New World Renaissance Band все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Fortune My FoeFortune my Foe, why dost thou frown on me?
And will thy favours never better be?
Wilt thou, I say, for ever breed my pain?
And wilt thou not restore my joys again?
In vain I sigh, in vain I wail and weep;
In vain my eyes refrain from quiet sleep;
In vain I shed my tears both night and day;
What Then Ys Love But MourningWhat then ys love but mourning?
What desire but a self-burning?
Till she that hateth doth love return
Thus I wyll mourn, thus wyll I syng,
Come away, come away, my darling.
Beauty ys but a blooming,
Youth in his glory entombing;
Time hath a while which none can stay,