01 - Fuck Team SportsSo here you are again. The walls are closing. I’m on the outside looking in, a world between us. Left alone I’m prone to spend my life on the edges. No gangs and no defence.
Sit myself down. Take the gun from my head, crack my thoughts wide open. It’s our survival instinct to be on the winning team well I say “Fuck team sports”.
That’s just how it is, the home advantage. Water flows beneath the bridge, but you’re still chanting. In the drone there is a voice, it says you belong here. Telling me I have a choice.
I chose to sit myself down. Take the gun from my head, crack my thoughts wide open. It’s our survival instinct to be on the winning team well I say “Fuck team sports”.
06 - Holy CommunionI remember the streets unfolded like a map. I was in the oldest part of the city. My mother told me stories of when she was a child as we watched clothes dry on a balcony. There was a choir singing gospels loud and clear. Oh no, I didn’t know how to feel. That was the last time I took Holy Communion. I had to walk to the alter to see their faces clear. When you asked me if I was okay I couldn’t answer (I just shook).
But oh, what would you do? How would you feel if the world paid attention to you? Oh, how they grow up! They were the shoes we wore when our wives fell in love with us.
Don’t let them call my name to an empty room. If you’ll do that for me I’ll do it for you.
The only suit I own is black and if it stays right at the back of my wardrobe this year could be a better one. Some things must die for some to grow and though I’ll find my own way home I know I’ll never be alone again.
08 - Let Me Let You DownDon’t wanna be a hero. Don’t wanna save the day. Just wanna walk in the hills with my dog, not the streets of LA.
Don’t wanna be a rockstar. Don’t need the crowds to scream for me.
Just wanna lay on in bed with my girl, she’s all the crowd I need.
Don’t wanna be another lost soul in the smog of Los Angeles. Wanna watch my dog swimming in mountain streams with the trees surrounding me.
Just let me let you down. Please this time, just let me let you down.
BresoWell, are you here because you want to or you think that you should be?
Another social situation or is it something that you need?
Yeah I know, but that's not why I'm here today.
Now you're lookin' at me and I'm lookin' at you and between both of us we don't even have a clue.
Yeah I know but it's not why I'm here today.
Nothing is perfect and you're not alone, step it up with bass, drums, a guitarand a microphone (even a piano), let's hear what you have to say.
Sing about your love or hate, the people that you meet, what is happening inside of you, what happens on the street.
I Rarely RelateI Rarely Relate
What do you do when you're feeling numb and emotionally deaf and dumb?
Striving for direction and mutual affection.
You tried so hard but now your heart is floating like a stone.
And someone told me it's not having the best of anything it's doing the best with anything that you have. Try telling that to an introspective sociopath, who's substituting unity for a heard mentality.
But you've already fallen asleep.