A MistakeI'm gonna make a mistake
I'm gonna do it on purpose
I'm gonna waste my time
'Cause I'm full as a tick
And I'm scratching at the surface
And what I find is mine
And when the day is done, and I look back
across the universeОтсюда - навсегда(примерный перевод)
Бесконечных слов поток стучит, как дождь в пустой стакан,
В мои виски, зовя с собой отсюда - вдаль и навсегда;
Наслаждение и боль струятся сквозь мои мечты,
Лаская и язвя меня.
Jai Guru De Va... - но:
Better Version of MeThe nickel dropped
When I was on
My way beyond
The rubicon
What did I do
And the games that I could handle
None are ones worth a candle
ContainerI was screaming into the canyon
At the moment of my death
The echo I created
Outlasted my last breath
My voice it made an avalanche
And buried a man I never knew
And when he died his widowed bride
CriminalI've been a bad, bad girl
I've been careless with a delicate man
And it's a sad, sad world
When a girl will break a boy just because she can
Don't you tell me to deny it
I've done wrong and I want to suffer for my sins
I've come to you 'cause I need guidance to be true
DaredevilI guess I just must be a daredevil
I don't feel anything until I smash it up
I'm caught on the cold, I'm caught on the hot
Not so with the warmer lot
And all I want's a confidante
To help me laugh it off
And don't let me ruin me
Every Single NightEvery single night
I endure the flight
Of little wings of white-flamed
Butterflies in my brain
These ideas of mine
Percolate the mind
Trickle down the spine
Swarm the belly, swelling to a blaze
Extraordinary MachineI certainly haven't been shopping for any new shoes, and
I certainly haven't been spreading myself around
I still only travel by foot and by foot, it's a slow climb
But I'm good at being uncomfortable so I can't stop changing all the time
I noticed that my opponent is always on the go, and
Won't go slow so's not to focus and I notice
He'll hitch a ride with any guide as long as they go fast from whence he came
Fast As You CanI let the beast in too soon, I don't know how to live
Without my hand on his throat; I fight him always and still
Oh darling, it's so sweet, you think you know how crazy
How crazy I am
You say you don't spook easy, you won't go, but I know
And I pray that you will
Fast as you can, baby runfree yourself of me
Fast as you can
Get GoneHow many times do I have to say
To get away-get gone
Flip your shit past another lasses
Humble dwelling
You got your game, made your shot, and you got away
With a lot, but I'm not turned-on
So put away that meat you're selling
Cuz I do know what's good for me-
Get Him BackOne man, he disappoint me
He give me the gouge and he take my glee
Now every other man I see
Remind me of the
One man who disappointed me
But wait till I get him back
He won't have a back to scratch
I KnowSo be it, I'm your crowbar
If thats what I am so far
Until you get out of this mess
And I will pretend
That I dont know of your sins
Until you are ready to confess
But all the time, all the time
I'll know, I'll know
I Walk a Little FasterPretending that we'll meet
Each time I turn a corner
I walk a little faster
Pretending life is sweet
Cause love is around the corner
I walk a little faster
If We KissedElectricity, eye to eye.
Hey don't I know you? I can't speak.
Strip my senses on the spot,
I've never been defenseless,
I can't even make sense of this.
You speak and I don't hear a word.
What would happen if we kissed?
LimpYou wanna make me sick, you wanna lick my wounds, don't you, baby?
You want the badge of honor when you save my hide
But your the one, and the way, of the day of the doom, baby
If you need my shame to reclaim your pride...
When I think of it, My fingers turn to fists!
I never did anything to you man!
No matter what I try, You beat me with your bitter lies
Love RiddenLove ridden, I've looked at you
With the focus I gave to my birthday candles
I've wished on the lidded blue flames
Under your brow
And baby, I wished for you
Nobody sees when you are lying in your bed
And I wanna crawl in with you
But I cry instead
Not About LoveThe early cars
Already are
Drawing deep breaths past my door
And last night's phrases
Sick with lack of basis
Are still writhing on my floor
And it doesn't seem fair
Nothing's gonna change my worldWords are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup,
They slither while they pass they slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind,
Possessing and caressing me
Jai guru de va om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
O SailorI'm undecided about you again
I can be right that you're not here
It's double sided 'cause I ruined it all
But also saved myself
by never believing you dear
Everything good I deem too good to be true
Everything else is just a bore
Oh WellWhat you did to me made me
See myself something different
Though I try to talk sense to myself
But I just won't listen
Won't you go away
Turned yourself in
You're no good at confession
On The BoundAll my life is on me now, hail the pages turning
And the future's on the bound, hell don't know my fury
You're all I need, you're all I need, you're all I need
You're all I need, you're all I need, you're all I need
You're all I need - and maybe some faith would
Do me good
I don't know what I'm doing, don't know should I
Change my mind, I can't decide, there's too many
Pale SeptemberPale September
I wore the time
Like a dress that year
The autumn days
Swung soft around me
Like cotton on my skin
But as the embers
Of the summer
Paper BagI was staring at the sky, just looking for a star
To pray on, or wish on, or something like that
I was having a sweet fix of a daydream of a boy
Whose reality I knew, was a hopeless to be had
But then the dove of hope began its downward slope
And I believed for a moment that my chances
Were approaching to be grabbed
But as it came down near, so did a weary tear
Parting GiftI opened my eyes
While you were kissing me once more than once
And you looked as sincere as a dog
Just as sincere as a dog does,
When it's the food on your lips with which it's in love
I bet you could never tell
That I knew you didn't know me that well
Pleasantville OST - Across The UniverseWords are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup,
They slither while they pass, they slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my open mind,
Possessing and caressing me.
Jai guru de va om
Nothing's gonna change my world,
Nothing's gonna change my world.
Please Please PleasePlease please please
No more melodies
They lack impact, they're petty
They've been made up already
Please please please
No more maladies
I'm so tired of crying
You'd think I was a siren
Please Send Me Someone To LoveHeaven please send to all mankind
Understanding and peace in mind
But if it's not asking too much
Please send me someone to love
Red Red RedI don't understand about complimentary colors
And what they say
Side by side they both get bright
Together they both get gray
But he's been pretty much yellow
And I've been crying blue
But all I can see is
Red, red, red, red, red now
Sally's SongI sense there's something in the wind
that seems like tragedy's at hand,
and though I'd like to stand by him,
can't shake this feeling that I have
the worst is just around the bend.
And does he notice
my feeling for him?
ShadowboxerOnce my lover, now my friend
What a cruel thing to pretend
What a cunning way to condescend
Once my lover, and now my friend
Oh, you creep up like the clouds
And you set my soul at ease
Then you let your love abound
Slow like honeyYou moved like honey
In my dream last night
Yeah, some old fires
Were burning
You came near to me
And you endeared to me
Nut you couldn't
Quit discern me
Sullen GirlOn days like this I don't know what to do with myself
All day and all night
I wander the halls along the walls and under my breath I say
to myself I need fuel to take flight
And there's too much going on
But it's calm under the waves, in the blue of my oblivion
Under the waves, in the blue of my oblivion
The First TasteI lie in an early bed thinking late thoughts
Waiting for the black to replace my blue
I do not struggle in your web because it was my aim to get caught
But daddy longlegs, I feel that I'm finally growing weary
Of waiting to be consumed by you
Give me the first taste
Let it begin, heaven cannot wait forever
The Way Things AreI wouldn't know what to do with another chance
If you gave it to me
I couldn't take the embrace of a real romance
It'd race right through me
I'm much better off the way things are
Much much better off, better by far, by far
Tidal - 01 - Sleep To DreamI tell you how I feel
But you don't care
I say tell me the truth
But you don't dare
You say love is a hell
You cannot bear
And I say gimme mine
Back and then go there
Tidal - 04 - CriminalI've been a bad bad girl,
I've been careless with a delicate man.
And it's a sad sad world,
When a girl can break a boy
just because she can.
Don't you tell me to deny it,
I've done wrong and I want to
to your loveHere's another speech you wish I'd swallow
Another cue for you to fold your ears
Another train of thought too hard to follow
Chugging along to the song that belongs to
The shifting of gears
Please forgive me for my distance
The pain is the evident in my existence
Please forgive me for my distance
true detective 2 ostChange will come to those who have no fear
But I’m not her, you never were the kind who kept a rulebook near
We were we like a pair of thieves, tumbled locks and broken codes
You cannot take that from me, my small reprieves your heart of gold
We were like a battlefield locked inside a holy war, your love is my due diligence
The only thing worth fighting for
Why Try To Change Me NowI'm sentimental
So I walk in the rain
I've got some habits
Even I can't explain
I go to the corner
And I end up in Spain
Why try to change me now