All She WroteLine up for the execution, signed up suicide
Hordes of demons pleased with what they see
Barbs on the tentacles that keep the uprise down
Strength is the absence of all quit
Remember that they showed no mercy here, and that’s all she wrote
Feed strength
Weed out cowards
Anal LustTie you up don't give a shit
lick my asshole suck my dick
hold you at gun point
bend you over anal lust
can't survive this torture fuck
there's fire in my eyes i laugh at your cries
AsunderThe seven year itch has come for the middle class father to some
Castle built from sand and stone is now crumbling into the dust
Evening time has come
Tuck the children in and steal the sun
Execute the plan, make no mistakes
Should we just refrain or start again?
Beware the WolfThe evil of all evils lurks in the dark, hiding in the shadow of smiles
Ponder the perfect moment to strike- and laying the bait
Setting the trap for the moment to come, waiting for the eyes to be blind
Falsification of integrity, and taking the prey
Beware the wolf, don’t swim with sharks
Never go walking through woods in the dark
Sociopathic illusion is coming your way
HomicideI love pain
I live to fight
Homicide is what I like
Full of anger
And filled with hate
Violent scene makes me feel great
Kill for pleasure
Kill for fun
I Am the CrossI am Heartless
You will Fear Me day and night.
I reak of putrid mentality and
My aura's exuding might.
There is no way to stop Me
So take care what you try
Just remember that I am Me
And I stand not by your Side.
Legions of DeathWarriors of Sheol ride the storm
Coming to retrieve the human forms
Black cloak rider, force of sin
Mission to destroy white magic's kin
Curse their holy souls
In fire they will die
Good comes to an end
Mourn the Southern SkiesI date the final entry, they’ve been so far between
So many role reversals, so many lies unseen
Where’s the land of honey?
It all seems so unreal...
I cried a dying river all the way to the lake
Undertow of our disasters, soil bed rich in past mistakes
Caught by the beauty of her, strapped in by nature’s call
Ripping FleshGet ready for thrash attack, there is no turning back
Bring the poser to the stage
He’ll be tortured and thrashed, and hung on a rack
Sense the violence in the air, each other’s blood is what you’ll share
Dripping sweat, thrash ‘til death
Sacrifice to the sound of your flesh we will tear
Cutting through and through
Unforgivenyou've given your life to
decadent goals
with a blessed look in
your eyes
repent at your mass for
the night before
when sex was the sinister
Yesterday's BonesJust like a stab through the heart, the world keeps killing you
Question just who you are forevermore
Make it a double on the rocks- but it’ll only dull the pain
Maybe it buys you just another day
Shanked in the back, bleed from the soul
Realize you’re dying once again