне солио
седерам элатус,