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  • Текст песни Joy Division - Colony

    Исполнитель: Joy Division
    Название песни: Colony
    Дата добавления: 16.06.2015 | 11:57:59
    Просмотров: 14
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Joy Division - Colony, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?


    A cry for help, a hint of anaesthesia
    The sound from broken homes, we used to always meet here
    As he lays asleep she takes him in her arms
    Some things I have to do but I don't mean you harm

    I wore a careless glance and kissed her last goodbye
    Hands in the bag she packed a tear she tries to hide
    Cruel wind that howls down to our lunacy
    And leaves him standing cold here in this colony

    I can't see why all these confrontations
    I can't see why all these dislocations
    No, family life just makes me feel uneasy
    Stood alone here in this colony
    In this colony (4)
    Yeah, God in his wisdom took you by the hand,
    God in his wisdom made you understand (4)
    In this colony (4)


    Крик о помощи, намек на обезболивание
    Звуки из разваливающихся жилищ, обычно мы всегда встречаемся здесь
    Когда он спит, она берет его на руки
    Некоторые вещи мне приходится делать, но я не собираюсь причинять тебе боль

    Я надел на себя маску беспечности и поцеловал ее на прощание в последний раз
    Руки на сумке, уложенной ею, слеза, которую она пытается скрыть
    Жестокое дыхание перерастает в вой вплоть до нашего безумия
    И оставляет его холодное присутствие здесь, в этой семье

    Я не могу найти причину всех этих ссор
    Я не могу найти причину всех этих расстройств
    Нет, семейная жизнь лишь заставляет меня чувствовать себя неуютно
    Оставляя одиноким здесь, в этой семье
    В этой семье (4)
    Да, Мудрый Господь ведет тебя за руку
    Мудрый Господь дает тебе понимание (4)
    В этой семье (4)

    A cry for help, a hint of anaesthesia
    The sound from broken homes, we used to always meet here
    As he lays asleep she takes him in her arms
    Some things I have to do but I do not mean you harm

    I wore a careless glance and kissed her last goodbye
    Hands in the bag she packed a tear she tries to hide
    Cruel wind that howls down to our lunacy
    And leaves him standing cold here in this colony

    I can not see why all these confrontations
    I can not see why all these dislocations
    No, family life just makes me feel uneasy
    Stood alone here in this colony
    In this colony (4)
    Yeah, God in his wisdom took you by the hand,
    God in his wisdom made you understand (4)
    In this colony (4)


    A cry for help, a hint of anesthesia
    The sounds of crumbling houses, usually we always meet here
    When he was asleep, she takes him in her arms
    Some things I have to do, but I'm not going to hurt you

    I put on a mask of nonchalance and kissed her goodbye for the last time
    Hands-on bag, laid it, the tears that she tries to hide
    Ill wind howling grows into up to our madness
    And it leaves him cold presence here, in this family

    I can not find the cause of all these quarrels
    I can not find the cause of all these disorders
    No, family life just makes me feel uncomfortable
    Leaving alone here in this family
    In this family, (4)
    Yes, Wise Lord leads you by the hand
    Wise Lord will give you understanding (4)
    In this family, (4)


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