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  • Текст песни martoven - Тушь

    Исполнитель: martoven
    Название песни: Тушь
    Дата добавления: 11.09.2024 | 20:34:43
    Просмотров: 1
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    Здесь расположен текст песни martoven - Тушь, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    с утра американо или эспрессо
    как подвести глаза и во что бы одеться
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    но будь с миром честной
    смой всю эту тушь
    может тогда я оценю твой истинный look
    твой и твоих подруг

    25 к
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    как подвести глаза и во что бы одеться
    и то что в инсте лайки сыпятся так резко твой антистресс
    но будь с миром честней
    смой всю эту тушь
    может тогда я оценю твой истинный look
    твой и твоих подруг

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    что её стилю под силам ворваться на огромный билборд
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    In the morning Americano or espresso
    how to take your eyes and get dressed in
    And the fact that your anti -stress is so sharply pouring in the instrument
    But be honest with the world
    all this mascara
    maybe then I will appreciate your true look
    yours and your friends

    25 K.
    Closed contact
    It is worked out clearly
    Hundreds of people in the block are sitting
    And to declare this your work about them
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    And what is wrong in life from Friday to Saturday
    as usual, Tic Tac will be perfectly driven by your air cigarettes
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    Everything you say will not leave me and a trace
    While everything I see for hours exhausted Makeup
    She's on my dick
    After all, my style is wow
    Lady Is Ready to Lay Down
    I'm in her log in right there log out

    In the morning Americano or espresso
    how to take your eyes and get dressed in
    And the fact that your anti -stress is so sharply pouring in the instrument
    But be more honest with the world
    all this mascara
    maybe then I will appreciate your true look
    yours and your friends

    The girl knowing herself hides every jamb
    The girl puts herself
    The girl is steamed because no one has ever knew
    After all, she likes the fact
    that at least somehow she flies
    Each fan is important
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    To celebrate the next anniversary of subscribers or friends
    This is a game of catalog
    But her ceiling is not a million
    and plus one thing per year
    Not life but a continuous paradox
    After all, she is sure
    that her style under the power to break into a huge billboard
    But while the phone is torn only within its dreams


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