4th DimensionI am floating in the universe
like on a silent ocean
my mind is opened wide
to understand our life
I see the secrets of mankind
understand their destination
everybody goes his way
A New BeginningLyrics for "A New Beginning" by Funker Vogt:
I can see the city lights
When I turn my head
A lake reflects the stars
But I won`t come back
The moon shines bright tonight
A New DawnWe tried to seek wisdom
Conquered and explored
Science versus nature
The prophecies were ignored
So the legends were true
The gods came back
But not for good
A. I.Wir dachten wohl, wir könnten es kontrollieren
Alltagsprobleme einfach kompensieren
Wir spielten Gott, doch dann ging es zu weit
Doch für die Konsequenzen waren wir nicht bereit
Aus dem Labor, die Geister, die ich rief
Künstlich erschaffen, dabei ging etwas schief
Intelligenz lässt sich nicht einfach wegradieren
Unterdrücken oder einfach korrigieren
AbductedIhr wolltet nie verstehen
Nichts mehr ist wie es war
Was war mit mir geschehen
In dieser einen Nacht
Ich sehe nicht mehr klar
Ich kann es nicht erklären
Aus dem Nichts waren sie da
Jetzt kehren sie zurück
AloneIn some days you`ll be alone
Have to manage all on your own
It`s the time when your parents are dead
Your friends are done and you feel upset
The days are grey and the nights are dark
So evertime you will need a spark
Without a spark you have no chance
AnimalsThe character which we need
They live all in common
And without self-interest
But we kill them to get the cash
Don't you think that is trash?
We respect the cunning of a fox
But our weekend trip is it's death
Arising HeroHe fought his final battle
Beside his old companions
A handful of brave soldiers
Prevented the apocalypse
Didn`t care for his own life
Didn`t care if he died
He grasped his final chance
Atme den SchmerzAus diesem tiefen Tal - geboren aus der Qual
Führt kein Weg ins Licht - doch mehr ertrag ich nicht
Was einst mein Körper war - ist nicht mehr annehmbar
Allein an diesem Ort - wann trägt 's mich endlich fort?!
Ein jeder Atemzug - erhitzt in mir das Blut
Hab mir den Dreck - selbst aus den Wunden geleckt
Wann werde ich befreit - von diesem endlosen Leid
BabylonAfter all the wars
We are reunited in Babylon
We have learned from the past
This is our final chance
After all the wars
Destruction finally left behind
The old cities are all gone
Babylon this is your time
Beyond Your BeliefThey are stalking to the shore line
And waiting for their prey
There in the endless night
There it never will be day
This is their home a secret place
Where they sneak - sneak around
A place beyond your believe
Beyond Your Believethey are stalking to the shore line
and waiting for their prey
there in the endless night
where it never will be day
this is their home a secret place
where they sneak - sneak around
a place beyond your believe
Black HoleLyrics for "Black Hole" by Funker Vogt:
Ride off into sunset
Even in hours you won`t reach
Seconds fade into infinity
Where the parallels will meet
The clock strikes twelve
Black Market Dealersbombed ruins form the skyline
burnt places - all around
people trading their possessions
a keepsake for some bread
crowded trains full of people
remindful of a cattle transport
families get separated
Blind RageBlind Rage
With an inward turning gaze
Of one who sees his own truth
Certainly a true believer
In his superior mind
Hard times always bring about
A certain need for escape
BloodsuckerA world made for dreamers
A world full of lies
Believe what you see
Believe what you read
Words spoken in hate
Can smash you like a sword
Nothing can save us
Bring the FightYou love pain, here you go
We will bury you six feet below
Is it pain that you adore
Come and feel our shape of war
Come and get it, just come and get it
Come and get it, just come and get it
Come and get it, just come and get it
Buried AliveI feel the walls too close to me
And everything here's black
I can already reach the ceiling
Although I lie on my back
There's no way to get outside
There's hardly space to move
I don't know how I came in
Child SoldierHis parents died, shot in the head
Killed by his unit alone at night
They took the kid and gave him drugs
They gave him guns, taught him to kill
He's still a child
But now a soldier
City Of DarknessAll the wildlife has disappeared
And earthquakes are always feared
Everywhere one sees explosions
But the ground is still frozen
Some people here have all the power
The rulers in an ivory tower
Constructing a new kind of life
But these creatures are not alive
Cold Warsomewher down in mother Russia
they make plans to take the world
thousands of veiled secrets
hidden deep inside their rooms
with all their special agents
trying to fool each other
each side wants to be the smartest
CompulsionsThe dreams still come and go
Lying wounded on a beach
With shrapnel in my leg
My only weapon is a knife
And there is this golden fluid
A bag full of tiny bottles
It’s a promise for relief
The key for my survival
Date of ExpirationDate of expiration
A disease you cannot cure
It's our destination
No delays anymore
Great expectations
But the end is so near
A strange iteration
DesperadoDas Töten hat kein Ende
Du ertrinkst in deiner Furcht
Das Blut an deinen Händen
Lässt dich nie wieder los
So schnell war es geschehen
Doch wars dir nie bewusst
Du wolltest nicht verstehen
DogmaRun and seek for shelter
Run to save your life
Run and search for cover
Run, just run!
Always in bad company
I am not the one to blame
Merciless, no dignity
Element 115Spacecrafts they might have crashed here
As a matter of fact I can't see things clear
It's seems ridiculous but how should we know
No informations the doubts have grown
Two sides of a coin but whom can we trust
An open question left to discuss
A statement from the government a dead loss
Again they pretend to be the boss
Evil's Birthwounds of self-mutilation
caused by religous fevor
a sacrifice of a child
to summoning the gods
a fortress in the dense woods
called the temple of destruction
just finished the preperations
Fallen HeroThey called me the tragic hero
They avoided my company
My names were only whispered
Just a tale for a moonless night
Fallen hero fits much better
To describe my true fate
Once a fighter for the light
Fallen ManIt started like a normal day
Shower, breakfast and then out
The sun shone on a winter morning
As he caught the bus to work
Thoughts about the next hours
Some trouble was ahead
He left the bus and it hit him
FantasiesLet me tell you a story
out of my small prison cell
my life had not much glory
and I will burn in hell
I really thought she was eighteen
but she only eleven
acting like a porno king
Faster LifeIt’s driving me forth without a rest
These feelings inside me I cannot control
An unknown force is controlling my fate
It provides me with this restless life
I’m coming home to recover
But after a day I feel it again
I have to leave and go on a journey
To unknown places I haven’t heard of
FatherI see you - with a gun
In your eyes - insanity
In my dreams - I run
You follow me - I cannot stay
I wonder what - has driven you
To hunt me - into the night
All these things - I don't believe
Feel the PainI can feel your pain cause I never gave up on you
I can feel your pain but I never made it up to you
I can feel you
Walking - on these empty roads - alone
No light - that enlightens your soul
You feel - like living in a dangerzone
My fault - cause I never saw the - whole
Final ThrillAnother land, another culture
With a different kind of life
What was once forbidden
Belongs here to social life
While you travel to those countries
You can live a thousand lives
In a castle somewhere in Britain
Fire And ForgetKilling never was easier
Than it’s today
There’s no more need to hone your skill
You fire and forget
All these laser-guided bombs
Will soon become out-dated
There's no more need for guidance
Follow MeAn open door an invitation
To join in this new world
I took the chance despite the danger
All I saw was "follow me"
I lived this new exciting life
Like every day on ecstacy
Pretty soon I got addicted
Fortunes of WarThe damage done to all these place
is quite unbelievable
you never have seen such pain
walking through the bombed cities
a cancerous civilization
fed on its own body
which is never healing yet
Friendly FireWithin a few seconds their jets came over the hill
the soldiers raining fire on their people
An unintended
sacrifice of their own lives
The soldiers at the front –
killed by their own nation
Frozen In TimeI favour obscurity
Whenever it serves my purpose
I favour all kinds of things
To reach my own goals
But suddenly everything has changed
As I found my true confession
It was almost like a stroke
Beyond my comprehension
Funker VogtSie haben dich gezogen
Und du wolltest es
Spiel ein bisschen krieg
Weil du ein deutscher bist
Sie haben nicht gelogen
Und du wusstest es
Ziehe in den krieg
Und feiere deinen sieg
Funker Vogt 2nd UnitDein Licht ist nun erloschen
Die Seele weicht hinaus
Dein Streben hat ein Ende
Du hast das Ziel erreicht
Deine Tage sind gezählt
So wurde es beschlossen
Doch dein Geist nicht totzukriegen
GaiaWhere do we come from - where do we go?
Are we alone in space or what do we know?
How infinite is infinity?
And how eternal is eternity?
Why do we bleed or why do we breathe?
Don't we want to - or are we -
Too stupid to understand?
GenozidDie Währung des Krieges
weder Geld noch Gold
Demozid - Genozid
gezahlt wird hier in Blut
Der Mensch vergisst, was einst war
der Kreis schließt sich erneut
Blutzoll, Blutzoll
GunmanNow the race is on the run
So look out for your man
Try to catch him in the woods
And kill him if you can
Come on play the game
And catch the man
This is your aim
HistoryThey were fighting for land in earlier days
Wanting to extend their living space
They were fighting for their faith a thousand years
Call it holy war - it's the sum of your fears
They are fighting for oil at the present time
Want to suppress all of these crimes
Fighting goes on in the next decade
Hold My GroundThe years pass by
My life is fine
The past lies buried
Deep in my soul
What there was
And has been
Has been forgotten
Hostile WatersWhenever you board a ship
You put your life in the captain`s hands
And sometimes this could be a man
With a complicated inner life
Your own life depends on him
Gambling on his decisions
Hoping for some better days
On the way to a new shore
House Of SorrowsLocked away in rooms and routines
But some things are worse than walls
Never ending grief surrounds us
And sometimes I can hear their calls
But I prefer not to notice
What there was and has been
The ugly truth locked away
Will forget what I have seen
IkarusThe time for peace is over
Humanity has failed
The weapons have been chosen
The course has been retained
Still we move in circles
In politics we trust
Bowing down to power
Until we get crushed
Killing FieldsYou must plan and you must train
For the battle you don't want
To defend what you love
That's how the war begins
So when you walk away
Leaving the killing fields
You will be soon aware
killing groundsThey do the things all soldiers do
While they’re waiting to die
Writing letters to their friends
That will never be delivered
They have dreams about escaping
Getting away underneath the fence
And being, once more reunited
KriegerHoch die Fahnen!
Hisst die Fahnen!
Keine Furcht vor neuen Wegen
Hoch die Fahnen!
Hisst die Fahnen!
Frischer Wind wird es belegen
Mit stählerner Faust geh'n wir voran
Lock and LoadNow I feel like on the run
My life is going down the drain
However I turn
Ill have to face it again
Ive seen it all
All the suffering and pain
However I turn
Lost KingdomWe seem to be forgotten
The children of disgrace
Walking through the ruins
Of this deserted place
Once we were a kingdom
Now it turns to dust
All our ancient wisdom
Reminds of what we've lost
Maschine ZeitDer Mensch als Traum - nicht Wirklichkeit
Gedankeng nge kontrolliert
Das Du im Ich in Raum und Zeit:
Gef hle noch einmal installiert
Dekaden voll Abnormit t
Verstand, ein Feind des Ichs
Die Ewigkeit ein dunkler Feck
My InnermostOn this road we all travel
Strangers come and strangers go
All these faces passing by
An endless stream on our timeline
All these faces tell only lies
But a fake smile cannot hide
You`ll find the truth in their eyes
no tomorrowI met her in a restaurant
A face that you will not forget
A character you will not find
In a thousand women you have met
Here she comes with a load of sorrows
I don’t care there’s no tomorrow
Tonight, yes tonight I feel good
Nothing to inculdethinking nad learning
calcuating and computing
reading, memorizing
talking and apologizing
3D and efficient
appraising this attitude
four steps, comprehend?
Nuclear WinterI look toward the ocean see reflections on the water
A glossy illumination of the city lights
Far out in the waves is the shape of a whale
Hear it singing its old song like it has always done
It was just a dream which comes and goes
As do the old seasons while the wind still blows
Obscure PicturesI've had to leave
But still can see you
Almost every single day
When desire overwhelms me
But more important is
What I can do
Although I really want to
OneWe always thought that there`re two sites
Black and white from which we chose
Never have thought that this
Might not be the whole truth
There`s no good god, no evil devil
Just one god who is all
No fallen angel ruling hell
There is just one entity
ParalyzedWhat happened in the world today?
Tell me what we really know
There are far too many secrets
We are all kept in suspense
Do we really know the reason why they fight in the middle-east?
Do we really know the reason why the terrorists attack?
A dirty game is going on
Prisoners Of WarWe have to fire up the engines, supply them with coal
And if we get too weak we are burned as fuel
I have seen my comrades getting burned down here
Counting my days until it's my turn
Aboard this flagship
We are prisoners of war
Used as human resources
Pure WarPeople hate people for nothing at all
our kingdon of love is ready to fall
hate is the power which keeps them going on
it's their motivation - but their feelings are gone
Just war - pride and resignation
Pure war - hate and resolution
Red QueenYou always wanna' be the best
It's a struggle without an end
Running as fast as you can
But you will never reach your goal
It's the struggle of our daily life
Of politics and war
Everyone here runs so fast
RejectA big crowd controlled by fear
Always underestimated
But beware of the time
When they will break loose
Why do we always forget
That there are more of us
We have the chance to overcome them
Remember ChildhoodThere was a little child
Playing with it's friends
They had a lot of toys
And nothing more than fun
They didn't care for success
And had no tasks to master
Life was so easy to them
RobotsFunker Vogt - Robots
All alone in outer space
Unknown stars shine upon us
We are on the run too weak to fight
Sick and tired too few in numbers
Our homes are destroyed
SchizophreniaMy life is strange and tonight
I feel the magic in the air
like Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hide
I'm living in a real nightmare
my two worlds will collide
I don't know who I am
like Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hide
SinsThey All Emerged One By One
Hoping For Freedom But There Is None
See The Men In Uniform
They Send You Out To Fight The Storm
Look Up In The Charcoal Sky
Want To See The Sun Before You Die
So Please Tell Me What Happened Here
Six Feet UnderA one-sided trench war
Within an undefined area
A small nation defended its borders
In a very unfair campaign
Their trenches had been destroyed
By air attacks and ground assaults
Many of them were buried alive
Snow Was FallingOn the way to New York City I found myself in France
A broken engine on the plane left me one night in Paris
So I walked along the Seine, didn't know what else to do
Wandering around aimlessly and suddenly I saw you!
A cold night in December
(A cold night in December)
You were there alone with her
StarfightersA dream finally came true
To wear this special uniform
To join in their company
The best of the best
Always been a believer
In your own capacity
The training never was too hard
Stolen ThoughtsEvery morning I wake up
With a new identity
With some new memories
Of my former life
All the thoughts I ever had
All the memories I can recite
Are just an illusion
StrangerI woke up in the middle of the night
And I knew that something had changed
I can't explain what was happening to me
But I can feel these eyes keep staring at me
Now that I know they took me by force
My whole life has changed
It was a night a night like this
Why did it happen why did it happen to me
StrongholdOur shields are all down
Nothing can hold them back
An overwhelming force came for just one reason
They came with a thousand ships
And soldiers by the million
Blasterfire smashed our shields
They all came tumbling down (tumbling down)
SubspaceGet Connected
Get Connected
Get Connected
Come on in
Come on in
Suspended AnimationThanks for Nothing (1996)
Snapping at air, I woke up
I couldn't see where I was
A smell of mold and nothing was seen
Groping for a hold, I realized my fate
They laid me down in a box
And threw it down into a grave
ThanatophobiaAfraid to die
Afraid to live
In this world full of hate
Roaring thunder
Death is coming
A brilliant flash in the night
A mighty shadow darkens the sky
But I am not afraid to die
Thanks For NothingYou are not born yet
But already so alone
That you can do nothing but scream
Nothing but pressure and no more help
Love isn't subsisting
Hate is dominating
The 3rd WarI'm sitting at the coast
see the gulls in the air
The dolphins come across the sea
catching fish on thier way
Suddenly the bombs explode
dead bodies on the water
The water is coloured red
The EndWas it an act of evolution or a mistake more divine?
The creation of mankind a million years ago
Too few of them can be convinced about the truth of life
The majority of men ' still fighting for their own ends
Chorus girls in uniform like fallen angels by my side
Celebrating the modern age
The devil wins this fight
The International KillerPeople are suffering
It is the slow death
Sometimes it takes years
Until they are dead
Nobody knows
Why it hits you
What have you done
To deserve this torture
The JourneyTen miles above the landscape
I can watch the stars
Power plants and city lights
Illuminate the night
I must keep going on
Now I've reached the sea
I feel that I'm too far above
The LastSee it emerge from the ocean depths
Its dull black eyes staring into yours
Without fear it confronts you
As it did before the dawn of man
Overpopulation is a threat to mankind
They always depended on the same food
Some may call it controlled resources
The Last StandYou were born a fighter
Pulled through all the dirt
Downcast by words
And stung where it hurts
Always misplaced
Always disgraced
Crying for help
The Path of the GodsDeep in the desert
Deep down in the sand
We might find some answers
So we might understand
We've only scratched the surface
The path is still unclear
Have we already forgotten
Nothing is as it appears
The State WithinThey can fake everything
To prove that you are guilty
They can erase your life
Steal your whole identity
There`s not much you can do
Resistance is impossible
In the end they take your life
The Voices of the DeadYou have seen the soldiers dying
And you have survived
Maybe there's a reason why
You are still alive
Now you live a normal life
Founded a family
But in the night you hear them scream
Scream in agony
The WantingSilence - surrounds me
But I am not alone here
My vision - is blurry
The bright lights disturbing
No memory - how I got here
But they keep staring at me
They look so disgusting
This CircleThe circle of death and birth
Is the power of heaven and earth
You died old and weak
Later you play hide and seek
The power of the circle
Will determinate your fate
Reincarnation's gonna get you
This WorldFor centuries and centuries
I walked along their battlefields
Rotten flesh and burned soil
Is all what they have left
A strange desire for destruction
Can be felt at all these places
An awful waste of resources
All for their killing machinery
Thor's HammerWe did not see it coming
The death from above
When the sky opened wide
As if god began to cry
The earth started to crumble
When the sky went dark
We could lose our lives
Thoughts Of A SoldierIt never was and never will be
The sun setting beyond horizons
It always was and ever will be
The earth which keeps on turning
The world moved on and left me here
The world moved on and left me here
The world moved on and left me here
Time Of DreamsIt was the time of dreams
An idea arose in front of me
I looked into the distance
Is it our future?
come to me tonight
And show me your face
Let's do it, let's unite
Tragic HeroI saw all the tragedies
happened to mankind
i'm always involved
when trouble hits our life
It's not me to turn the fate
to a better end
what I do will make it worse
Under ControlThey are watching you from far away
everything is under thier control
you can run but you can't hide
in this very little world
so you better leave this place
looking for a better world
without watchers in the night
VisionThis is the next century
And we live far beyond
Killing people doesn't matter
A necessary means to an end
waiting for the final day
A premonition of what will come
The clock counts of the seconds
WartimeYou grow up in the wartime
But the wars are all over
Peacetimes aren't easy
For a warror like you
there's really nothign left what you can do
Now that the war is over
And no one needs a hero
WastelandVorwärts - voran
Aus dem Dunkel ins Licht
Das Ziel liegt noch fern
Kein Ende in Sicht
Nur leichtes Gepäck
Auf dieser Mission
Der Weg ist noch weit
Whenever a Child DiesThe message hits them very deeply
Left them alone with their loss
They wanted to see to believe
But this is what they got told:
"Don't go now and look at her
cause we hardly dared to look!
Tomorrow, you can go and see
Words Of PowerYour lungs are filled with rotten air
diseases rule the world
people ar dying on the streets
while you pass them by
Your faith will keep you moving on
in a restless world
Here you have to find yourself