paranoiaCronus: hey there pal. heard youvwe been havwing a tough time, or you knowv, feeling kind of insecure about a fewv things. first of all, you gotta knowv thats alright. evweryone has their moments of fear, or paranoia.
Kankri: Yes. It can 6e c9mm9n t9 feel as th9ugh 9ne is 6eing c9nsistently watched, 9r judged, 6y an unseen f9rce. I str9ngly 6elieve in the imp9rtance 9f seeking assistance and supp9rt. H9wever, 6e sure that y9u’re careful t9 n9t d9 anything that further sparks y9ur fears, 9r that y9u’re inherently unc9mf9rta6le with, unless y9u’re 6eing cared f9r and watched 9ver 6y a pr9fessi9nal that y9u trust!
Cronus: yeah its not cool to feel like evweryones pressuring you to do something that doesnt jivwe vwith your personal autonomy. that being said, you should reach out to people. more of them havwe been in your position than you knowv. vwere also thinking about you, and are on your side. you can talk to us, okay?
Kankri: In the meantime; there are res9urces f9r pe9ple c9ping with paran9ia, 9r paran9id th9ughts. Vari9us techniques include av9iding drugs, alc9h9l, 9r caffeine – which I understand t9 6e c9mm9n human c9ping im6i6ements, 6ut which can certainly w9rsen anxiety levels and paran9ia – keeping a rec9rd 9f y9ur th9ughts and 6ehavi9urs by maintaining, say, a j9urnal; r99ting y9urself firmly in y9ur current reality by using a metaph9rical anch9r, such as a s9lid 9bject y9u can h9ld, 9r a quick g9al y9u can ref9cus y9ur attenti9ns 9n; meditating; 9r listening t9 s99thing music. These are just a few suggesti9ns, 9f c9urse, and if y9u’re c9ncerned f9r y9ur safety, 9r the safety 9f any9ne else in y9ur life, 6e sure to seek assistance. There are genuinely g99d pe9ple in this w9rld, and y9u are deserving 9f their aid. Take g99d care 9f y9urself.