Clouds все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
A Glimpse of Sorrowin nocturnal slumber
dreams appear through eyes of the dead
tossing and turning drenched in sweat
hazy visions flashing through your head
cardiac arrhythmiayou are lost for breath
no recollection where this originates
are these images of your fate?
trapped within your mind
Even If I Fallif i should turn
the hands of time
to see the light
if all these nightmares would stop
i would come to life
departed yet so close to me
you are
left in this mute agony
Heaven Was Blind to My Griefbring forth this darkness
bring me all despair l
eave me here in nothingness and
walk further into
further into time and see
the only thing i found
near to the sun
near to pain and grief
If These Walls Could Speak shapes
silent and static
there’s nothing here but the white
it scares me to close my eyes
this is not how I dreamed
it’s not how I had hoped
let me scream
I can’t even speak
The Deep Vast Emptinessi fled the place
where i once sat
in dreams of hope
and tears of joy
i threw the key
to life itself
i spat the book
and blamed the sky
Муси-пусиА мне по честному хотелось бы быть чистым
Не смотреть на числа и не пускать слова со свистом
Быть искреним с близкими, всех своих видеть издали
и чтобы не случилось быть рядом с истиной
Под взглядом пристальным моим сгорело много пикселей
А у меня есть миссия просто быть независимым
Просто найти себя где то на этих листиках