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  • Текст песни Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds - 2013 - Push the Sky Away - 4. Jubilee Street

    Исполнитель: Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds - 2013 - Push the Sky Away
    Название песни: 4. Jubilee Street
    Дата добавления: 27.08.2014 | 13:11:16
    Просмотров: 50
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds - 2013 - Push the Sky Away - 4. Jubilee Street, перевод и видео.
    On Jubilee Street there was a girl named Bee
    She had a history, but she had no past
    When they shut her down, the Russians moved in
    Now I'm too scared, I'm too scared to even walk on past
    She used to say all those good people down on Jubilee Street
    They ought to practice what they preach
    Yea they ought to practice just what they preach
    Those good people on Jubilee Street

    And here I come up the hill, I'm pushing my wheel of love
    I got love in my tummy and a tiny little pain
    And a ten-ton catastrophe on a sixty-pound chain
    And I'm pushing my wheel of love up on Jubilee Street
    Ah look at me now

    The problem was she had a little black book
    And my name was written on every page
    Well, a girl's got to make ends meet
    Even down on Jubilee Street
    I was out of place and time
    And over the hill and out of my mind
    On Jubilee Street
    I ought to practice what I preach
    These days I go downtown in my tie and tails
    I got a foetus on a leash

    I am alone now
    I am beyond recriminations
    Curtains are shut
    The furniture has gone
    I am transforming
    I am vibrating
    I'm glowing
    I'm flying
    Look at me now
    I'm flying
    Look at me now

    Юбилейная улица (перевод Вивьен Фрост)
    На Юбилейной улице жила девушка по имени Би.
    У неё была история, но не было прошлого.
    Когда её уволили, её заменили русские, (1)
    А сейчас мне даже страшно про всё это вспоминать.

    Однажды она сказала:
    "Все хорошие люди "разлагаются" на Юбилейной улице. (2)
    Им следовало бы следить, чтобы их поступки совпадали со словами.
    Здесь они вынуждены жить согласно своим взглядам,
    Эти хорошие люди с Юбилейной улицы.
    А вот я взбираюсь на холм,
    Толкая колесо своей любви.
    У меня в животике любовь и небольшая боль,
    И десятитонная катастрофа на 60-фунтовой цепи.
    Я направляю своё колесо любви на Юбилейную улицу,
    А теперь смотрю на них."

    Но проблема была в том, что у неё имелась маленькая черная книга;
    И моё имя было написано там на каждой странице.
    Как же, девочке ведь надо было как-то сводить концы с концами,
    Даже на Юбилейной улице.
    Я был некстати, так как припозднился.
    Моё время ушло, (3) и я сходил с ума.
    На Юбилейной улице
    Мне следовало жить согласно своим взглядам.
    Но сейчас я хожу в центр города во фраке и галстуке,
    А на поводке у меня - плод. (4)

    Сейчас я один, с меня сняли обвинения.
    Шторы задёрнуты, мебель вывезена.
    Я преобразовываюсь, я трепещу, я свечусь;
    Я лечу, посмотри;
    Я лечу - взгляни же на меня!
    On Jubilee Street there was a girl named Bee
    She had a history, but she had no past
    When they shut her down, the Russians moved in
    Now I'm too scared, I'm too scared to even walk on past
    She used to say all those good people down on Jubilee Street
    They ought to practice what they preach
    Yea they ought to practice just what they preach
    Those good people on Jubilee Street

    And here I come up the hill, I'm pushing my wheel of love
    I got love in my tummy and a tiny little pain
    And a ten-ton catastrophe on a sixty-pound chain
    And I'm pushing my wheel of love up on Jubilee Street
    Ah look at me now

    The problem was she had a little black book
    And my name was written on every page
    Well, a girl's got to make ends meet
    Even down on Jubilee Street
    I was out of place and time
    And over the hill and out of my mind
    On Jubilee Street
    I ought to practice what I preach
    These days I go downtown in my tie and tails
    I got a foetus on a leash

    I am alone now
    I am beyond recriminations
    Curtains are shut
    The furniture has gone
    I am transforming
    I am vibrating
    I'm glowing
    I'm flying
    Look at me now
    I'm flying
    Look at me now

    Jubilee Street (translated Vivienne Frost )
    At the Jubilee street lived a girl named Bee.
    She had a history, but it was not the last .
    When she was fired , it was replaced by Russian (1)
    And now I'm even scared about all of this recall .

    She once said :
    & quot; All good people & quot; decompose & quot; on Jubilee Street . (2 )
    They should ensure that their actions coincide with the words .
    Here they are forced to live according to their views,
    These are good people with Jubilee Street .
    But I have to climb the hill ,
    Pushing the wheel of his love.
    I love tummy and slight pain ,
    And desyatitonnaya disaster on 60 -pound chain.
    I direct your love on the wheel Jubilee street
    And now look at them . & Quot;

    But the problem was that she had a small black book ;
    And my name was written there on every page.
    Why, because the girl had somehow make ends meet ,
    Even on Jubilee Street .
    I was unfortunate, as was late .
    My time is gone, (3) and I was going crazy .
    At the Jubilee Street
    I should live according to their views.
    But now I go into the city center in a frock coat and tie,
    And on a leash at me - the fruit . (4 )

    Now I'm alone , I was acquitted of charges .
    Zadёrnuty curtains , furniture export.
    I translate, I tremble , I candles ;
    I'm going , look ;
    I fly - look the same on me!


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