Kate Linch все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Dancing in the NightI’m like a ghost
I’m feeling blue
Maybe i want someone
Someone brand new
They were en route but now they're blind
I’m still driven to your side
I see something in the shadows
I hear something in the dark
FireI’m running out of time
It was meant to be
Sometimes I cry
I want you to set me free
I should die
I should die in your arms right now
I guess I'm in love with your green eyes
I need you now like I never did
I Love YouToo many voices in my head
When I began all this was i mad
I want you by my side
I’m getting closer
One sends shivers down my spine
Two so have I crossed the line
Three I don’t believe
Don’t let me go
More Than WordsMore than words
It’s more than words
It’s a perfect day to be alive
It’s a perfect night to say goodbye
I’m sorry for I circle back
I always known
It should be bad
But you are all I need