A Teenage PrayerComp: Bernie Lowe
My friends all know it
How I adore him
I've whispered to angels
What I'd do for him
He is the answer
To a teenage prayer
Bitchwhat do you want bitch
i give you what i had
it wasn't a lot
i gave you what i had
my love Oh shit it wasn't little
you treated down wheres water in my eyes
black hole in my soul
black hole in soul...
It’s hiding deep inside,
So deep inside a man,
I see it with my eyes,
It’ll be there to the end.
No matter if you love
Somebody or you hate,
Nosey JoeThere's a man in town
All the women know
He goes by the name of Nosey Joe
He don't care if they're married
He takes his pick
Long as they're women
He's ready to stick
Thank youThank You
Everything Seems To Be Right
For Cleaning Myself Out Of Time
I Wanna Thank You
Hope You Will Stay By My Side
Never Tell Any Lie - That's
Why I Like You
Trigger HeavyI'm so tired of chasing sleep
My feet are heavy and my knees are weak
I've been locked in the panic room suite
Sapphire eyes, your name is still sweet
I said, rock hard
Cold, white noise, numb
Wring that poison from my tongue
Пули рок-н-роллаИ я не знаю как
Я не помню где
С кем все началось
Децибелов ночь
Будто морфий в кровь
Сужены зрачки
Дуло у веска
ШрамыИзмученными душами
Ведем дуэль который год.
Изрезанными пальцами,
Ласкаем шрамы день за днем,
Не отпуская...
Связанными взглядами
Мы рвем наш мир на пополам.