Chapter 7 все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
The video CamerasBeth's uncle helped Simon fix the car tyre and headlight. Then they decided to hide it.
"That detective might come up here looking for you. If he does, we don't want him to find out that you've been here. "
Simon followed Lou's red truck to the top of the mountain. When they reached a space at the top, they stopped. Beth's car was also there. Simon parked his car next to Beth's, then drove back to the cabin in Lou's truck. When they returned, Simon and Lou pulled a tree in front of the road leading to the hidden caves. Then they cleared away their tyre marks.
Beth came out of the cabin with Sylvie but Simon didn't recognise her. She had short, blonde hair and she had a blue dress and white pearls on.
"What happened? "
"Don't you think your detective friend has a picture of me ? Let's hope they don't know my uncle's truck. That's what we'll use to drive back to town. "
"They'll know me and Sylvie. "
"But they won't see you. Come see your new home. "